I am really overwhelmed in a good way, with all that God has done in the past two months! So much so, it was difficult for me to be able to sit and write with all that has been happening.

At last, time for sharing the joy with you has come!

April was filled with such extraordinary blessings and extravagant displays of God’s love for my people. Our Resurrection Sunday celebration at our church touched many hearts, and it was with this incredible service that I wasn’t at all shy to jump into what the Lord was burdening my heart to do in April.

Our church’s ministry team partnered with a local missions training base to extend a youth-focused Worship School intensive program for one month!

Easter Worship Service

I’m so glad that God has given me a passion and talent to lead worship and teach music theory. Our team of teachers gave vocal, keyboard, and guitar lessons, as well as teaching concerning the practical and spiritual aspects of being a musician for the Lord.

We attracted more than a dozen young people ages 13-23, boys and girls, from our city, nearby villages and one student all the way from out of state! I’m so pleased to say that 3 decisions for Christ were made in the first week of Worship School camp, and by the end of the month, all of the students had encountered the real Jesus as Healer, Savior, Friend, Redeemer, Lover of their souls and so much more! We gazed at the glorious work of God watching these young lives radically transforming. We welcomed into the family of God those who were once addicts, homosexual and immoral, ashamed, afraid, religious and lost! I could not have done this alone and am thankful for the people who have invested in our church by way of prayer and the team who is here on the ground co-laboring for Christ.

We had many, many miracles and would love one day to report them all. The greatest miracle ever is always salvation, I am convinced.

I’m thankful that those from Calvary Chapel Bible College in our country came to visit, encourage and witness the ministry in action here at our church. I was reunited with my pastors and mentors who have been so loving and generous with their teachings to me since I first met them in CCBC. I’m thankful that my mentor and friend came to our youth worship school event and conducted an Inductive Bible Study conference.

By the time the students graduated from the Worship School, new songs were born and the Gospel went forth in those new disciples as they returned home.

In May, we held our church’s 3rd anniversary celebration with an open-air Gospel meeting in our neighborhood! Some of the local missionaries and even graduates from the Worship School attended and helped by testifying, setting up, cleaning, lending their skills to the worship set and praying with those who attended. Almost 120-150 people gathered.

I am committed to my flock at our church to continue with a thankful heart to teach the Word, proclaim Good News, and together grow into mature believers who reach the lost and make more disciples.

I am praying about what the Lord’s fresh vision is for my city. I am always very active as an itinerant worship leader and teacher of the Word. I am able to connect with discernment and honor to other local pastors and encourage them in Bible study.

In June, we will be going a bit remote to participate in an outreach for village children in a rural area of my country. We ask you to pray for this upcoming outreach, that we go in the Spirit of God, putting no confidence in programs or in the flesh, but simply serving and sharing the Gospel to touch young lives.

Please keep our church in prayers:
  • that we will one day have our own building
  • for physical energy & health for pastor & ministry team
  • for unity and love within the congregation
  • that we will grow in God’s Word and obedience
  • for the continued Biblical training and support for pastor 6*
  • that we will continue to be Spirit led

Our church sends love in the name of our Lord Jesus to you all!

God bless you richly!

In His love,
Pastor 6*

*Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.

Youth Camp