Communicating with Your Church Leadership

Remember that there are no such things as a lone ranger missionary. It is phenomenally important that you are under the care and leadership of your pastor/s. They are the men that God has placed over you as your shepherd and are the ones ultimately responsible for you.

“Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you.” Hebrews 13:17

The relationship between you and your pastor/s is key and needs to be cultivated. You need to understand that this is one of the greatest areas that Satan is going to attack (see warfare) and therefore you need to wage a good warfare to protect this relationship and communication is key. You need to do your best to schedule a monthly Skype call with your church leadership to keep them briefed on what is going on and to hear their council and feedback on any situation you are going through.

There is a great need for humility here as the enemy will seek to play the lie in your head that just because your pastor has not served on the mission field he does not know how to minister to you. You need to recognize that this is a dangerous lie of the enemy who is seeking to isolate you even more so that he can finish you off. Your pastor loves and cares for you and has been through intense warfare himself. Sure it might not be the exact same flavor but that is irrelevant. You need your pastors shepherding to help you fully succeed.

Also, as your church leadership is briefed and up-to-date on your ministry they in turn will brief and update the congregation on how they can pray and be involved in supporting you. This is the definition of a win win situation but it does take work and it can be frustrating. But please keep with it!