Evacuation & Relief

After three weeks of lockdown in S. Asia, we received an email from the US Embassy requesting that we depart due to the Covid-19 pandemic on an evacuation flight. It was an unexpected and sudden turn of events as we had hunkered down and prepared for the long haul knowing that the lockdown could last awhile in S. Asia.  There was so much planned for the remainder of the spring semester, but with the entire world closed, we trusted Proverbs 16:9 which says….“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”

Traveling Through the Twilight Zone

With police visits to our intern’s home, the campus, forbidden to leave our home and Heather’s knee continuing to be an issue…we submitted our names not knowing what would happen.

We thank God that we were all selected (including interns) and we began the craziest few days of international travel we have ever experienced. Given that it is a world-wide crisis, there was only hours of notice and we were not told a flight #, flight departure time or any details about when we would land and to be prepared that there would be no food or drinks available along the way. We quickly packed and took the step of faith, but through it all we had great peace as God opened the way through police check points, evacuation flights, covid testing, empty airports and feeling like we were traveling through the twilight zone. (Keep in mind, up until that point we had no access to TV reports.

After our first taxi driver didn’t show up and delayed us an additional hour, stopped four times by police while driving 1 ½ hours to the airport, one of our interns told they did not have a confirmed seat, long hours waiting in closed airports, we were finally greeted by a flight crew that looked like they were going into an operating room. But we continued to remind ourselves that God made a way, where there seemed like no way!

We know many of you have been laid off, lost business, delayed needed surgeries / treatment, canceled weddings, graduations, funerals, birthdays and experienced financial loss, loneliness, anxiety, had difficulties and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. BUT GOD! God makes a way where there seems NO way…in whatever situation or circumstance we are facing. Our evacuation was just one example of God’s hand of intervention.

Covid Food Relief Brings Hope to the Hungry

With most of the world entering 40+ days of lock down, hunger has set in amongst many nations where we work. Day laborers rely on that day’s wages to provide food for the day.  With no stimulus checks, government assistance, food pantry’s, schools offering drive by lunches or friends who can drop off food, millions are entering a critical time. People are hungry, skipping meals, going to bed without food and starvation is setting in around the world.

We are grateful that SGWM took immediate action and we have been working with each of our national pastors on the ground to creatively coordinate getting help to where it is most needed. Police presence in Nepal, India, Uganda, Pakistan and other countries where police are commissioned to beat people who leave their homes has made it increasingly more difficult to navigate. The challenges are many with banks closed, limited shop hours, public transportation non-existent and the list could go on. We sprang into action and God made it possible to get resources to places in need throughout Asia and Africa in the past two weeks.

Bags of rice, lentil beans, oil, soap and other essentials have been purchased and provided by our amazing team of national pastors and leaders. They have taken great risks to pray for, preach the Gospel, bring food and the love of Christ to many. There are countless miraculous testimonies flooding in from around the globe of…. “our food was finished and we didn’t know how we were going to eat and then you came.” God cares and is always at work! Please continue to pray as several more outreaches and food distributions are planned for the coming week in S.Asia. Pray also for the staff and students who continue to endure the lockdown in S. Asia and that they would be able to return to their homes safely in the days ahead.  

Matthew 6:26-27 says, “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?”

Walk By Faith

Since arriving stateside, we have been under quarantine in So. CA. Thank you for praying for us.  We took a leap of faith to travel internationally during a world-wide pandemic, but we walk by faith not by sight (washing our hands and wearing masks as we traveled along the way). We are thankful to report that we are all healthy. We have continued to minister, teach, disciple, meet with and pray together through online meetings with our brothers and sisters overseas as we shelter in place.  We are grateful for technology that allows us to continue ministry amongst the unreached.

Speaking of walk, Heather has continued limping and is not able to walk much due to knee pain. You may remember back in February, we were involved in a motorcycle accident when a car crossed into our lane. Since the accident, Heather’s knee injury has not gotten better. She had a doctor apt and MRI this week. Please pray for a quick resolution and complete healing as we wait for results and an orthopedic specialist appointment in the coming days.

We look forward to the coming days when we are able to gather, give hugs, and share more face to face!