Are You Ready For News?

For some time now Tina & I have been asking the Lord for some changes. I guess the old axiom may be true, “Be careful for what you pray for.” The Lord is answering our prayers.

Ashley's ringThe really big news is that Ashley is now engaged and getting married August 25th of this year. She first met Elijah at Bible College in Siegen Germany. She didn’t think much about him at the time.

A few years ago Ashley went to Israel with a group of German believers and came home feeling that the Lord was calling her to the middle east. Last year I felt the Lord was impressing upon my heart that it was time to send her out. We tried to get her attached to some of the ministries we knew in Israel, but to no avail. Just by chance, Ashley was talking to friends of ours in the states and they said they knew someone in the middle east and suggested that Ashley get in touch with them. She called them and they were excited to have her, but the doors just never seemed to open up. One of her Bible college friends told her that Elijah was in the middle east and that she should give him a call. One thing lead to another and here we are. It may sound corny but it’s true, we’re not loosing a daughter, we’re gaining a son. We’re very happy to welcome Elijah into our family.

Ashley and ElijahElijah’s father pastors Calvary Chapel Carrigaline in Cork Ireland. I first met Duke, Elijah’s father, about 6 years ago at one of the European pastors conference. We hit it off and kept in touch. Little did we know what the Lord had planed for our kids.

Ashley and Elijah’s wedding will be in Ireland. They plan to honeymoon in Spain and then they will return to the middle east to continue the work that the Lord has called them both to. Please keep them in your prayers.


Austin has recently left his job on post as a theater supervisor. He is going to the middle east to ferry over things that Ashley will need when she moves. He will also spend time with Elijah, his team and take part in the work. He’ll be gone a month and return back to Germany. He has been asking the Lord to direct him into God’s plan for his life and he feels like the Lord has been calling him to go to Bible College. He is planning to  apply to the Calvary Chapel Bible College in York England in the spring semester

Because of recent events and an increase in tensions, I can’t tell you where in the middle east they are going to. But please be praying for Elijah and Ashley, their team and Austin while he is there. If you would like to know more information, you can e-mail me and I can write back.

Bryan continues to work on post as a projectionist. He loves his job but will be loosing it due to the theater closing oat the end of May. His heart is to go to school and get a degree in Digital Illustration.

Tina has been Tina and Igoing to the doctors for evaluation of possible breast cancer. She has had a number of mammograms and ultra sounds to image her breast. She was suppose to have a biopsy this last Friday but the clinic has pushed it back to the 17th of May. We’re trusting in the Lord for His healing touch and for news that there is no cancer. We are also trusting in the Lord for the medical bills since we don’t have insurance. The Lord has always been faithful to provide for our medical expenses and we trust that he will provide the money to cover her procedures.

I want to thank you for your prayers while I was sick. I am fully recovered and back to work with no restrictions.

Tina and I are going to take a fast 3 day trip to England in the month of May. We have been invited to go to Exeter and met the pastor of Calvary Chapel Exeter and go with him while he speaks at the Evangelical Christian Union (ECU). It’s a gathering of Christian students on the University of Exeter campus.


We’re looking forward to getting away. As I said we have been praying and asking the Lord to work some changes in our lives and ministry, Tina and I feel like we are on the brink of the Lord doing a great work in and through us. We are going to take this time in England to draw close to Him and seek His heart for our family and ministry. After 11 years on the mission field and 6 hard years here in Germany, we’re feeling a little tired and burned out. We need this time to refresh and refocus.

The Lord has been blessing Calvary Chapel Ansbach’s Wednesday nights and the Calvary DoveSunday Morning Studies.

Wednesday nights we are in the Book of Genesis. Even though we are small in number, the Lord has taken us deep in His word. It has been literally life changing for many that have attended.

Sunday mornings we continue to study through “The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ in Chronological Order.”

We have had a number of people that have visited Calvary Chapel Ansbach in the last few months. Due to the transient  nature

of the military, people come through from time to time for a short stay and move on, but we have a small core group of believers who are seeking to go deeper with the Lord and learn all they can from the study of His word.

CourtneyRecently we have had three girls from the states attending. Courtney (left) is from Illinois.  Two others, Christy and Morgan, are from Iowa. They have been such a joy to have. Unfortunately they will be heading back to the states this May. We will truly miss them and our hearts and prayers go with them.

