I am again very happy to get back to you with many new things that have happened recently here. We had a great semester, and the students learned many difficult things that they had never heard explained before from the Word of God. I was so thankful to God when some students came to me with tears and explained how God is working in their lives as they are focusing on His Word and trying to understand what God has for them in their lives through His Word.

Most of the students changed greatly during the first 1-1 ½ months of Bible College. In the beginning, they would waste a lot of their time. (I mean, in their free time they could have done so much for their spiritual lives’ benefit.) They also used to be idle and spend time doing nothing profitable. It bothered me so much, because I was a Bible College student once, and I know the different stages students go through. I had a burden in my heart to tell them how important each and every moment on this campus is. I explained to them how much the leadership has sacrificed to teach them the Word. As time passed, I observed the student beginning to use their free time in better ways. For example, some of them started to learn to play music. Some studied the Word more. Some listened to sermons. Some shared their testimonies. Some helped other students with their homework in their free time. This was not the result of the staff counseling them or talking about the seriousness of time, but it was actually because they began to allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives. They understood His Word. As a result, some of the students have said that they are going to preach in their local churches what they have been learning here- because they have seen how their lives have been changed in this short amount of time. They are hoping that this will bless so many believers who are seeking Truth. I am very happy that I was able to teach 1&2 Kings this semester. As the time passes, God has been teaching me how I can teach His Word to the students that come from different backgrounds.

Having Class

I was so sad to hear from some of the new students that they only knew a few people from the Old Testament- like Abraham, Moses and David. The reason for this is that they never get to hear about the rest of the Old Testament in their local churches, and when they study the books themselves, it is confusing for them. This semester, they went through 1 and 2 Kings, along with many other books of the Bible, verse by verse and chapter by chapter. After this, they said, “We did not know how easy it is to understand the Old Testament and to know all of the people that God chose for His purpose. Now we understand the whole theme of the Bible, ‘the Redemption’.”      After hearing these comments from students, what could be more satisfying and joyful to you as a friend, brother, leader, and teacher? So dear team, the students’ words reminded me of our vision, “For the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”

After I discussed it with my leadership, I introduced something very useful and helpful to the students that we used to do in my Bible college-students teaching each other during evening devotions to practice.
Each student is given a Scripture passage, and they preach on that passage when it is their turn. I was able to give them passages from the Gospel of John. Two students preached each week. Most of the students did surprisingly well. Girls, who always seem to be very quiet, preached great sermons. I encouraged a few students who missed some basic things in their sermons, like bringing people to the cross, to do better next time.

  This semester was truly a huge blessing to all of us here as we are growing in the knowledge of Christ every single day. I am sure that without your love and caring we would not have reached so far. I really thank each and every one of you who are stretching out your hands and hearts to labor for us fervently in prayer and in other kinds of support.
   We had a great Easter day with the Word of God, and after that we had some dances and skits about Jesus.

   This semester, we also celebrated one special birthday. One of the students had never celebrated that special day in her life. Her classmates celebrated it with her, and she felt so loved. 

   Overall, the semester was great, and as a staff we always have a great brotherly love and responsibility toward the students.  

Thank you for taking the time to read and to encourage me with your kind words. I will get back to you soon with more great things that are glorifying our Lord! Please continue to pray for our time during the semester break, and pray for the students who have gone out into the world as they shine as light in dark areas. Also pray for our next semester, that God will send more students from different places of Asia who are in His will to equip them for His kingdom and to send them to the places where there is no cross.

God bless you,

Pastor 7*

*Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.