New Church, New Library, and Packed-Full Classes!

Greetings to you all in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Our New Church Service

I express my heartfelt thanks to God Almighty for His abundant grace and love shown on my family.

As a family, we have experienced His protection and provision in our lives. Thank you so much for your partnership in the ministry. We have been praying for you all, that God will bless you and your families according to His riches and glory. Praise be to His name!

On the first Sunday in July, God enabled us to start CCSG Church in the town near us! I have been privileged to assist Pastor 15 I am learning so much under his leadership. I am leading the praise and worship, and Pastor 15 is teaching from Genesis (verse by verse). I, too, teach the Word once a month in the church. I am teaching from the epistle of Jude (verse by verse).

Praise God, we have begun a new semester at our Pastors School. We thank God for the donor who sent us books for our Pastors School Library! Now our students have access to borrow the books and read them!

Our New Library

We have finished our new students’ interviews, and we have begun regular classes. We would be able to take more students, but we have a shortage of space in our rented building. Thank God for all of the teachers who are making an extra effort to teach our students. Personally, I am attending most of the classes as well, and I have been blessed by them.

Last month, we had the opportunity to visit some of the families and witnessed for the Lord by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. One man among them is Mr. Renu*.

Prayer Requests:

  • As a family, we are here to serve the Lord; please pray that God will use us as effective instruments in His hand.
  • As we have begun a new academic year at our Pastors School, please pray for sound health and minds of our students, so that they will be able to grasp all the teachings very well.
  • Please pray for Mr. Renu*- that God will strengthen him in God’s Word.
  • Please pray for the growth of our church.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support!

In Him,

Pastor 3*

  • Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.