The Kanyike Update

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.
Galatians 6:9-10

Dear Friends and Family,

Christ Is Risen!  He is Risen Indeed!

Soon we will be celebrating the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  I pray that you are blessed, that your faith is strengthened and your hope refreshed as you reflect on what Jesus has done for us and the future He has prepared for us.  I look forward to sharing next month all that He has done through out this season as we have many things planned to let people know of Christ’s love for them.

This past month has been a very busy and fun time of visitors.  During the severe covid times we had absolutely no visitors.  This made for a very lonely guesthouse.  As things began to open up we were thankful when visitors started to return.  This past month we had our first big team come through.  They came through to help some fellow missionaries build a house about 3 hours from where we live.  We knew most of the team from their previous mission trips to Uganda and Sudan.  They were able to spend a couple of days on either side of their construction mission to do ministry with us at Arise Christian fellowship.  The team was from Old Paths Chapel in New York.  They commented how whenever they pull up to the gates of the guesthouse they feel like they are coming home.  For us whenever they come it is like having family come to visit. 

It is amazing how the family of Christ fits together no matter where you’re from or how long you’ve known each other, you are family.  While they were visiting, Pastor Harley was able to teach at the church.  He taught on the Women at the Well and how Jesus finds us and meets us where we are.  We can bring anything to Him because He already knows and wants to help or forgive.  We also had a BBQ and a time of prayer and worship at our house after church for the team and other visitors we had staying with us, along with some of the ministry team.  It was very beautiful.  We were many nationalities present and again it was like a big family sharing and fellowshipping together.  

While Pastor Harley was teaching many of the other team members went to help out with our newly reopened Sunday School.  Since March 2020 there has been no Sunday school.  The president did not let churches reopen Sunday school till recently when all the students were allowed to go back to school.  Before covid we often had more than 100 children present for Sunday school.  As we reopen, pray for God to call and raise up more teachers.  We were very thankful to have the team there to help out for the reopening.  The team saw there was a need for the older children who were new to the church to have their own Bibles.  We were blessed that they took a collection amongst themselves and bought them Bibles along with some extra Bibles for the children who are yet to come.  Weekly we are seeing more and more children flood in.  Most of the children come from a nearby slums.  We try to provide them with a snack during Sunday school and a bigger bite and drink afterwards before they go home.  We are thankful for a generous provider from my home church who helps with this ministry.

Another event that took place this past month was the Board Lords Chess tournament.  Luke and Laylee have been taking chess lessons for quite awhile.  Liana had just began 2 weeks before the tournament.  The host of the tournament was a Christian and the day was very evangelistic.  Since Brian is a pastor, they had Brian share and pray during the award ceremony.  Both Brian and I had the privilege to be part of the award ceremony, presenting the winners with their awards.  If you have ever seen the movie Queen of Katwe, the kids’ teacher, Christine, is in the movie and helped the real life Phiona.  The chess program the kids belong to is called Dove Chess Academy.  It provides lessons at schools, for homeschoolers and they reach out to children in the slums or from troubled homes, just like in the movie.  We are blessed that our kids are able to be part of it.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.

In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana

Prayer Requests

  • We thank the Lord for everyone who comes through the FRM guesthouse to minister in Uganda and Sudan.
  • We are thankful for the many partners who make the ministry here possible
  • Please pray for the lives that were touched through the New York team and for the team members as they return to the States.
  • Pray for the Sunday School at Arise Christian Fellowship. Pray for teachers and for all the children who come.
  • Pray for The Dove Chess Academy. Pray for the ministry they have to children all over Uganda from various backgrounds and faiths. Pray for them to be a witness of Christ.
  • Pray for all the activities, outreaches and services we have planned for the Passion Week.
  • Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.
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The Kanyike Update

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,
give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Dear Friends and Family,

This year, so far it seems that there has been a continuing theme of prayer.  According to 1 Thessalonians 5 we are to “pray without ceasing”, so this theme should not be surprising.  Last month, I shared how we had started the year, after our bout of covid, with an afterglow and prayer service at church.  That service inspired the wife of our media director, Esther,  to take time to pray a step further.  While prayer is a part of every service and ministry we have at Arise Christian Fellowship, Esther thought we needed a day set apart specifically for prayer and fasting.  We have now started, on the first Saturday of the month, to have a day of prayer and fasting at the church.  Whoever is able gathers at the church at 2pm, following the worship teams’ practice.  The worship team members who are able to stay,  open the prayer time with some worship while individuals have a time of personal prayer, reflection and repentance.  After that there are organized times of prayer where the people pray for specific things such as the church, the country, world events, etc.  There is also time for the people to break into smaller groups and pray for one another for whatever prayer requests they might have. 

