Greetings from my state! Thank you for your prayers, support, and love in Christ. Thanks to our Lord Jesus who always stands with us in every situation and keeps us safe with His almighty hand.

Sharing in front of the hospital staff

Last month, I finished my health training by the grace of God and learned about so many diseases. I learned about how to diagnose and treat short-term disease. God also gave me the opportunity to share my testimony and the Word of God among the doctors, nurses, hospital staff and health trainers.

Almost every doctor and staff member knows me because in 2012, when I finished high school, my church pastor and all of the hospital staff encouraged me to take a male nursing course. They wanted to help me and my family to get out of the rag picking business (begging and selling trash). They filled out my form and sent me to another city for a written test with 5 more students. (One of the students is my present health trainer.) I passed the written test, and then all of the hospital staff and my Pastors raised money for nursing fees for me. However, at that time God spoke to me through so many Bible verses and led me to do ministry in my home state. When I told the hospital staff that God wanted to send me to my home state to do ministry, they were sad and a little angry. But last month when I shared my testimony and the Word of God, they were so happy and blessed. They encouraged me, and said that I made a good decision for ministry and that I should keep going on.Greetings from my state! Thank you for your prayers, support, and love in Christ.

“My little children let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.” 1 John 3:18

Through this health training, our ministry is going very well! Now, I can show the love of God to others. Another believer in my church and I did a camp, giving free blood pressure and diabetes checks for anyone older than 35 years old. Before we began the check-ups, we held 20 minutes of worship, and I shared the Word of God from 1 John chapter 1. My purpose for holding the medical camp was to invite every church member’s unbelieving family into the church and make friends and share the Word of God with them. Twenty-five people came to the camp we held at my church-20 people were believers, and 5 people came inside our church for the first time. In the past, these 5 people had been disturbing the believers when they came to the church, but now they are not disturbing us! Even when we are doing outreach in their villages, they are really welcoming. Praise God for His great love!

God Brought Her Out From Selfish People

“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27

I want to share the testimony of a lady. She is a 30-year-old lady. She has two children-her son is 6 and her daughter is 3 years old. Her husband had become mental after the two children were born. No one was helping her to care for her children. Her parents are dead, and her husband is not living with her because he has a mental problem. He roams on the roads and in the jungle. She is always crying for food for her children.

For a short time, the people of her village gave food, but slowly, they began to ignore the family. After a month, there was no one left helping her. The men of her village began to misuse her and pay her with food for her children. One day, my cousin called me for prayer. My dad and I went to my cousin’s house. She told us about her, because she is my cousin’s neighbor. My cousin sent her son to bring her to meet with us. She came, and when I asked about her prayer request, she began to share her story of how people have been misusing her. She was crying. Then, I called my sister, who works with another mission and is always ready to help needy women. My sister told me to send her to her base. So, my dad and I encouraged her to go to my sister’s base. She prepared to go to my sister’s mission base. I gave her my sister’s full address and contact number. A week later, she went to the mission base with both of her children.

After they had been at the base for a week, my sister told me that her son is 6 years old, and he needed to go to school to learn, but they had financial problems and could not send him to school. Then, I told her that she should bring her son to my home, and I would take care of him. My sister brought the little boy to my house, and I cared for him for a month. I tried to get him admission in schools, but he could not get admission in school right away because the schools were having exams. He was missing his mom very much, so I called my sister and sent him back to be with his mom. Praise God, who saved her and her children’s lives-both physically and spiritually!

Prayer requests:

  • Please pray for me and my family’s safety.
  • Please pray for my mother’s health. She often becomes ill.
  • Please pray for Christmas time; almost 300 people will come to celebrate Christmas at my church. Pray that God will provide food for them. I am also planning to reach more unreached villages before Christmas to share the Good News by showing the Jesus Film, giving Gospel tracts, and holding medical camps. Pray that God will provide every financial need.
  • Please pray for one of the believers in my church. He accepted Jesus six years ago, and he even attended our Bible College for 3 months. He stopped worshiping idols in Hindu festivals six years ago. This year, his mom, older brother and wife also accepted Jesus and stopped idol worship. However, his dad will not accept Jesus. He was getting very dangerous last week when my dad and I went to visit their house. He started fighting with us, but we did not fight with him. He wants to bring his son to a village court for trial (panchayat), but he is still strong in his faith.
  • Please continue to pray for the registration of my church; 8 house churches are going by the grace of God, but I still do not have registration.

Thank you so much for your prayers and partnership for the Gospel. God bless you everyone.

Pastor 11