Greetings in the supreme name of Jesus Christ! 

I wholeheartedly would like to express my gratitude towards the saints who have been supporting, encouraging, and more over praying in the establishment of the Kingdom of God.

What a joy to be chosen and ordained under the guidance of ministers of the Word! 

Reaching Out During Covid

“If you instruct the brethren  in these things,  you will be a good  minister of Jesus Christ. Nourished in the words  of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully  followed.” 1 Timothy 4:6

I humbly thank our Lord Jesus for placing me in the right  place where I was taught faithful words of good doctrine. Not only was I taught, but also the Holy Spirit helped me to follow the good doctrine. Henceforth, the Lord has steadily appointed me to instruct these things to the brethren. Nevertheless, the sheep aren’t mine but Jesus’s. This has become my first priority- to feed the sheep of Jesus with healthy pasture.  

In the month of December, we distributed mosquito nets in the nearby slums. The Lord helped us to reach the people there and share about His love for them. One of the students of CCBC,  in the South joined the outreach. Most of the houses of the unbelievers there have now had Christmas carols played in them! The people there were happy and asked us to pray for their families.  We then gave them gifts of calendars for the new year. We could see joy in their faces as they felt that they are cared for and loved by Jesus Christ. The Lord has put it in our hearts to start a Bible study in some of the houses and we pray that it should be done as God wills.   Many doors have been opened for us to have fellowship with the unbelievers.   

We also organized a before Christmas outreach in our community, where we got a chance to love and care for the community and express the love of Jesus Christ. People were eager to hear the testimony of Jesus and His living Word. Members of the church actively joined hands in cooking and arranging everything. It was altogether heartwarming to see everyone in “one accord” by being Christ-centered. 

As soon as the program was completed, we traveled to a student’s village (from the Bible college in the South).  We were happy to be invited and, in fact, forever grateful for this opportunity. It took 14 hours of travel by bus to get to the remote tribal village in the central part of the country. Despite active persecution in that area, (a pastor got killed 2 years ago because he came here to preach the Gospel and was building a church), we were even more spiritually encouraged and strengthened by seeing their uncompromising faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

We are so glad to have brother Andrew* who has recently completed  his 1st semester of the Pastor’s School in the North.  

Movie night was planned on Christmas Eve. Church members got the opportunity to watch the movie “The Birth of Jesus” which was followed by a candlelight service. Jesus is the Light of the world. He not only proclaimed Himself as the Light but also shared the light. After preaching about the importance of light, we encouraged our church believers to be as the light which shines in the darkness and explained to them that the darkness cannot overcome it. 

Christmas service was delightful as some believers traveled from far away to celebrate with us. As the temperatures continue to fall, we decided to bless the homeless (who sleep at the bus stations) with blankets.  We, ourselves, were blessed to see the needy receiving the blankets.  

Thank you for supporting us to share the Good News of joy.

Prayer Points:

  • Please pray that we will be able to rent/buy suitable land, so that we can have our own place to worship. 
  • Please pray  for us to reach more unbelievers in our community. 
  • Please pray for our brothers from our church as they will go back to their respective Bible colleges to be more equipped in the knowledge of the Word of God. 
  • Please pray  for our believers to grow more in the Word and in the love of Jesus Christ, which brings unity with humility.

With love in Christ,

Pastor 6*

*Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.