¡Me Voy a Mexico! (I’m going to Mexico!)

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

Romans 8:28

What’s Happened and What’s Going On

I would not have planned any of this. 3 years ago, when I first transferred to Cal State Fullerton, as a music major my goal was to be a full-time public school educator. Don’t hear me wrong on this one, public school teaching is an awesome calling and I admire all who do it. However, through much divine guidance the Lord has called me to strive for other things. My heart has been set for awhile now on entering ministry full-time; and although this call is clear, the exact details of it are not.

A grad Photo!

During my time at CSUF, God connected me with very important people and ministries. One of them was Campus Revive, which I got to see my friend Jared launch and grow. I have been interning with Campus Revive for the past year and have seen God’s goodness and faithfulness to gather people to pray for revival and preach the gospel.  

Jared and I praying together at a Campus Revive outreach at the HB Pier

Through Jared I was also able to connect, learn, and fellowship at The Grove (the young adults group at Calvary Chapel Westgrove). At The Grove, I learned much about God’s heart for missions, including going to a missions conference in Utah in January of 2020. At this conference was the first time I heard about the Calvary School of Missions, a six week program in Mexico for those who are either going into missions or thinking about it. I thought the program was cool, but didn’t start thinking seriously about it until I got close to graduating this year and friends from the school came and spoke at The Grove. 

Summer of Surrender

Going into this summer I knew one thing: I wanted to surrender time to whatever God called me to do, So I started making plans to do just that. There were a few main things on my mind to do this summer, one of them was to go on a mission trip. I had completely put the School of Missions off the table because it conflicted with another mission trip I was planning on doing with The Grove. I was sitting in a meeting for that trip when it was announced that it had been cancelled and the team was now planning to go to Mexico instead! As I sat in the meeting room I felt oddly not called to be on the team anymore. “But why?” I asked the Lord in my head. I’ve always wanted to go to Mexico. I loved the team. Why wouldn’t it be a good idea for me to go? As I drove home I realized that because the trip was changed to Mexico it opened the door for me to consider the school of missions once again. Once I realized the team from The Grove would be partnering with some stuff going at the school anyway it was clear I should try and apply. A few phone calls, emails, and interviews later, here I am ready to go to Mexico for six weeks!

Group photo from a recent summer retreat with The Grove

The trip will include learning about God’s heart for missions through scripture, hearing from current missionaries, and taking a week and a half trip down to central Mexico. We will be working a lot with Calvary Chapel Rosarito, which is highly focused on church planting. This means I will get to see church planting up close and from many different stages of the process. I am so excited to learn and serve with others starting in July! 

Place in Mexico where we will be building a playground.

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” 

Philippians 1:3-5

I post this blog because I know I cannot do this on my own. First and foremost, I strongly desire your prayers. I have learned firsthand what it feels like to go un-prayed about something and if any of you have done the same you know I say with a full and honest heart: I need your prayers. Please consider setting aside prayer time for me before and during my six-week trip to Mexico. 

The cost of this trip is $2300. I ask that you prayerfully consider financially partnering with me in this journey. The way the school is designed is meant to teach us how to send letters and raise support as missionaries so I only have to raise half the funds in order to go. I will continue to raise the remaining funds while in Mexico. This means if you do not feel called to give now it will still be a blessing for me if you decide to give while I am in Mexico. I will be posting blog updates at least once a week once I leave. Stay connected with me on my journey by going to sgwm.com/fulmizi . Thank you for your prayers and support! God bless!

Prayer Requests

  • For God to provide for myself and the other students preparing to go on the trip
  • For staff and missionaries preparing to teach us
  • For those we will get to serve during outreaches in Mexico
  • Safe travels for everyone
  • That I would be surrendered to the Lord’s Spirit as I seek Him during the six weeks

One thought

  1. Adam,

    Mom and I are so proud of you. We know that God is going to use this journey in a mighty way. Dios te bendiga. Recuerde que el provee tus necesidades.

    We love you,


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