Mullins Family January 2024 Missions Update

Greetings from Mexico,

Praise in 2023!

Calvary Chapel Loreto had the privilege of baptizing 40 people in 2023 in the Sea of Cortez, Baja California. Additionally, 75 people gave their lives to Jesus!  Calvary Chapel Loreto has a specific goal, loving the community and culture while discipling those to understand and commit themselves to the Lord.

In October 2023, Calvary Chapel Loreto baptised 7 people including one family of 3!

The family of CCLoreto enjoyed a wonderful day of fellowship, laughter, music and games along with great food!


Community Movie Night

Calvary Chapel Loreto was blessed by Ron & Kristy Struska and the Connection House from Rosarito, who came with everything needed to host our first Movie Night. 

The church and the community of Loreto were invited to watch ā€˜Jesus Revolutionā€™!  And no movie is complete without pizza, lots of popcorn and refreshments!

Praise!!  We had one profession of Christ at the Movie Night AND one member of Calvary Chapel Loreto that attended the movie was actually baptized by Calvary Chapelā€™s very own Chuck Smith.

Baja 1000

Calvary Chapel Loreto had a wonderful day of church fellowship & outreach when they joined the entire community of Loreto for the Baja 1000 which is an annual Mexican off road motorsport race on the Baja California Peninsula and it is one of the most prestigious off-road races in the world, having attracted competitors from six continents.

Feeding & Cleaning the Community!

Churches working together to put together food Dispensas to bless around 45 families within the community that are in need! Calvary Chapel Oceanside came at a time when many families are struggling with Christmas around the corner and a time when work is limited due to tourism being slower. Calvary Chapel Oceanside supplied the food, and the two churches were able to drive to many homes and bless families and pray for many needs!

We were able to do a beach cleanup with our church members and the Oceanside team. We not only cleaned up the beach for an entire morning but were able to evangelize and invite many to the church.

Men’s Ministry

After talking to God for over 6 months, David leaped out in faith and in October of 2023, he started ‘Real Men of Faith’, a bilingual men’s ministry studying the Book of James.

Children’s Ministry

After God answered our prayers, we have several women and teenagers stepping into leadership roles and wanting to serve God with their time and talents and especially their love to teach the babies, children and youth.

Calvary Chapel Loreto’s Children’s Ministry has been blessed financially and in prayer. These provisions have allowed us to provide many much-needed supplies to be purchased or donated by many of our friends and family.

The children were able to make their very own Christmas decoration with their photo to take home and hang on their Christmas tree for years to come!

1st Christmas Performance by the Children of Calvary Chapel Loreto

The very first time that the Childrenā€™s Ministry was able to
perform a traditional Mexican Christian Christmas song! 

Praying for Property

Calvary Chapel Loreto & Calvary Chapel Oceanside spent some time praying for opportunities to arise to allow Calvary Chapel Loreto the opportunity to purchase land and build a church for God in Loreto.

We are at maximum capacity with our current location and our lease will be up in one year. We believe God is leading the church to purchase land where a church can be built to accommodate the growth of the church for generations to come, Calvary Chapel Loreto continues to grow with each service. We are praying for enough space/land to at least double our current space in the new building along with multiple classes for discipleship and children’s ministry. We have started raising funds for the land and look forward to seeing how the Lord will Bless us.

Pastor Elmer and his wife Crystal, David and I thank you all for your prayers and continued financial support. We couldnā€™t do it without faithful supporters like you. This is your Spiritual fruit also and we are so Blessed to be able to serve our Lord and Savior here. Thank you for helping to do the work of the Ministry here in Loreto, Mexico

‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age,’ Matthew 28:19-20

If you are not currently a financial supporter and the Lord has put it on your heart to come alongside us to do the work of the ministry, please go to: click on the drop-down menu, and click Find a Missionary. Then scroll down to Mullins Family and click on our picture, there is a tab at the bottom left that says,ā€ Become a financial supporterā€. Once you are there you can put in all your information.


