Equipping the Saints and Sharing the Gospel

Happy New Year!Reflecting on 2018, we wanted to update you on how the year ended and a few of the ministry opportunities that we had to equip the saints and share the Gospel.  

Matthew 9:37 – 38 reads: Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”


Equipping Leaders and Laborers For the Harvest

It is by the grace of God that He chose us to labor for His kingdom and prepare other leaders and laborers. We know that the harvest is plentiful here in Nepal and God has much more for us to do.  

There is a desperate need of laborers who are truly equipped with the truths of the Word of God, unlike those who are merely hired laborers. God has been doing this work through the Calvary Chapel Pastor’s Training Center in Nepal. This is where God has given me the privilege to teach and serve and it very much feels like a family environment.

Two of our brothers / students have grown in the Word and graduated last month in December 2018 with a vision to enlarge His kingdom. I am so proud of these brothers and pray continually for their passion for the ministry as they have now returned to their village to take the Word and the Gospel and plant churches to teach the truth to others.

Gospel Outreach and Medical Camp

Gospel Outreach with Slum Children 

I am blessed to tell you that we were able to share the Gospel among the children in the slum area during several outreaches we held during November and December. These children come from one of the poorest areas and live in the slums, so it has been so great to reach out to them as they may otherwise not know the truth.

We were also able to travel to Dumre (about 5 hours from Kathmandu) to be part of a medical camp. After our time in the village, we visited the leprosy colony last month and two elderly women accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior !

Thank you for your precious prayer support,

Medical Camps

Prakash, Muna and Eutychus Pariyar