Visiting Our American Home

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The start of our trip marked the end of having our nephew, Micah’s, visit with us in Mexico. We had a great time showing him around Rosarito & places nearby. Kristy & the kids hopped in the truck, headed to the midwest, and stopped at the Grand Canyon on the way. (It was Micah’s 1st time there.)


Due to some car trouble along the way, we barely made it to Wisconsin just in time to see our friend, Kelsey, get married!

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The kids started school on this trip. William is a Freshman in high school this year, and Brittany is a Senior.


We had several opportunities to visit with family . . .


. . . as well as friends and most of our supporters.

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Brittany received a surprise birthday present – Brian flew up from Mexico! This photo was taken when she first saw him. He was dressed up in a mariachi suit (complete with mustache) and sang a birthday song to her in Spanish.

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We celebrated Brittany’s birthday at a restaurant with lots of her aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents (and Reese’s Peanut Butter pie)!


Ron gave a short update to our church family on a Sunday morning at our sending church, Faith Community Church (FCC), in Wisconsin.


Afterwards, during the Sunday School hour, Ron shared more in detail about our ministry with a small group. He asked both Brittany and William to come up and share a little bit about what they do to contribute to the work in Mexico.


One of our favorite things to do when we visit is to participate in a Saturday Night Worship service at FCC. Ron brought the Word at the service again this year.


Kristy sang vocals with the Saturday Night Worship Band. After Ron’s message, Brittany & Brian played and sang the song “Touch the Sky” (in English).

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We had the privilege of being at FCC for the installation of the new senior pastor, Rusty (and his wife, Karin) Lyon. It was great to also spend some time getting to know them on this visit.

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We ended our trip with a missions conference at FCC. This was a highlight of the weekend for us – a discussion panel with about a dozen other missionaries. We find one of the best ways to communicate a lot of what we do is through question and answer times like these.

Ron met Kristy and the kids in Wisconsin a couple of weeks after they departed, making the total trip seven weeks (5 weeks for Ron). Of course the drive alone takes a good four days, driving a little over eight hours per day. When we returned home, we were definitely ready for a vacation!

These photos only represent a few of the highlights from our trip. We returned home super blessed and encouraged. We visited churches and almost all of our supporters, gave updates, shared the ministry, and still managed to have some time left over for family and friends. We were able to spend some extra time serving at FCC, our sending church. It was so great to spend more time with the church members, some of the Elders, the missions committee,  and especially the staff. We were super excited to begin facilitating a missions trip from FCC for next summer. We look forward to working together again soon in Mexico!

A huge thank you to everyone that made this trip possible! We received some financial gifts to help with our vehicle repairs, we were provided lodging in the homes of many friends and family members, as well as enjoyed several meals and desserts – many of which were homemade, and so much more!

As much as we enjoyed our trip, we do have to say that it is wonderful to be back home. Of course we jumped right back into things! We look forward to updating you soon on our teams and other work that we are doing now. For now we’ll just leave you with one prayer request. Ron will be taking a trip to our newest church plant (Calvary Chapel Culiacán) in Culiacán, Sinaloa (Mexico) at the end of November. The plan is to help them renovate their new building. Ron will mostly be working on remodeling and A/V (getting the stage built, as well as the audio, video and lighting put together). Please pray for a safe and productive trip. He will travel with Jorge, an intern from CCR, Jeff, another missionary, and also our senior pastor, Mike, will be with them for the first few days of their trip.