  • Please pray that all the servant leaders continue to be united as one body in Christ to give them the strength to continue to serve our Lord and Savior at Calvary Chapel Loreto!
  • Pray for us to continue to disciple the next generation of new believers AND continue to help raise up and disciple the men and servant leaders of Calvary Chapel Loreto BCS Mexico.
  • Pray for land and Gods will for us to plant on fertile ground. Open and close doors that need further discernment.
  • Please pray for our marriage, strength in the battlefield and that we always remember to Love Like JESUS.

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Well, the heat has been turned up here in Loreto with average temperatures well over 100 degrees daily. We are so blessed to be able to continue to serve our Lord and Savior here in Loreto Baja Sur Mexico. We had another great time this summer being able to do beach baptisms in the Sea of Cortez. 5 members of Calvary Loreto made the step of obedience and were baptized in front of our church body right there at our local beach. This is such an amazing opportunity to do this right after Sunday’s service as there are 100’s of people just walking by asking us what is going on and we get to explain the message of Salvation along with inviting them to Calvary Chapel Loreto.

Calvary Loreto was able to take 20 people to the annual church planting conference at our sending church Calvary Rosarito. Even though the van broke down and it took over 30 hours to get there everyone arrived at God’s perfect timing. This was a time of great encouragement for all. To be taught about why it is so important to model after the book of Acts and plant churches to reach the lost. Once we returned, we went right to work with the start of our 2nd semester in our church planting class. Pastor Elmer leads this weekly class while David and Elmer’s wife Crystal assist. Not only did every Man return from the first semester but we have 4 new people attending this semester. Please keep all these students in prayer as they fulfill the calling that God has given them.

As it started getting too hot outside for our toddlers and volunteers, we needed to move our infants/toddlers inside to a cooler location. Thankfully for the faithful supporters, we were able to purchase a new 1-ton air conditioner to cool them off while their parents could be fed the word of God. We are now up to (14) infants/toddlers at every Sunday and Wednesday’s service. Please pray for more volunteers to help hold these precious babies that the Lord has entrusted us with.

Pastor Elmer finished up the book of John a few weeks back and is now teaching verse by verse through the book of Romans. While Pastor David is still teaching verse by verse in the book Exodus on Wednesdays. It is truly amazing to watch these 2 men be obedient to their calling and to see the Holy Spirit use them week after week to teach and reach those in Loreto with Truth and Love. We are so Blessed to serve God here at Calvary Loreto Baja Sur Mexico. We couldn’t do this without your prayers and financial support.

Pastor Elmer and his wife Crystal, David and I thank you all for your prayers and continued financial support. We couldn’t do it without faithful supporters like you. You ALL are helping to do the work of the
ministry here in Loreto Mexico. This is your Spiritual fruit also and we are so Blessed to be able to serve our Lord and Savior here. Thank you for helping to do the work of the Ministry here in Loreto Mexico.

MATTHEW 28:19-20

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

If you are not currently a financial supporter and the Lord has put it on your heart to come alongside us to do the work of the ministry, please go to, click on the drop-down menu, and click Find a Missionary. Then scroll down to Mullins Family and click on our picture, there is a tab at the bottom left that says,” Become a financial supporter”. Once you are there you can put in all your information


1)   Please pray for our current & future children’s ministry volunteers that they serve in gratitude with a joyful heart while always expressing the love of Jesus.

2)   Pray for our hearts to remain focused on our first love

3)   Pray for our Calvary Loreto’s staff to have discernment while spreading the gospel and being united as one body in Christ throughout our church family

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Being Blessed at Calvary Loreto Church May 2023

The Lord is doing so many amazing things here at Calvary Loreto, Baja California Sur in Mexico. We are so privileged to be able to serve our Lord here in Loreto, Mexico. Pastor Elmer teaches verse by verse in the Gospel of John every Sunday and David teaches in the book of Exodus on Wednesday nights. We continue to offer the message of Salvation at every service ensuring that everyone that attends gets the opportunity to receive it. Along with the entire congregation knowing that their guests will always hear the message of Salvation at every service.

