It was a wonderful 2018 as we were blessed to serve the Lord in Playas Tijuana. Over the course of the year we have seen people saved by God’s grace, discipled through obedience to the faith and serving in the local church. What a testimony to the power of the gospel as it alone can take dead men and make them alive!
The month of December was exciting. We were blessed to have Calvary Chapel Heyburn come on a mission’s visit. Their church body blessed us with backpack presents for the church children and others in the community. We are very excited to have them on board as a mission minded church that wants to get their body involved in serving across the border. On December 16th we were able to have our celebration for the birth of our Savior. Our outreach leader put together a great day for the kids, teaching them about John the Baptist and the coming King. After the service we were blessed to have Calvary Chapel Rosarito come up and do a Christmas play for our church and invited our women to their annual Christmas Women’s Dinner as well as the youth Christmas dinner. We are so grateful for their support as well as the many churches that support us personally and the ministry as well.
Please pray for us as we embark on a New Year with vision for the deportee ministry. We have a family in the church who are researching what it would take to open a call center. What we would do is make contacts in the federal prisons with men who will be deported, we will pick them up as they are deported to Tijuana, we will house them, employ them and help them as they make the very difficult transition into Mexico. Please keep this in prayer, it will take many open doors and much patience. We trust this is the Lords heart for men and women who will be deported, as they are often overlooked and rarely cared for. Just the people Jesus would minister to.
Please keep the Brechtel Family in your prayers as we partner with them in planting a church in Oaxaco, Mexico. Thank you for your wonderful support and please keep our family and ministry in prayer.