1 Thessalonians also says to “rejoice always” and to “give thanks in all circumstances”. Throughout the time of prayer there is also times of rejoicing and of people giving thanks. The times of thankfulness I believe are so encouraging for everyone who is there. First of all it points to the One who is able to answer our prayers as well as secondly, building faith in those who are petitioning the Lord for something specific. This time of prayer is helping people to learn to draw near to God and rely on Him. It has also been a good opportunity for the church to better get to know one another and to help each other through prayer. After the time of prayer is over, around 6pm, we break the fast together. This ends the day with food and fellowship. I believe those who come leave both spiritually and physically satisfied.As we launched the monthly day of prayer and fasting, it became evident that many people in the church have amazing testimonies to share. Testimonies are our own personal experiences with God. They can often reach and encourage people in a way that they couldn’t be reached before. This month we opened up time during the Sunday service for those who had a testimony they wanted to share so they could share it with the church. The first Sunday, our missionary to South Sudan, Ivan, and his wife were there. Last year, Ivan got married during the time of the strict Covid operating procedures. Only 20 people were allowed at the wedding. Now that the COVID restrictions are relaxed, Ivan wanted to come and share his testimony with the whole church of how he and his wife met and married. His testimony was very encouraging as many people in the church want to be married but feel like it will never happen or that they are getting old. Ivan is in his 40’s and shared how while there were ups and downs in is life as a single man it was as he focused on the Lord and served Him whole heartedly that he met his wife, who was also serving the Lord. This was exactly what many of the single people needed to hear.

Another testimony that was shared this month was that of Bright. Over the last 2 years he has gone through much. First he was in a terrible accident where he was hit by a car while riding a small motorbike. He almost died. After he recovered from the accident he was attacked and beaten almost to death. This was during a time when people were desperate for food and money after so many lockdowns. This beating landed him in the hospital for quite a long time. There was even a point where we were not sure if he’d be able to walk. Bright shared that during these near death incidents the Lord truly made His presence known and it also convicted him of his lifestyle. He loved the Lord and was coming to church but his “wife” was not really his wife. After he was well they shared the truth of their relationship and have taken the steps to make their marriage legal. This was also a needed testimony as many people in Uganda are “married”, meaning that it is in word only not legally. This has a lot to do with not being able to afford dowry or thinking that they need an extravagant wedding. We have taught and encouraged against these false marriages but Bright’s testimony was from personal experience and I pray will be received by those who need to hear it.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the people in Uganda.

In Him,

                          Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana

Prayer Requests

  • We thank the Lord for how He is working amongst Arise Christian Fellowship .
  • Please pray that many people would come to our day of prayer and fasting. Pray that they would experience God answering and moving in their lives
  • Pray for all the people who have had Covid that they would be completely healed from the lingering symptoms.
  • Pray for Ivan and his wife as they continue to serve the Lord together and grow in their marriage.
  • Pray for Bright and his wife as they truly walk together in marriage now.
  • Pray for everyone who has heard the testimonies of Ivan and Bright that their faith will be strengthened.
  • Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.
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The Kanyike Update

 “… And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Romans 12:12

Dear Friends and Family,

Happy New Year!!

This year the holidays began to feel a bit more like normal.  Last year, I remember Christmas was the children and I’s first Sunday back to church after the lengthy lockdown and the government forbidding children under 14 in church.  Even then we still had to meet outside, which was actually pretty nice.  This year we started the holidays in church and had fun decorating, preparing the Christmas performances and making the sanctuary festive.

The first of our holiday events was a women’s conference.  This was the first conference we have had since Covid first arrived.  It was so exciting.  We invited the ladies from the church, the ladies from my women’s Bible Study, and even some ladies from South Sudan signed up to come.  The theme of the conference was Thanksgiving.  We had 4 Sessions.  The first was Give Thanks, the second was Thankfulness in All Things, the third was Thankfulness is a Sacrifice, and the last was Thankfulness for Christ and the Body of Christ.  It was really a special time of fellowship.  Vicky Bentley taught along with myself and our worship leader, Evelyn. We had planned on 40 ladies and almost 60 came.  I saw ladies that I had not seen since before the pandemic. 

