By Hugo Limon, Senior Pastor at Calvary Culiacan Norte
We thank God so much for your life, because you have been a great blessing to Mexico partnering with us in His work. Working together has been great and we clearly see the hand of God in it. Thank you for your support in prayer and finances. Without a doubt, the Lord will reward you for everything He has done here in Mexico!
We want to share with you great news that will lead us to advance in God’s plan to fulfill the great commission in Mexico and in the world!

As you know, God has called us to plant churches with the goal of making disciples in all nations. We have been doing this for 8 years in Culiacan, Mexico. The initial vision was to plant 4 churches in the North, South, East, and West of the city. This vision has already been fulfilled much further as God has led us to plant 10 churches which are growing and prospering. The big question is, “what’s next?”. The vision has grown to plant churches in Mexico and the world, and the decision we have just made will take us there!
For almost 3 years, we have been praying and asking for advice about the possibility of taking the leadership of a church in Mexico that God has used in a great way. After applying proverbs 11:14 (in the multitude of counselors there is safety) and praying seeking the face of God, we want to confirm that we are taking this great step of faith that will undoubtedly be a great challenge and at the same time a great opportunity to advance in God’s plan.
The church we will be leading is Horizonte Ensenada. For many years, I have developed a deep friendship with Pastor Juan Domingo; we have prayed together for this beloved church in Mexico. The proposal is to be the senior pastor of the Horizonte Ensenada church, to lead the church in the Word of God, in the Calvary Chapel vision, and in planting churches. In addition, I will take the leadership of the bible institute along with the great team of directors and staff that we have.

Another important point is that I will not leave the leadership of the churches in Culiacan. We will move to live in Ensenada, but I will continue to travel once a month to Culiacan to host our monthly meeting with the pastors and church planters and to teach at the Sunday services. I will continue to foster churches and we will continue to plant more through our Church Planting School. All the church plants, including Calvary Culiacan Norte (the church I have been directly pastoring), are ready for this step. Each church has its team of pastors trained and ready to move forward in the vision.
We know the challenge that this represents, but we clearly see the hand of God in it. Pastor Juan and his wife Tania have been very loving and attentive, trusting that God will work through my wife and me.
I was in Horizonte a few days ago. I taught at the two Sunday services and I met the great group of faithful servants who gave me a wonderful welcome and are very willing and expectant for what is to come. I thank God very much for Pastor Juan Domingo and all the staff of Horizonte. I understand that this is a step of faith for them. It encourages me a lot to see the great potential that exists in this beloved church that has the desire to serve God with all its heart. I am also very grateful for the team of pastors and church planters in Culiacan. They are undoubtedly servants of God who are committed to His work. It has been great to see them grow and advance in God’s plan.

The plan is the following: On November 1st, in the meeting with all the staff of Horizonte, I will be taking the leadership of the church, but it will not be until the first Sunday of January that it will be made official to the entire church. It will be done this way to carry out a smooth transition and that the church does not feel the change very strongly. I will be moving to Ensenada from this day on and will be traveling to Culiacan frequently. My wife and children will remain in Culiacan until mid-December so Joy can finish her ballet school and then they will move to Ensenada.
Please help us to pray fervently about this:
• For the churches and pastors of Culiacan, especially Calvary Culiacan Norte. For this change and for them to continue working, fulfilling the great commission and planting churches
• For the Calvary Horizonte Ensenada church and all the staff, for this transition, for them to adapt to change and for a genuine revival that shows hunger for His Spirit and His word
• For Pastor Juan and his wife Tania, may God give them times of refreshing and strengthen their health
• For our family, especially for Brenda and our children Joy and Judá, may they adapt to the change and God give them new friends, it has not been easy for them, especially for Joy, but she is willing to do it for God.
• For a house to live in Ensenada, house rents are very high, but we know that God will provide
• For our finances needed for this change
Thank you very much! If you have any questions you can call me or send me a message.
Blessings from Mexico,
Pastor Hugo, Brenda, Joy, and Judá Limón