Hello Friends!
It has been a busy summer for us! On top of holding the fort running the SGWM and CCSG home office and staff in the absence of many of our leaders during the summer School of Missions, the focus for Joel has been teaching and preaching. Since returning from Israel, which was the focus of our last newsletter, Joel’s teaching schedule has consisted of:
- Co-teaching a class in June with Pastor Trent through 1 Timothy
- Young Adults group every Thursday night through the book of Romans
- Teaching the church through 1 Peter every Wednesday night during this July and August
- A monthly Bible study for our church’s husbands and fathers through the book of Proverbs
- Teaching a couple of our internship classes
- Filling in on a Sunday morning for our pastor who became sick on Saturday night
- Teaching a session at our church’s youth camp in July
- Teaching for the young adults group and then three Sunday morning services the following weekend at Calvary Chapel The Rock in Santa Rosa, CA at the end of July

In the midst of this, Joel and Amy got to help with our church’s VBS in July, which was a major success!

This summer has also been filled with lots of missionary care, meeting with missionaries who are in town on furlough, and doing zoom calls with missionaries in need of pastoral care and wisdom.
In all of this, the center is God’s word. Every teaching, every interaction, every missionary care meeting, every counseling session, all of the homeschooling that Amy faithfully plugs away at with the kids, is founded not on our own wisdom, but on God’s word. What a privilege to serve Him in this way!
We also would love to keep you updated on our ministry via our newsletter email updates if you are interested. You can sign up for those by clicking the link below:
You can also become a one-time or ongoing financial partner with us by clicking the button below, or by mailing a check made out to SGWM with “Joel Garcia” in the memo line to 17451 Bastanchury Rd, Ste 203, Yorba Linda, CA, 92886.

Love in Christ,
Joel, Amy, Maggie, Harrison, Jude, and Clara Garcia