Teaching at the Training Center

Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

   June was another jam-packed month of adventures with Jesus!
   Our God is really an awesome GOD!

June was special for me because I was able to visit and attend a training conference at CC training center which is still fairly new. It was good for me to see old friends and make new friends too. My time at CCBC was fun and helped me to be encouraged and equipped. One week under good teaching and much prayer was like fuel for me to come back to my city with fresh vision and strength.


Personally, I am extra happy to share about what Jesus has done this month through our Calvary Chapel fellowship. We were able to distribute Bibles in our native languages to not only each household, but each individual who attends our church. Thank you to each and everyone who makes it possible to resource the new believers here!

   And not only Bibles, but with the Bibles, toothbrushes were given to the children of these families. We emphasized that the Word cleanses our souls, and the toothbrushes are symbolic of daily hygiene — which if we do properly helps us our whole lives long.
   Additionally, this month I had the privilege of conducting a Bible Overview session at a missionary training center
 in my city. I have partnered as a volunteer with this ministry that focuses on a Discipleship Training School for Youth. Twice weekly I attend their morning sessions to lead praise & worship.

My ministry team is small, but God is using us in mighty ways to reach urban youth and college students this season. We are growing in our university campus outreach by implementing a weekly visit to evangelize nearby colleges and establish cell groups (Bible study life groups) amongst the students who are open. Our campus ministry efforts include 8 students open to learning more about Jesus. The priority in our outreach is to share the Gospel and encourage by God’s Word a population of India at risk for suicide. Current statistics show that one student every hour in India is ending his/her life. We don’t want to be a church that sits back and does nothing about the problem. Hell is real and Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost. This is our heart as a ministry team going into universities here, even though there is opposition to our presence. The students have our phone numbers, and we assure them we are always a text message or phone call away.

   Within our small body of believers, we have been so encouraged by a brother named Arthur* who comes from a Catholic background. He came to our fellowship through his friend who has been with us from the beginning of our church plant. In visiting our Calvary Chapel church, Arthur noticed many differences between the church he was raised in and our fellowship; we teach the Word straight out of the Bible simply, we are like a family, and there is so much grace. Arthur tasted the goodness of God’s love and decided to shift his entire household out of Catholicism and come to our fellowship regularly! When this happened, the local priest threatened Arthur and demanded that his family continue to tithe to their parish. The priest was so angry and created many challenges for Arthur’s family including kicking his young son out of the Catholic school and taking extortion money upwards of $150 for releasing his school transcripts. Arthur was faithful to pray, forgive and not go back! He wants his family to know Jesus, not religion. We prayed for them and his son got placed in one of the best schools for FREE, and his wife got a NEW JOB in a military office with enormous discounts and benefits. Arthur is leading his family in daily devotions simply reading the Bible!
   The most amazing thing about enduring trials and facing temptations is the feeling of victory that only Jesus can bring!
   Because of brother Arthur’s struggle, he is a humble and hardworking believer who loves to volunteer for anything our fellowship may need. He is an artist by trade and painted our Calvary Chapel logo for our church!
   Please keep us in your prayers as the Lord continues to do a good work in us and through us here in our country!

Here are my prayer points:

– The believers here have finally expressed an interest in serving the Lord. Pray that they grow in being helping hands and learn about being servants of God.
– My ministry team is myself and one other brother. Currently we do all of the teaching, house visits, evangelism and outreach. We need your prayers for our health, provision and to not become discouraged.
– I need continuous wisdom from God to continue leading His church.
– I need more fellowship with my brothers at CCBC and ongoing accountability and training so I can be steadfast in teaching God’s Word.
– We are searching for a new building in our area where we can expand our fellowship; living in our city is very expensive compared to villages, and we need to trust the Lord for finding a place.
Thank you always!
Pastor 6*
*Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.