In the middle of the day we had break for tea and snacks.  This tea time lasted twice as long as what we had planned because the fellowship and catching up with one another was flowing so beautifully. I heard many stories of how the ladies had been affected by covid.  Some had had covid and recovered others were mourning the loss of loved ones.  All seemed to have had some financial strain due to the lockdowns.  After the conference one young lady who had been living in sin came to me in tears saying how the message on Thankfulness is a Sacrifice was so convicting and she did not want to continue in her sin.   I was able to counsel her and pray with her.  We ended the conference with worship and communion, focusing on all the Lord has done for us and how no matter what is happening or has happened we always have a reason to give thanks.

On Christmas Day we had a Christmas service at the Church. We sang Christmas carols and had a few special performances. Luke played the piano for a couple of carols. We are so proud of him and his commitment to practice and play for the Lord. Brian gave a Christmas message titled, The Meaning of Christmas. When I was growing up I thought everyone knew Christmas was celebrating the birth of Christ. As a missionary of many years now, I know that this is not the case. For many people in Sudan and Uganda hearing the meaning of Christmas is a surprise to them. Christmas is more associated with a time to eat nice food and get new clothes for the upcoming year. As a family we read through the book of Luke, one chapter everyday till Christmas so that by Christmas morning the children hopefully could understand the significance of why Jesus had to be born. I pray for the church members and all of those who came to church “just because that’s what you are supposed to do on Christmas”, that after Brian’s message they understand what the true meaning of Christmas is. After church we had fellowship and my kids had stocking filled with treats to hand out to everyone.

Every Christmas we try to reach out and help the most vulnerable in our communities.  This year we were able to deliver chickens and other necessities to 10 families in need.  As well as focusing on our community FRM was able to deliver a shipment of much needed medical supplies to the Nuba Mountains in South Sudan .  We are thankful also for the pilots from Mission Aviation Fellowship who delivered them for us. The medicines were received just before Christmas and were a very welcomed Christmas gift by the chaplains and the people they minister to there.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.

In Him,                                                   

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • We rejoice and thank the Lord for the ability to meet together to celebrate the birth of or Savior. 
  • We also give thanks that there have been no more terror attacks in Uganda.
  • Pray for Arise Christian Fellowship as we meet and fellowship together.  Pray for all the people who have heard the messages on Thankfulness and the meaning of Christmas to take it to heart.
  • Pray for the many needs within the community, physical and spiritual.
  • Pray for Jill and the Kanyike children as the new school year is about to begin.
  • Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.
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The Kanyike Year in Review 2021

Dear Friends and Family,


We would like to thank all of you for blessing us through your prayer and support of our family and for the ministry in Uganda.  This year we have had many blessings like weddings, births and outreach despite the ongoing covid pandemic. As a  church we have mad e the most of the times we can meet together to pray, worship and fill ourselves with the teaching of God’s Word. The church has grown both in number and maturity. We look forward to this coming year to see what God has in store. You are in our thoughts and prayers as we enter this new year. God Bless You this holiday season as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus!

In Him, 

              Brian, Jill,  Luke, Laylee, and Liana

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The Kanyike Update

“… in everything give thanks; for this is
the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. ”
—1 Thessalonians 5:18

Dear Friends and Family,

Happy Thanksgiving!!

The last couple of years have been difficult for many of us. Whether it has been personal suffering or the trials that have come from the Covid epidemic, we have all been affected in some way.  One of the wonderful blessings of being a Christian is that no matter what we are going through is that we have hope.  That hope enables us to give thanks always no matter what we are going through.

Last month I shared our thankfulness that churches in Uganda are once again allowed to be open.  This month our thankful hearts are overflowing as the church has been brimming over with people seeking fellowship.  To better serve all those coming on Sunday mornings we were blessed with the provision to make some improvements to the church.  We added a small stage with extra lighting so the worship team and pastor could be better seen in the sanctuary, the overflow room and the live video broadcast.  We had added an overflow room after the first lock down but after we opened up this second time we quickly realized that even that was no longer enough space.  This past month we were able to turn the entry way into the Sunday school rooms into a second overflow room.  We are really praying that all those who have been coming will continue to do so and that they will grow in their relationship with the Lord and truly become part of the Arise ministry team.

