Pouring Ourselves Out for Jesus Who Gave His All for Us

Hello Dear Prayer Partners and Financial Supporters!

Thank you so much for standing with us through your prayers and support. We appreciate your partnership in the ministry of the Gospel. Through your prayers and support, we are able to reach out to the people of our country with the Gospel.

We are doing well. We have long days of ministry; we get tired as we leave our home at 8 am and come back at 7 pm. On Thursdays, we do not reach home until 10 pm. But the Lord is our strength! He gives us grace to do what He has called us to do. I am enjoying teaching the Gospel of Mark and the book of Hebrews in our Pastors School, and the book of 1 John in Bible Study class on Friday nights, and the book of Genesis in our Sunday Services. I am busy studying to learn from the Lord and to give to His people what He gives me. I am very much blessed by the Lord through His Word.

We have rented a hall in town for our Sunday Service. We began church services in July. I have been teaching from the book of Genesis. I use PowerPoint to display the teaching. This is not done here in any other church. It requires a lot of time to type my teachings in Hindi for Friday Bible Study and for Sunday Service. But I love preparing these notes, because they can be printed in a book form in the future, and the book will be a blessing for many people who speak our language.

New people are attending our Friday Bible Study and our Sunday Services. Those who come for these fellowships go home and invite their friends to come. People are hungry for the Word, but they are not fed in their churches.

The Pastors School students are doing well. We have 26 students this year; 14 are in their second year, and 12 in their first year. Our class room is not big enough. It is so full that we have to stand next to the wall while we are teaching. The Lord has given us some non-believer students also, and He uses us to lead them the Him! Last year, we had two students who were not believers, and they accepted the Lord while going to Pastors School! This year, we also have one student who is not a believer. He had never gone to church and never heard the Gospel. He is a Hindu man. We believe that soon he will surrender his life to the Lord.

Prayer Requests:

  • Please pray for our Friday Bible Study and Sunday Services, that the Lord will continue to add people in these fellowships. Pray for the man in the Pastors School who is a Hindu, that he will accept Jesus in his life.
  • Pray for me, that the Lord will use me to bless His people with His Word.
  • Pray for God’s wisdom and strength to do the ministry.
  • Pray for God’s protection over us.
  • Pray for the needs of the Pastors School.

Thank you so much for partnering with us in His ministry!

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15 Family

Teaching with Skype

Extreme Dedication

Thanks be to God who has been doing wonderful things through us! Thank you, too, for your prayers and partnering with us through your financial gifts!

We are doing well by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord has kept us safe in this extreme hot weather where the temperature has been about 113 degrees. He is our refuge and strength.

   We are excited to see the Lord opening new doors of ministry!  We have begun Bible studies on Friday nights.  We have been studying the first epistle of John.  I have been enjoying teaching the book.  The number of participants in the Bible Study are increasing.  Last Friday, 19 people attended! Praise the Lord for the hunger for the Word that His people have!  I have been using PowerPoint to teach. This is a new experience for me, too.

I had an opportunity to preach and teach the Word in a three-day convention at a village in another state in our country.  This village is a six-hour drive from my home town. It is a small village in a remote place, but more than fifty percent of the people are believers in the Lord Jesus.  The ministry there began with one family.  The young man of the family is the pastor of the church. The people in this region are not well civilized.  Only two or three families in the village have a television. We stayed in a room that had no fan and no air conditioner, and it was about 115 degrees Fahrenheit.  At night, we slept in the open, under the blue sky. But I had a very blessed time. In the mornings, we had Bible study, and in the evenings, we had church meetings. There were about 200 people in the evening meetings. The evening meetings were attended by the believers from other villages in the area, too.  These believers walked more than 6 miles to get to the meetings, and then walked more than 6 miles home again, at 11PM. They walked through the jungle, where there are wild animals such as leopards and bears. I was so blessed to see the hunger and thirst in these believers for the Word. In many places, Christians have bicycles, motorcycles or cars, but still don’t come for Christian meetings.

We are also busy in translating some Bible study materials for the Pastors School students.  We have completed a translation of a commentary on Philippians, and we are now translating the Old Testament Survey and the New Testament Survey. This semester, we will have more students, so we are making more beds and other arrangements for them.

   We are planning and seeking God’s guidance in beginning a Sunday Service in the town that we live in. In order to start a Sunday Service here, we would need a hall/building to hold the meetings in. Please pray for this matter. 

   Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support. We are excited about the things God is doing!
Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15 Family

Rejoicing in God’s Blessing

   Thank you so much for your prayers! Praise the Lord! He has opened the door for me to visit Israel! I am going to Israel on March 28 for two weeks. I am so thankful to SGWM for sponsoring me on this trip. I am so blessed to be able to go! I will be joining a group from the United States in Israel. I have always desired to visit Israel at least once in my lifetime. Praise God! He fulfills the desires of our heart.  I am so excited to see the places where our Lord walked and taught the crowds. I believe that this trip will be a blessing to me and helpful in my teaching of the Word. Please pray for my trip.

A Student Preaching

   The Lord has been faithful in using us for His glory here. We are at the end of the second semester. The students were mostly new believers this semester. Some of them accepted the Lord here in the Pastors School! Praise the Lord! They have grown in their love and knowledge of the Lord and His Word. We take the students to Christian families for cottage meetings, and they have the opportunity to share the Word there. The Christian families are blessed by the Word shared by these students. People are astonished at the way the students expound on the Word. The students are also given the opportunity to share the Word in Sunday Services in some churches.

We rejoice in the Lord for using these students in such a powerful way. We are so thankful to you for your continued prayers for them. Please continue to pray for them, that they will bring many souls into the kingdom of God. Pray that the Lord will use them in a mighty way during their semester break, while they go home.  Some of their parents are not believers; they are still Hindus. Please pray that these students will be blessings for winning their families.   Please pray for our financial needs.  Our monthly support has been decreasing.  

  Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support.  God bless!

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15 Family

God Blessed Our Christmas Outreach!

 Happy New Year to you!!!!!!

We pray that the Lord would lead you, keep you, and be everything for you this year.

300 People Came to the Christmas Program!

Thank you for praying for our Christmas outreach program. The weather was very bad for three or four days and it rained for the whole day two days before our program–but we had perfect weather on the 20th! (We had our Christmas program that day.) It was a very cold night–but about three hundred people came to see the program!

The Lord blessed us and used us to share the Gospel through drama, songs and a message. The head of the village, who is anti-Christian, accepted the invitation and attended the program! We gave him a copy of the NT and a small gift. We also prepared Christmas dinner for 125 people. We had a wonderful time sitting around the fire and having dinner and sharing. Everyone was blessed. Since the Hindus became anti-Christian in this state, this was the first time that such a Christmas outreach program was organized in the open in this village.

Thank you for helping finance the program and supplies!

We want to thank you and SGWM for taking care of the financial needs for the Christmas outreach.

Please pray for the people who have heard the Gospel and for the village head leader and ex-village head leader (she has also been given a copy of the NT and a gift)–that they would put their faith in Christ.

        Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support!

God bless,

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15 Family