The Childrens Ministry continues to be a huge blessing for us as we are well over 40 children every service. We are currently teaching them at their grade levels with a curriculum provided by Calvary Church in Costa Mesa. There are now 3 separate classes: babies, young children, and our youth every Sunday and Wednesday. This takes a small army of volunteers every week, but the Lord has been faithful and continues to provide us with an amazing group of volunteers that are gifted to teach each of the children’s groups weekly. There is nothing more special for me than when we make house visits and see the children’s projects/crafts that are made on Sundays hanging in their homes. As soon as we walk in the children grab us and want to show me their work. We have one little boy that takes a while every week to do his project and when his mom comes to get him, he says I can’t leave mommy I want to finish my project for you. When I hear this my heart just melts.

Our youth class has just moved from the outside to our new indoor youth room as it’s beginning to be too hot to be outside and learn. This room was completed earlier this year and with the heat coming we needed to move the class indoors. Please keep them in your prayers that we can raise funds to get an air conditioner for this room in the hotter summer months. This class is a real treat to watch as these children learn and apply God to their lives and homes. Our future generations of believers will be walking with the Lord. It is so humbling to see their young lives transformed by Christ right before our eyes.

We had the pleasure to host and serve alongside a team from Southern California last month. They were here for one week and did so much to encourage us along with serving the entire church body. One thing they were able to do was an outreach in one of the local neighborhoods. We were able to invite neighbors back to one of the church member’s house to share a free meal which was the best Birria tacos. Once they were there, we were able to have fellowship and invited them to Calvary Church Loreto. To be able to sit with people while having a meal along with showing them the love of Christ is one of the most amazing things to see. We were so blessed by this day in so many ways. When the teams were out walking the neighborhoods, they were able to visit houses and pray for people’s individual needs along with praying for spiritual awakening in our town.

The team was also able to host a Marriage Date night where we served dinner and watched the movie “Courageous”. We had over 15 couples in attendance for this life-changing evening. Once the movie was finished the men were able to sign and commit their lives to all those present that they would be the Spiritual Leaders of their households. That they would be the Men God created them to be.
But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.ā€ Joshua 24 15
In February, Calvary Loreto was able to start our church planting classes. This class will lift servant leaders in the local church and also equip Ministry leaders along with those that feel called to plant churches and share the gospel message. We follow the book of Acts as the model that God has laid out for us. These students commit to a minimum of 2 years to be raised and to be open to where God wants them to go. We also had the privileged last month of our sending Church, Calvary Rosarito coming and doing our first Annual Church Planting Conference.
Pastor Mike led this conference explaining to everyone what the Bible tells us about being a sending Hub. We are extremely overwhelmed to see how the Holy Spirit is working through these students to glorify the kingdom of God throughout Mexico and the World. God has a mighty plan for these future church planters. Please keep them in prayer along with Pastor Elmer for wisdom as he teaches this class every week.
Pastor Elmer and his wife Crystal, David and I thank you all for your prayers and continued financial support. We couldn’t do it without faithful supporters like you. You ALL are helping to do the work of the ministry here in Loreto Mexico. This is your Spiritual fruit also and we are so Blessed to be able to serve our Lord and Savior here. Thank you for helping to do the work of the Ministry here in Loreto Mexico

MATTHEW 28 19-20

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age,

If you are not currently a financial supporter and the Lord has put it on your heart to come alongside us to do the work of the ministry, please go to, click on the drop-down menu, and click Find a Missionary. Then scroll down to Mullins Family and click on our picture, there is a tab at the bottom left that says,” Become a financial supporter”. Once you are there you can put in all your information.


  • Please Pray that all the servant leaders to be united as one body in Christ to give them the strength to continue to serve our Lord and Savior at Calvary Loreto
  • For Protection for the Pastors and the Church Planting class that they are protected by the Full Amor of God
  • Pray that all the people going to the Church Panting Conference in Rosarito are able to raise funds and to get there safely

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Calvary Loreto Church December 2022

I am so thankful to be able to serve alongside my husband here at Calvary Loreto. It is an honor to serve an amazing Pastor like Pastor Elmer and his wife Crystal. Their obedience to the Lord is their number 1 priority and they are such a blessing to us.