Another thankful moment was when Rob Wargi, a missionary from South Sudan was down in Kampala and was able to share with the church.  We can not even remember, since the time of covid began when we were able to have a guest speaker.  That step towards normalcy, as well as his message, was a real encouragement to the church and to myself .  It was a full house and a storm came so Rob redeemed the time with a lengthy message and the worship team with much worship. The congregation responded happily and laughed and commented throughout to show their appreciation and their thankfulness.

It has not only been the people from our church that are excited for church to be back.  Many of the churches we help out are experiencing the same overflowing services that we have been. On Wednesdays Brian has been meeting  with a couple of local pastors who while being pastors have a desire for further discipleship.  In many cases in Uganda you will find pastors who have never gone to Bible College or had any type of biblical training besides what they have learned on their own. One of the pastors that Brian has been discipling, Nelson, had been meeting in a small store front.  During the lockdown they began meeting in a larger unfinished structure.  They were using a tarp for the roof.  Now that the rainy season has come we were blessed to be able to help them to acquire sheet metal to cover the roof and keep the growing congregation dry.

As I have been saying, we have so much to be thankful for.  We are very thankful for the many of you who pray for us and support the ministry.  I now as a very serious prayer request.  Recently we have had 2 terror attacks, 1 thwarted terror attack and as I write this one that is under investigation.  ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attacks saying that Uganda is a crusader state, persecuting Muslims.  The fact is Uganda has many Muslims but they support countries and host refugees from Muslim countries (including Afghanistan) that persecute their own people.  The attacks have all been around the outskirts of the city, targeting predominantly Ugandan restaurants and buses.  Please pray for the safety of the Ugandan people and for us as we minister to them.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.

In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • We rejoice and thank the Lord for answered prayers and for those he continues to answer.
  • Pray for Arise Christian Fellowship as we meet and fellowship together. Pray for all the changes and updates taking place to accommodate the growing church. Pray for the newcomers to feel at home and to begin to grow and for the regulars to go deeper and really make the most of being able to worship together.
  • Pray for Nelson and the other pastors who are ministering to people who have been longing for fellowship and seeking the Lord during lockdown.
  • Pray for safety and an end to the terror attacks taking place in Uganda. Pray for those who have lost someone and for those who have been injured.
  • Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.

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The Kanyike Update

I press on toward the goal for the prize
of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”
—Philippians 3:14

Dear Friends and Family,

This past month has been a bit of the same old, same old as we continue in partial lockdown. I can’t believe we are still battling through Covid and as of now there seems to be no end in sight. As we went through the month other things began to pop up on the news, Afghanistan, Fires, Hurricanes, and the 20th anniversary of the terror attacks on 9/11. All of these have had us spending much time in prayer and look upwards with hope to Jesus’s soon return.

Every year as we approach the anniversary of 9/11 people ask, “Do you remember? Where were you?” For me I remember very clearly where I was and what I was doing. I was in the Sudanese Refugee Camp. Most of my team members were away but I had visitors from Kampala, Ken and Gigi Ames. Ken and Gigi were the fist people I met in Uganda after my team members. We stayed with them while we were setting up our ministry in the refugee camp and they were like family. They had come to visit but had left their 4 boys at home in Kampala.

Every year … people ask, “Do you remember? Where were you?”

We were sitting and vising on the porch when Gigi’s cell phone rang. One thing I must say here is that was an almost unheard of occurrence in the refuge camp in Uganda in 2001. It was Gigi’s younger son and although the connection was bad she thought he said something about America under attack. The connection dropped and she kinda laughed and said it was probably just his way of getting her attention to ask if they could go for ice cream or something. While we were still laughing and talking about how unusual it was for the phone to have rung it rang again. This time it was their oldest son and he said America was really under attack and they were watching it on the news. We had no power in the refugee camp let alone a tv. I remembered one of my team members, who wasn’t there at the time, had recently bought a satellite radio that could pick up BBC. I went into their house and found it and right when we were able to get tuned in we heard as they described the 2nd of the towers collapsing. We were in shock. Needless to say Ken and Gigi immediately left to get home to their sons. I was left wondering what would happen, would I be able to go home to the USA anytime soon or were they going to go to war? I also had a guilty feeling of being in the middle of nowhere in a country not really on the World’s radar at the time and pretty much everyone I loved and cared for were in the States facing uncertain dangers. Little did I know that with in a little over a months time I would be right in the center of my own “terrorist attack” but that’s a story for another time.

