Pilgrim Ministry

We feel so blessed to be given the opportunity these past few years to host teams and visitors in Nepal and form relationships with many believers across the U.S.  This summer, we are very thankful to all of you who hosted us in your homes and to be able to share updates at the churches that partner with us in the gospel. 

Not only are we sharing about the work God is doing in South Asia and Nepal, but also we are all able to rejoice together in how the Lord is using you through your partnership and prayers.  Thank you so much for every one of you who welcomed us into your home, treated us like your own family, prayed for us at your church and allowed us to share about the people we love in the two countries that we are able to serve in.

In God’s sovereignty, as we were mid-flight to South Asia, some serious issues arose at the campus making it not safe for us to stay there.  Thankfully, many of the issues were resolved but our missions organization made the decision out of protection of the national staff and students to not have foreigners at that specific campus in South Asia for this semester.  For security purposes, we’re not able to share the details but please pray for the students and staff as the college is continuing there. 

Open Door

As God closed the door for now on us going to the south, He opened one for us to visit W.J’s (for security, we’ve abbreviated his name) place in south-central Asia and showed us his family’s land where we can also start a new Calvary work in that area.

It was obvious that Gods grace is upon this family as their home was a revolving door of love to anyone who came by.  We spent a few days with W.J and his family and learned much about how their family has been investing in the people there and preaching the gospel for many years. The need is to now effectively disciple all those that have come to faith in Christ.

This past summer, W.J taught a month long Bible-teaching course that was open to the community where 70 young adults and youth came everyday and learned from God’s Word.  It has been on W.J’s heart for years to start a new work in his home state and now it seems like the Lord has opened the door for a Calvary church plant and Bible College. Now, they have taken the step of faith and have begun their first semester. Pray for W.J as he teaches and leads this new school. We are making plans to go again and join forces next month, please pray for that.

House to House

We traveled from one state to another and were able to visit our brother, Pastor J.E, (for security, we’ve abbreviated his name) in his place where he is serving. He is our dear brother and we cherish our times of shared encouragement.  Our first day there, J.E took us house-to-house all night to visit the believers of the church.  Picture meeting nonstop with widows, healed people, new believers, recommitted believers, preaching to unbelievers, and then of course everyone wants to make you a cup of tea.  At every place we taught from the Scripture, then prayed for them and their families.  It was awe-inspiring going house-to-house and hearing amazing stories of their faith in this colony.

That Sunday, we attended Calvary Chapel H (where J.E pastors at) and Aaron taught through the service, then we got to meet many of the new people who have come to Christ.  We all sat in a tiny room on a third story building, packed with 40+ believers singing praises at the top of their lungs and eager to learn from God’s Word.  Since last years visit, the church continues to be a healthy and close-knit fellowship.  We were both encouraged after talking with people after church service, listening to their testimonies and praying with them.


Part of living in the 10/40 window is trusting God and being willing to go wherever He leads.  This area of the world is where so many are unreached without Christ.  We face governments that are bound in darkness and false religion, in our case, Hinduism.  Yet God opens the doors and directs our steps, all along our souls sing Jesus’ words, “All authority in Heaven and Earth has been given unto Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations… ”  No matter what happens to us, we trust in God.  So, after visiting the different locations in South Asia, we decided to come to Nepal to help with the start of the semester at CC Pastors Training Center & School of Ministry.  We are excited to see what the Lord will do, and pray for His wisdom and guidance.

Praise Reports:

  • Our dear friend, W.J and the new school in his hometown
  • Seeing the growth and love in Pastor J.E’s CC church plant
  • Since the start of both Bible Colleges in South Asia & Nepal, there have been 20+ students each semester who have been learning from God’s Word and willing to serve!

Prayer Requests:

  • For our team to be like-minded, have the same love, being of one accord, and of one mind.
  • That God would provide financially for us and for the ministry in Nepal & South Asia
  • For those divine appointments to share the Gospel with people
  • God’s guidance for these next few months in Asia

In Christ,

Aaron & Jena Garcia