Pastor Elmer is currently teaching the Gospel of John on Sunday mornings and David is now in the book of Ecclesiastes every Wednesday night. We have been here for almost 20 months and over 200 people have given their lives to Christ through the weekly message of Salvation.

It is hard to believe that this year is almost over. What an awe-inspiring God we get the privilege to serve. Calvary Loreto Mexico Bilingual church has continued to do beach baptisms faithfully for those that want to take their next step in faith publicly. We have baptized over 80 people since coming to this community in under 2 years. It continues to amaze David and I what a majestic God we serve, and it’s been an honor to be part of this body of Christ.
The children’s ministry continues to grow with new children every week. We now have 3 classes each Sunday and 2 classes on Wednesday. The children are learning their age-appropriate lessons from the Bible. Our outdoor toddler area is finally complete with the support of so many of you. As this is my ministry, I ask for continued prayers to motivate volunteers to serve in all the areas needed to give these children the love and attention they deserve. Bestselling author Lisa Wingate says, ” Your children are the greatest gift God will give to you, and their souls are the heaviest responsibility He will place in your hands”.
Every service we get the opportunity to pray over dozens of people that come forward to be prayed over in the two prayer corners we have during worship. Not only do we get many adults stepping out in faith for prayer, but we also have many children coming up week after week for prayer of all kinds of unique and inspiring prayer petitions.
We continue to do many events at Calvary Loreto. We celebrated our freedom in Christ on September 16th which is Mexico’s Independence Day. It was an incredible day of fellowship filled with fun and celebration. There was an array of cultural delicious food. Everyone played games, the children and even a few adult broke open multiple pinatas. We even had a children’s costume contest where all the children were winners.
Let me introduce you to Claudia. She is a Mexican national missionary that is staying with us for 1 year. Claudia is a young woman with many talented gifts from God. She currently is translating at the “Women of faith” every Thursday, along with filling in on Sunday and Wednesday’s sermons as needed. She co-leads the Youth Ministry which has just started up. She also teaches a discipleship class for our women diving deeper into the bible to interpret what God’s word says. If you ever get a chance to meet this Godly Sister in Christ, your life will be better for it. I know David and mine are.

Our Women’s Ministry continues to grow week after week being led by Pastor’s Elmers wife Crystal. She is currently teaching us women verse by verse in the book of James. The women are so hungry for the Word of God. Every week this is a place where the Women of Calvary Loreto get to come together and fellowship and get fed the word of God.

We had our first community event in Loreto’s historical culture center in late October when our sending church Calvary Rosarito Missions team was here. It was an incredible event for the children called “Jesus is our Superhero”. We had over 200 people in attendance to hear the gospel message and receive a personal invitation to attend our services in Calvary Loreto.

David had the honor of performing his first bilingual wedding for a couple that he has been counseling for the past 12 months. It has been such an inspiring opportunity to walk alongside Lalo and Hannia as they choose to commit to getting legally married. Witnessing this transformation from 2 individuals to a united married couple filled with joy from the holy spirit and eager to learn the will of God; encourages David and me and confirms why God has called us to this small pueblo (town) in Baja Mexico.

Pastor Elmer, his wife Crystal, David and I would like to thank each of you for your continued prayers and financial support you have given to continue to do the work of ministry here in Loreto, BCS Mexico. This work can only be done with your prayers and support.

Matthew 28: 19-20

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age,

If you are not currently a financial supporter and the Lord has put it on your heart to come alongside us to do the work of the ministry, please go to, click on the drop-down menu and click Find a Missionary. Then scroll down to Mullins Family and click on our picture, there is a tab at the bottom left that says,” Become a financial supporter”. once you are there you can put in all your information.