As we remembered 9/11, we also were glued to the news watching the events unfold in Afghanistan.  There are many missionaries both foreign and national that we know of there.  While we know that some of them were able to get out we do not know about others.  We have been praying continually for them.  We trust the Lord to be with His children wherever they are.  One person we know who has been taking the happenings of Afghanistan personally is our security guard Jacob.  A couple of years ago Jacob had asked to be allowed to leave his position so he could go serve in Afghanistan. He only returned to Uganda in January. We were blessed to welcome him back as a guard and pleased with the knowledge and experience he had gained while serving there.  During this time he is both relieved to have left before the Taliban took over yet feels for the nationals and others he served with who are still there.  Uganda has opened it s doors to Afghan refugees who need a place to go or to transit through.  They have prepared for 2000 but as far as I know we have only received about 52 families.  At this time they are keeping them quarantined and are not allowing the public to interact with them.  We do pray that at some point they would hear the gospel and have a chance to really experience the Love of Christ from the many believers here in Uganda.

Uganda has been facing so many crises. The covid delta variant is prevalent, while we also have a polio outbreak in Kampala. We have a couple children from church hospitalized  with severe sickness.  We have not had a proper dry season in almost 3 years so the flooding occurring now that we are entering the heavy raining season is out of control.  Because of lockdown and other circumstances crime is rising and we heard of an American who doesn’t live too far from us being robbed violently at home.  One of our church members who works in the market, Blessing, was attacked and badly beaten.  We have had him admitted to the hospital to have his wounds treated properly. 

This has not been an easy month, even during this past month Luke ended up in hospital for a day with what turned out to be parasites.  Our whole family had to take the treatment.  We take comfort and find hope knowing that God is in control and is working things together for His purposes. We covet your prayers and are so thankful for you praying for our family and the people in Uganda.

In Him,

              Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • Thank the Lord for the answered prayers and for those we know He will still answer. Help us to use our time wisely.
  • Pray for the Country of Uganda as they are suffering from multiple crises.
  • Pray for safety in Uganda as theft and criminal activity has increased since the lockdown.
  • Pray for the refugees arriving in Uganda from Afghanistan to find comfort and hope. Pray for those Christian in Afghanistan to remain strong.
  • Pray the children from Arise Christian Fellowship who are very ill. Pray for the young man who is also in hospital recovering from being beaten.
  • Pray for Brian as he prepares video messages for the church. Pray for Brian and Arise Christian Fellowship as they also try to meet urgent physical needs of the community.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.
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The Kanyike Update

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Romans 8:28

Dear Friends and Family,

This past month has been reminiscent of last year when Uganda first went into lockdown because of Covid.  It is crazy to think so much time has past and yet we are still battling the same thing.  6 weeks in lockdown seemed like a very long time but last year we actually were in lockdown for 4 months before we had the freedom we have now following an easing of this past lockdown.  For the next 60 days we have what is called a partial lockdown.  People can drive again but only 3 people per vehicle, which makes it hard for families to go anywhere together, businesses can work at 20% but still only essential markets are allowed open.  Churches and any type of religious gathering are closed for these 60 more days.  Schools are closed until the government can acquire the Pfizer vaccine and vaccinate the 12—18 year olds.   Weddings and funerals can have 20 people present.  The government put out strict steps to follow as they ease the lock down but the picture here is a picture taken the day after the president spoke.  It was as if all of Kampala came out at once.

As a church we have been trying our best to minister to those who have been most affected by the lockdown and the inability to go to work.  Our church has many people who live day to day.  We have a few widows and very many children from the slums.  This lockdown, while there were many police checks and soldiers around, was not as strict as the last when it came to getting help to the needy and the movement that was needed to do so. We are very thankful to have had support to help provide these less fortunate ones with the basic necessities.  We were also blessed by our church members who were quick to help one another and to bring to our attention those who were the most in need.  It shows much spiritual growth to see them focusing not only on their own needs but also the needs of others.

Arise Christian Fellowship helps quite a few church plants and outreaches around Uganda.  We have a heart for God’s Word to go out to the whole of Uganda, Africa and the World.  During the time of the corona virus and lock down we have tried to reach out to those closest to us since movement was limited.  A lot of ministry has taken place over the phone or the internet.  Churches may be closed but ministry continues and we believe the church is growing.  For some of the pastors that Brian has discipled and the church is assisting, they took this time of lockdown to literally begin building their churches physically.  We have a pastor in western Uganda that we were able to help with materials for him and some of the church members to begin making bricks and burning them.  They have made great progress and we are hopeful that in the next 60 days of church closure they will have even began the building of the church.

