Gaona’s On The Move

God is on the move and so are the Gaona’s! After Bond’s open-heart surgery in March, we did not know what the future would hold or if we would be able to travel as planned this spring / summer. But, we are thrilled to share that Bond was cleared for take-off just 6 weeks after surgery and we want to thank you all for your prayers as God heard and answered quickly. After an unexpected curveball earlier this year, we were reminded that time is short and with a new lease on life we are even more committed to being spent for the Lord and see the Great Commission fulfilled in and through our lives. We are running hard and it is a great joy to be spent for Jesus. We are thankful beyond words to be your missionaries and for your prayers, as we partner together to reach the nations with the good news!

Headed South

Miraculously we were able to keep all of our teaching and trip commitments in place. We headed to South America with a team of 15 this spring for 10 days to serve and come alongside the ministry campus. Calvary Bible Institute Peru had doubled in students since our visit last spring and Calvary Trujillo had grown by leaps and bounds as well. Pastor Cory requested that Bond teach on Church Planting with a focus on Evangelism and Outreach. God was faithful to sustain Bond to teach class each day (given that his body was still healing) and then in the afternoons and evenings, the students along with the team would head out to host outreach in the community. We got to help host the most amazing kids park outreach we have ever been a part of and invite many to come to one of the events hosted throughout the week. We marveled at how simple ideas of a jump house and hot dogs turned into a next level community outreach that had the team, students and staff working together to reach an entire neighborhood for Jesus!

It was a joy to invest in the students at CBI Peru that have come from Peru, but also from Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela and Chile. We had the privilege to be at the graduation and Bond was able to share the graduation message along with Pastor Cory and commission the students to go out and start a work and watch what God will do. Some are spying out new locations for potential church plants and others like Yessica who we had met and served with in Mexico are planning to intern and serve at the campus after graduation. We were also reunited with Andrew who we met with last year and he is being sent out to plant a church in the Amazon jungle this fall. We are blown away at all that God is doing in and through the missionaries and ministry campus in Peru as the good news is going forth in South America!

You Are Most Welcome

If you have been with us for a while, you will remember that we spent every summer over the past decade living in Uganda, Africa in a 95% Muslim community. Sadly, the pandemic kept us away as the travel restrictions were strict, uncertain and always changing. When we got the all clear and invitation, we knew this summer we had to return to our African roots. When you read this update, we will be in route to Uganda as a family and to say we are excited is an understatement. Please keep us in your prayers as we will be coming alongside the various ministries, churches and students at the Bible College in Uganda to host a church conference, teach at the Bible College, women’s fellowship, CC Pastors & Leaders Conference, school outreach, and visit several dear missionary families. Pray that our time would be sweet, fruitful and a blessing as we seek to encourage and lift the arms of those who have endured a difficult season during lockdowns. Pray our bodies would remain healthy and strengthened and for protection against malaria. Pray that all we teach, share with and visit would be further equipped to fulfil the calling on their lives and that those who are hopeless or downcast would be set free and accept the beautiful plan of salvation.

Around the World

Last week, we marveled at the great privilege we have to be entrusted with much around the world. From teaching young adults at The Rock to teaching class in Mexico at Calvary School of Missions, from meeting with pastors in S. Asia to providing admin and oversight to the campus in Nepal, from celebrating Breanna’s 8th birthday to boarding a plane bound for Africa at the moment….we are humbled and in awe of the great responsibility and more committed than ever to serve the Lord will all our hearts as we continue to trust that His plans are always better. God is on the move and we are thankful to be sent by you!

With Love from Uganda,

Bond, Heather and Breanna Gaona