Prayer request:

  1. That the Lord will provide live worship for us in 2023
  2. We continue to put God first in everything we do
  3. That we stay obedient to Gods calling and will for our lives
  4. That the right people come to our church planting class that starts in February 2023
  5. That we can raise enough additional funds in 2023 to continue doing the work of the Ministry here in Loreto Mexico

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2022 Update from Calvary Loreto, BCS Mexico

What a year it has been here at Calvary Loreto, BCS Mexico. On February 7th we had our first anniversary. The Lord has been doing amazing things here at Calvary Loreto’s Bilingual Church. We had a great day of fellowship and celebration after our Sunday service. Over 150 people joined us to hear the word of God, and enjoy one another’s company while sharing a meal and dessert. It has been a blessing for David and me to come alongside Pastor Elmer and his wife Crystal and to serve at Calvary Loreto.

Now that we have a van we are available to have monthly outreaches. These outreaches are starting to produce fruit. Our faithful servants can share the word of God with this community along with providing lunch and an opportunity to have fellowship and share the love of Jesus. Most people do not own a vehicle so on Sunday mornings we have the availability to bring a few people from the outreaches to church. Please pray for these people as we continue to pour into them that their lives are changed and they come to have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior.

Acts 1:8 You shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all of Judea and Samaria and unto the ends of the earth. Our Judea is here in Loreto but our dream is to one day expand out into Samaria.

David has started an ESL( English Second Language) class as some of the members asked David if he could teach them English. He took this as an excellent opportunity to sharpen or to learn a little Spanish too. Neighbors started noticing and wanted to join in on this FREE lesson.
1 John 4:21 “And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.”
We have been able to use this as one more way to show the love of Jesus. We teach them phrases that they can use weekly at church like; Welcome to your church Calvary Loreto and God Bless you. David has learned Dios te Bendiga and Bienvenido a tu Iglesia. Please keep David in your prayers that the Lord will use him to grow this ministry and that he continues to show God’s love.


Pastor Elmer, his wife Crystal, David and I would like to thank each of you for your continued prayers and support for Calvary Loreto and us individually. The work of the ministry can only be done by you coming along in prayer and your financial support.

Prayer Requests:

  1. That the Lord will provide a worship leader for us this year
  2. A youth leader is raised up at Calvary Loreto
  3. We continue to have unity and honor God in all we do
  4. All of our provisions are met
  5. In God’s perfect timing, to provide Calvary Loreto with leaders for” Celebrate Recovery” a Christ-based recovery program.

If the Lord puts on your heart to financially support Calvary Loreto, Pastor Elmer, or us in any way please click on the blue “Become a financial partner” box or mail a check payable to Saving Grace World Missions with the “Mullins” in the memo. The address is 17451 Bastanchury Rd. Suite 203 Yorba Linda, Ca 92886.

ā€œFor you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.ā€
Galatians 5:13

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Looking Back on 2021

We arrived in Loreto, BCS Mexico with Pastor Elmer and his wife Crystal along with the team from Calvary Rosarito on January 8th to help support the 26th church plant out of Calvary Rosarito, Mexico. We felt the Holy Spirit guiding us to an abandoned building in the center of town. The only issue was it was nothing more than a shell of a building that hadn’t been used for many years. There was no electricity of any sort, no wires, no outlets… nothing. But, the Lord had plans and we all went to work preparing for his church.

Over the next few weeks, the Lord worked through us in amazing ways. The Holy Spirit brought us, people, to help open his church in a mighty way. We patched walls, ran electricity, and painted while the entire town was shut down due to Covid. But, through faith, the team worked day and night to prepare for the opening of Calvary Loreto, chapter by chapter verse by verse teaching.
Within a month, Calvary Loreto had their first Sunday service, February 7th, 2021. We had one outlet and used a ladder as a pulpit, but Pastor Elmer taught his first Bilingual service, verse by verse in Ephesians.

In this small rural fishing town of Loreto, the thirst for truth verse by verse bilingual bible teaching was exactly what was needed for a community seeking Hope and Love. Many local churches and businesses closed when the Covid numbers surged but Calvary Loreto remained faithfully open. Walls have come down to expand 4 x’s times throughout this year and we’re currently at capacity and praying on the next steps for expansion.