Another event that people have made the most of during the lockdown is weddings.  In Uganda weddings are normally very expensive, extravagant events.  Couples often go into debt because their families and friends put so much pressure on them to have a huge gigantic wedding and reception..  With the president mandating that weddings can only have 20 people many people have actually chosen to get married during this time since it makes getting married easier and less expensive.  Arise Christian Fellowship has a missionary, Ivan, we sent to South Sudan a couple of years ago as a worship and youth leader.  Earlier this year he got engaged and brought his fiancé, Maggie, to Kampala to introduce her to the church.  They had planned to get married in June but then it was extended till lockdown was over.  The first weekend of the partial lockdown they were able to get married.  It was very interesting to be at a wedding in Uganda with such few people present.  Only 2 members of our worship team came to provide the music.  The couple only had a handful of family and friends each.  Brian had the privilege of walking the Bride down the aisle and giving her hand to Ivan. Even with the reduced numbers and celebration time because of curfew being at 7pm the couple were very happy and smiley.  We are so happy for them.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.

                           In Him,

                           Brian, Jill, Luke , Laylee, and Liana

Prayer Requests

· Thank the Lord for the answered prayers and for those we know He will still answer. Help us to use our time wisely.

· Pray for the Country of Uganda as they are suffering from a severe second wave of covid. 

· Pray for safety in Uganda as theft and criminal activity has increased since the lockdown.

· Pray for the pastors and Christians who are trying to make the best use of this time to build their churches spiritually and physically.

· Pray for Ivan and Maggie as they begin life and ministry together as a married couple.

· Pray for Brian as he prepares video messages for the church. Pray for Brian and Arise Christian Fellowship as they also try to meet urgent physical needs of the community.

· Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.


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The Kanyike Update

Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12

Dear Friends and Family,

We pray you are all doing well and enjoying this summer. We have heard that many places around the world are now opening back up. We praise God for those answered prayers.

In Uganda it is a different story. Covid variants are ravaging the country and the people. It seems so strange because last year when the rest of the world was really suffering, here in Uganda we had hardly any cases and very little death. Now that we are hearing praise reports from other countries we find ourselves back in a strict lockdown with more cases and death weekly then all of the last wave. All businesses besides food vendors and essential services are closed. No public or private vehicles allowed. To go shopping people must walk or ride a bicycle. You can have groceries delivered but there is a curfew at 5. If someone works in a food market the government has asked them to sleep there. They have provided mosquitoes nets to the vendors since many of the stalls are out doors.

Many of our church members work in the market place. The churches, schools and all public gatherings are banned completely. Police are out in full force on the streets ensuring everyone is obeying. Failure to obey the lockdown rules or to be caught with your mask down can mean 2 months in prison. One of the problems the country is facing is lack of vaccines. They had an initial push for the vaccine but quickly ran out when people who had received the first shot had not yet received the second dose and less then 1,000,000 people were vaccinated. Recently the government procured enough vaccines to finish giving those the 2nd dose. The end of next month is when they are expecting that they can begin to vaccinate again. The president has said he can not relax the covid measures until 5-7 million are vaccinated . While we understand having the SOPs for people’s safety we are hoping this strict lock down will not last that long. During the last lockdown the government tried to assist the very poor with food but this time they are not. They have said they will give the equivalent of $30 to the very needy, only time will tell how this turns out. We have been trying to help the members of Arise Christian Fellowship and those in our community who are in need the best we can.

The last time we were in lockdown and the church was closed Brian would put his written message on line and send in messages for the church to read because many of our church members do not have smart phones or computers.  This lock down he has been doing the same but is also doing a video service for those who can view it.  With the severity of this wave and with so many deaths close to home we felt that being able to see their pastor and hear the message would be comforting. 

For those who can’t view Brian is trying his best to stay in contact through phone calls.  Last year many people in Uganda did not even believe covid was real because most did not know someone personally affected.  This year at least 3 church members have lost a parent and many others a family member.  In the missionary community, we have lost 3 missionaries, one a young lady who had just given birth 2 weeks earlier and leaves behind her husband and a 2 year old as well.  We continue to pray for these families who have lost loved ones and for this pandemic to come to an end.