Now for some less than good news. I took one of our cars into the mechanic to get some work on it done. The ABS light was on, it was making noise when turning a corner, and at the same time it was hemorrhaging power steering fluid like it was shot at close range. If that wasn’t enough, it also needed tires. The mechanic broke it to me as kindly as he could, “It’s kaput!” We’re back to one car, and that one is living on borrowed time.

As always, we ask you to join us in prayer. We believe that your prayers play a big part in what Pray without ceasingwe are doing. 1) Please pray for God’s blessing on Ashley and Elijah. 2) Pray for God to provide for every detail of their marriage. 3) Pray for Austin as he travels to the middle east. 4) Pray for Tina’s health and her medical bills. 5) Pray for the Lord’s blessing on our trip to England, that Tina and I would hear from the Lord and be obedient to whatever He would show us. 6) Pray for the health of Calvary Chapel Ansbach, that we would continue to grow as a fellowship in the knowledge of God’s grace and love. 7) Please pray for our cars and transportation situation. 8) I would like to return to the states this year to reconnect with our church and our supporters. I ask you to please pray for this also.

We rely on the faithful and sacrificial gifts of churches, family and friends. If God moves you to partner with us and what He is doing here in the Germany, please click on the button that says, “Become a Financial Partner.”

If you have a prayer requests that you would like to share with us, we would be happy to stand with you in prayer. Just drop us an e-mail and we’ll put you on our prayer list.

As always, we’re thankful for your prayers, love, friendship and support.

God bless,

Gary and Tina Barrow

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What are you actually doing?

I was very happy with the feed back we received from our last update. Many people wrote e-mails of support and encouragement to continue to press on in the Lord even though we were facing so many hardships in the form of spiritual, financial and physical trials.

One of the e-mails we received was from a friend of mine who pastors a church in Oregon. He is one of the pastors in my life that I have the utmost respect for. He wrote, “I wonder if giving us a clear picture of your goals and what it is you actually do might not help raise your level of support.” He said, ” I probably should know this, so forgive me, but I am not exactly sure what it is you do. Are you pastoring? Teaching at a bible school? Assisting other ministries?

I must confess that I have a serious fault. I think that everyone knows what I know. Because of this, I probably fail to communicate well and I may not have ever explained what it is that we are doing here in Germany. I was reminded of this picture:

What is it you do?

By way of clarification, I know that I’m not a Moses and that I am not parting the Red Sea. However, God has opened the door for us to serve Him here in the rocky ground of Germany.

HungaryAfter a year at the Bible College in Hungary, the Lord moved us to Esztergom to help with a church there. The pastor told me that he was tired and overwhelmed, and needed help. From there the Lord opened many doors for us to help other pastors and churches, being part of a few church plants, and teaching English is schools in Slovakia and Hungary. The Lord also opened doors for us to share Christ in Bible/English camps across the UK for many fruitful years.

About two years before we left Hungary, it became clear that what the Lord had brought us there to accomplish was coming to an end. We began to seek the Lord for our next step. We were very open to the Lord leading us back to the states, but didn’t feel like that was what He had for us. So we continued to pray.

DeutschlandThe Lord gave us a vision of an American soldier in Germany, 20 years old, Christian, first time away from home and his church, in need of solid Bible teaching and fellowship. We shared this vision with the Calvary Chapel leadership in Hungary and Germany and they gave us their overwhelming support. They encouraged us to go forward. They were confident that the Lord was in it. We didn’t know what we were to do specifically, so we stepped out in faith knowing we were to reach out to a war weary military with the love of Christ and the word of God.

Shortly after we moved, literally days after moving in, we met a German girl who said she just became a Christian and had lots of questions. I felt it was the Lord telling me that even though He used the image of a soldier to get us to Germany, we were not to neglect the German people. Just over six years ago we began our first Bible study with her.

From those early days, I felt that the Lord would have us plant a Calvary Chapel here, reaching out to the American military and their families along with the German people. So Calvary Chapel Ansbach was started.

Jesus paid it all, all to Him I oweIn short, our goal and purpose in being here is to bring glory to our Savior, Jesus Christ, to share the gospel with the lost, to point people to Jesus, to win souls, to stir believers for a closer walk with Jesus and to wet their appetites for a greater hunger for Him, to help believers develop and discover the joys of a devotional and prayer life, to encourage them to become men and women of the Word, to equip them for the work of the ministry, to raise them up and send them out into their communities to share their faith with others, and to step out in faith in service to Him.