I am currently leading the children’s ministry with some amazing servant-hearted women. The children’s ministry has grown from just a small table to an entire building. We are teaching age-appropriate classes so the children can learn the word of God at their level. Week after week, the Lord has continued to grow HIS ministry and the children of Loreto are experiencing the love of Jesus. We currently have over 35 children attending every Sunday in our children’s ministry.
We have been blessed to have two women’s conferences this year. At these events, we have a opportunity to invite women throughout the town, to hear and feel the love of Jesus from other woman that otherwise might not have stepped into a Christian church. Many of these women have started attending Calvary Loreto and bringing their families. We began a weekly “Women of Faith” bible study lead by Pastor Elmer’s wife, Crystal.
David was ordinated as assistant pastor at Calvary Loreto in May. He immediately began teaching chapter by chapter, verse by verse, the full council of God in the book of “Genesis” at our Wednesday night service. We have seen many lives accept Jesus as there Lord and Savior through the Holy Spirit at our midweek service.
Through Calvary Loreto’s faithfulness and obedience to giving the Gospel message of Salvation every week over 70 New Believers have accepted and given their life to Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. Week after week, the message of Salvation is given and the Lord keeps multiplying his Kingdom. We have also been blessed to have 20 members of Calvary Loreto take the next steps of faith and be Baptized.
In the Fall, we had our first annual Calvary Loreto Family Campout. We camped at CoCo Beach about a 1 1/2 hour drive outside of Loreto. There were over 70 people that were able to attend and stay overnight. We had devotionals, Live Worship, lots of games, and tons of great food and fellowship. The body of Christ in Loreto continues to grow even while camping. A faithful family invited their parents along to be part of this amazing weekend. On Saturday, they woke up and said” we want what you have”. At that moment, we were able to give them the message of Salvation and they accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
We had our first Marriage Conference Led by Jeff and Bonnie Johnson. This was such a powerful night for everyone, we focused on God’s design for our marriages and how to create intentional moments of appreciation for one another. There were over 20 couples in attendance for this amazing night.

David and I are currently offering Marriage counseling at Calvary Loreto and the Holy Spirit is not only restoring marriages, but we had our first marriage ceremony in July at the church. Additionally, we had 2 couples get engaged on Christmas Eve and were planning our next marriage ceremony for February 2022.
The Christmas Season was incredible, Ron and Kristy were able to come down from The Connection House and bring along backpacks full of toys and warm blankets for the children of Calvary Loreto. We were also able to bring a carload of toys from Las Vegas that our daughter Madison coordinated through her work and blessed over 50 children on our first Christmas service sharing the love of Jesus.

On our mid-week Christmas service, David was able to teach on the Birth of Jesus. When the message of Salvation was offered, 8 people (3 of our youth) gave their lives to Christ. Afterward, we had a potluck dinner with over 140 people staying throughout the evening for fellowship and to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As we close out 2021, we were once again reminded why we are here in Loreto, Mexico, and why God called us here. We are so thankful for Pastor Elmer’s obedience to following his calling and allowing David and me to take this journey of faith with him. We are thankful for everything the Lord is doing here in Loreto and grateful we can be part of His mighty plan.

James says in James 1: 22 NKJV:

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourself.

I am thankful at Calvary Loreto we are doers of the word and not just hearers. Thank you Lord Jesus for all that you are doing here in Calvary Loreto and in our lives.


Please pray for all our weekly teachings that take place in the church. Pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to speak through Pastor Elmer and David when they’re teaching the word of God.

Please pray for all of our ministries within the church. We need English/Spanish translators and servant leaders to assist in children’s ministries, clean the church, and volunteer throughout the week. I ask for endurance to live each day joyfully as I struggle daily with chronic pain.

Please keep David and I’s marriage along with Pastor Elmer’s and his wife Crystal in prayer. Our prayer is to be “Used by God” sharing the LOVE of Jesus and Glorifying HIM in everything we do,


Please click the blue “Become A Financial Partner” tab if you feel led to donate

1 Corinthians 13:13NKJV

And now abide faith, hope, love these three; but the greatest of these is LOVE

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