We often say God’s timing is perfect.  Recently we have seen how true this is.  Right before the lockdown we got to experience two wedding celebrations.  My oldest nephew had invited me to come and be apart of his wedding in Ohio.  I wasn’t sure if I should go because I knew I couldn’t take the kids but since the last five times I went home sickness and death were the main reason everyone agreed I needed to go home for a happy occasion.  Brian and I went for a week and had an amazing time with my family as well as me being able to get an extensive eye exam that I was needing. Besides the wedding we also were able to see my youngest nephew graduate from high school. The timing was perfect.

While we were there is when Uganda really began to get bad.  We made it back just a couple days before the total lockdown.  Literally the day before the president closed the churches our drummer, Timothy and our bass player, Ruth had their wedding with all their friends and family present.  If any of these wonderful events had not taken place at the time they did, either they would not have happened or we could not have been apart of them.  God’s timing is perfect and we will trust and pray for His perfect timing to bring and end to this lockdown and to the covid pandemic.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.                          

                                                                    In Him,

                                                                    Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee and Liana


· Thank the Lord for the answered prayers and for those we know He will still answer. Praise the Lord for His perfect timing.

· Pray for the Country of Uganda as they are suffering from a severe second wave of covid. 

· Pray for safety in Uganda as theft and criminal activity is on the increase due to people not being able to work during the lockdown.

· Pray for the families who have lost ones to find comfort in the Lord during this time of mourning.

· Pray for Brian as he prepares messages and tries to reach as many people and church members as he can.  Pray for Brian and Arise Christian Fellowship as they also try to meet urgent physical needs of the community.

· Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.



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The Kanyike Update–Easter at Arise!

There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12

Dear friends and family:

This time of year always fills me with so much hope. Knowing that my Savior is not dead but Alive!  There is no other religion that can claim and prove that their God is alive . This renewed hope comes with a sense of urgency.  An urgency to tell others that they too can have hope if they put their faith in Jesus Christ. Just as this time of year brings about new birth for plants and animals we are praying for spiritual new birth for the many people hearing the Word of God through all the different ministries and outreaches taking place.

Since the reopening of churches during the pandemic, we as a church have been meeting out in the gardens for all our services.  We have plans to move back inside  soon as Uganda is entering the raining season but it has been a great opportunity of outreach to our neighbors while we have been outside.  Our church building is on the property of a health club and restaurant. As we have been meeting outside in their gardens we have had people come and observe, some sitting distantly away and others who actually come and sit in the service.  The owner of the place has said that he himself has enjoyed the public aspect of the worship and how it seems to be enjoyed by his patrons. 

On Easter morning we were at first  little discouraged because we woke to heavy rainfall.  As the morning continued though the sun began to shine.  Church started about 40 minutes late because in Uganda the rain delays everything.  As we began there was only a handful of people present but soon after people came flooding in.  Many were delayed by the rain, but some I believe were our neighbors who upon hearing the sound of church beginning decided to come out for Easter service.  Brian’s message clearly told the story of the resurrection and presented the gospel to everyone listening.   A few people came for prayer after the service but we are praying that even more took the message to heart and will seek  Jesus as their personal savior.

In Uganda, the day after Easter is a public holiday.  It is called Easter Monday.  Due to Covid, there have not been too many gatherings outside of church.  Weddings, funerals, births, and birthdays have all been celebrated privately with a bare minimum number of people.  This Easter Monday, the sound man from our church, Danson, took the chance to host a celebration for his friends and family to remember all the important events that have taken place despite the pandemic. It was a lot of fun as there was a barbeque, and lots of fellowship.  We saw people we had not seen for over a year. 

Of course everyone was amazed at how big the kids were now.  The kids had so much fun.  Since Danson lives outside the city their was a lot of space to run and play with out worry of traffic or crowds.  They also played football.  We had a cake to celebrate the birthdays that had taken place.  Brian prayed, giving thanks for all the Lord has done for us and how He has continued to keep us through this time.  We all look forward to the day that gatherings like this are once again more common place though we are very thankful for the freedoms we do have: to meet, to share the gospel openly, and to worship with one another.

After Easter services with Arise Christian Fellowship, we also had an Easter event / outreach for the kids in the village kids’ club.  This ministry began during the pandemic due to churches being forbidden from having children under 13 and no Sunday school classes.  While the law has been relaxed a bit we have continued the kids club since many of these children still would not have the opportunity to make it to church on a Sunday morning. Plus it is a great time of discipleship with them in a more informal setting. Together with a ministry called, Nehemiah Ministries, run by Peggy, a member of my women’s Bible study, we were able to show the Jesus film.  Along with the film they played games, ate nice food and colored pictures.  Our desire is that not only will these children grow up knowing Jesus as their personal savior but that their families would know Him as well.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the people of Uganda.