Sharing the wordWe do this through friendship evangelism, opening our home to everyone we meet, inviting them to share meals with us; through working a high profile job on the army post, looking, waiting and praying for opportunites to share Christ with those I meet and those I work with; through mid week and Sunday morning Bible studies; through one on one personal discipleship; through meeting people for coffee and through visiting others in their home, praying with them and standing with them in the trials and tribulations that they are encountering; through counseling and encouragement; through example and through transparency in the difficulties we face while clinging to Jesus. All this and more in the hopes to win others to Christ and strengthen the body of believers the Lord brings our way.

Our heart felt desire and great need is the support of the church and individual believers back home. We need your prayers. I believe the Lord moves when His people pray. We need your prayers. I can’t tell you how important it is to us, to our family, our health and our personal walks with the Lord. We need the strength and wisdom, the vision and direction, the boldness and anointing of the Lord that comes through the prayers of His saints.

Battleship broadsideYears ago our pastor shared a vision he had. It was of a battleship lobbing shells from a distance onto the shore, softening up the defenses of the enemy prior to and in support of the ground attack. He shared with me that the prayers of the saints were like the battleship, shelling the enemy shores from a distance.

We are in need of that offensive support. We need people who share our vision for winning others to Christ, bringing glory to the Lord, who’s hearts resonate with what we are doing; those who would like to go but can not. We need them to come alongside us, to be in the trenches with us, to partner with us through prayer and support. We need you to have our backs.

As always, we are so thankful for those that are currently teamed with us. We thank you for your prayers, your encouragement, your love and friendship. We continue to pray for you. For those who recently have decided to come on board and be part of planting a church here, we thank you for your support. Please pray that the Lord would stir others to support the work here. May God raise up a healthy, thriving body of believers here, bringing glory to His name and fruit to your account.

God bless,

Gary and Tina

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A Cry For Help

There is verse in Nehemiah that has held a special place in my heart and it’s a frequently quoted verse. It’s Nehemiah 4:19-20, …The work is great and extensive, and we are separated far from one another on the wall. Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us.

Nehemiah was faced with discouraging and difficult circumstances. It’s interesting to me because He clearly trusted the Lord to work on behalf of His people, but Nehemiah also alerted others to the need and asked others to rush to the aid of those being overwhelmed on the wall when the need arose. He trusted God but also took practical steps.

I’m sounding the trumpet! We are being overwhelmed! I trust the Lord is working, and will work, but I also want to alert others to our need. (Please read on and hear my heart.)

Eleven years ago when we were getting ready to move to Europe as missionaries there was a lot for us to think through, pray through and organize. One of the things that I struggled with was how to go about raising support. One of our very good friends, Pastor John Hwang, shared something very profound with me.

George Muller

George Muller

He told me about George Muller. He related how George Muller never told anyone at all of the difficulties and needs that he and his ministry was facing. He purposed in his heart to only take those needs to the Lord in prayer.

D. L. Moody

D. L. Moody

John then told me about D. L. Moody. He said that D. L. Moody, when faced with needs in his ministry, told everyone everything. He had no problem asking people to give to the ministry because it was a worthy work he was engaged in.

Then John said, “Gary, God isn’t calling you to be a George Muller and He isn’t calling you to be a D. L. Moody, He is calling you to be Gary Barrow.”

What John was saying is that God has a way He wants us to go, it’s not the way George Muller went and it would not necessarily the way D. L. Moody went. The Lord wants me to seek and follow Him and He wants me to be His man.

Since we have been here in Europe we have seen out support drop dramatically. We have long struggled financially and have been willing to scrimp and squeaked by. The truth of the matter is we are receiving less then a quarter of what we need to live in Europe. We have been told by many people we need to share our need so that people can be aware of it and givers can give. I’ve tried but I have never felt comfortable it.

Today, I need to sound the trumpet. We need help desperately. I’m not asking you to give to us financially, I don’t want people to think that we are always asking people to give to us and to the ministry God has entrusted to us, but I am asking you to please, please pray. We have a handful of supporters who have stood by us through the years. We’re so thankful for them too. But we need God to raise up people who will commit to standing with us through regular monthly support.

I would like you to know, I have really struggled with writing this. I wrestle with what is the right thing to do. I know we have been bought with a price and we are the Lord’s and desire to glorify Him. If it wasn’t for the Lord I would have thrown my life away a thousand different times and in a thousand different ways. We trust that He is at work and will see us through. Yet I wonder, if we don’t see people rally to us, wether we need to consider leaving Europe and the work that has begun here. It doesn’t appear that we can continue with our current level of support.

Thank you in advance for your prayers.

God bless,

Gary and Tina

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