In Him,

Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • Thank the Lord for the Good things He has done! Praise Him for all He still will do!
  • Pray for Arise Christian Fellowship and all the ministries they serve alongside .
  • Pray for many opportunities for outreach and the sharing of the gospel. Pray restrictions continue to lift so more ministry can take place.
  • Pray for the people in the neighborhood around Arise Christian Fellowship that they would hear the gospel and come to salvation.
  • Pray for the Bible club, that the children would understand and follow Jesus. Pray their families would know Jesus as well.
  • Pray for the Kanyike family to remain healthy and safe.
  • Pray for Brian as pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.
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The Kanyike Update

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her — Ephesians 5:25

Dear Friends and Family,

For the first time in what seems quite awhile I feel like I am ending this month and approaching the new month with real expectancy and hope that things are moving forward: away from covid, away from elections and riots and towards something more real and full promise.  Numbers of covid have been going down dramatically here in Uganda and the rest of the world is beginning their vaccines. Ministry outreaches and new studies are taking place and we now have freedom to gather together in large numbers once again.

This month has been a very exciting month for us here, especially at Arise Christian Fellowship.  The restrictions for church meetings have been relaxed quite a lot.  The children and I are now able to attend every service.  There still is no Sunday school allowed but we are just rejoicing to be there full time fellowshipping and worshiping with the body of Christ, our church family.  The church is still meeting outdoors in the gardens as the social distancing mandates are still in effect.  It is a good thing though because every service we have been to has been a full house or more.  With social distancing we would not be able to all fit in the church sanctuary indoors.  This month we had an afterglow with worship, prayer and communion. 

We are so thankful for how the Lord has provided and kept us all safe during these months or should I say year of lockdowns.  Our church can be very charismatic when it comes to worship but this afterglow was more than what I normally experience from the congregation.  It was like the flood gates of worship had been opened and every thankful, loved heart was being poured out as an offering before the Lord. It was quite emotional for me.  I cried tears of happiness to be once again in fellowship, I cried tears of joy to see the heart of worship of the People at Arise, and I wept during communion for the love Jesus showed us on the cross and continues to show us everyday through every circumstance we face.  We had not had real communion since the churches reopened because one of the covid mandates for church was no eating or drinking or open items during church service.  We were able to order these sealed communion cups that had the bread sealed with it.  This meant each person had their own unopened communion and we could pray and take communion together as a body but still fulfilling the no sharing food or drink rules.

Another fun event that took place at Arise Christian Fellowship this month was an Album launch.  The keyboard player for our church, Eddie Mwesiga, is a very talented musician.  He plays many instruments but keyboard and saxophone are his specialties.  Eddie plays all over Uganda for events and weddings.  He also writes many of his own worship songs.  Recently he has launched a follow up album to his last album Suubi.  His newest song is a remake of a Luganda worship song called, Tumutendereza Yesu.  The name means, “we worship /praise you Jesus”.  The church members are very supportive of him and turned up in big numbers to encourage and participate in his launch.  Some of the guys even joined him up front to dance along in worship.  We are looking forward to how the Lord will continue to use Eddie and his gift for music to reach the people of Uganda for Christ.

A very exciting occasion happened this month.  Our missionary to South Sudan, Ivan, got engaged.  We have been praying for him for a very long time.  He had once been engaged and tragically lost her during the 2010 terrorist bombings here in Kampala.  We are praising God that in his timing he brought Acen to Ivan.  Ivan brought her down to Kampala to introduce her to his family and to Arise.  There was much celebrating that day.  Ivan led worship and shared how they met and officially introduced her to his home church family.  Brian prayed for them and the whole church lifted hands and prayed for them.  Their wedding will be sometime towards the end of this year.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the ministry in Uganda.

In Him,

                           Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • Thank the Lord for the Good things He has done! Praise Him for all He still will do!
  • Pray for Arise Christian Fellowship and all the ministries they serve alongside  as they look forward to what the Lord is going to do this year.
  • Pray for many opportunities for outreach and the sharing of the gospel. Pray restrictions continue to lift so more ministry can take place.
  • Pray for Jill and the children as they continue to figure out the rhythm for this  school year .
  • Pray for Eddie and the gift God has given him for music and writing songs. Pray that many will be blessed by him.
  • Pray for the Kanyike family to remain healthy and safe.
  • Pray for Brian as pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.



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