Setting Fear Aside

It was one month ago that we boarded a plane bound for India. This time was different than times past because we now had our two month old baby girl Breanna with us. Prior to leaving, we heard all kinds of comments from well meaning people about taking our child overseas to a third world country. Most of them were filled with fear, worry and concern as was to be expected. Many of the things that were said to us had already crossed our minds as new parents…..questions like “what if she gets sick” and “what about her safety” and “what if she screams the whole flight and does not adjust to being overseas” and the list could go on.

Fear is real. Fear can cripple, paralyze, rob and even destroy us. In America, we can have a false sense of security that keeps fear at bay because we can call 9-1-1 anytime an emergency happens with our child, we have locks and alarms to keep our family safe and we have baby stores filled with items that make raising a child a little easier. But, none of these things guarantee that our child will live a healthy, happy, trouble free life.

We realized that many people live in fear daily and this causes them to simply watch life pass by. It is our human tendency to worry and dwell on the “what if’s” but that is not the life we are called to live. We had to make the choice once again to walk by faith (this time as parents to our baby girl), just like we had four years ago when we quit our jobs, moved from San Diego and began serving the Lord overseas. Psalm 56:3-4 says “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God I have put my trust; I will not fear.” We hold dearly to this and other precious promises that if we are trusting God that He will take care of us whether we are in India, Nepal, Uganda or in the USA. We are not naive to the reality of living in a third-world country as there is still much to be vigilant about on a daily basis with regards to water, disease, and safety especially while driving. But we try to push fear aside, take our thoughts captive and enjoy the amazing life God has blessed us with in this part of the world.

We are thankful that our baby girl traveled so well. She loved her bassinet that folded out from the wall on our long flight and all who were sitting around us commented how well she did as we got off the plane. We know it may not always be the case, but it was nice on our first time out. We were welcomed in India by an overwhelming amount of love from our many friends and ministry partners who have become our Indian family. They had been anticipating her arrival and she was instantly embraced with pinches on the cheeks, hugs, giggles and lots of loving words in Hindi.

Pouring Into Pastors & Leaders

This past month, we hosted a week long Pastor’s and Leaders conference for all of the men and women who are working in the mountain region where we are located. It was great to be reunited PastorsConfwith the graduates and current students from the School of Ministry, pastors and teachers working with Promise Child and those who have been sent out to plant churches in the region. Bond taught through the book of Mark and as we studied the life of Jesus together, those who attended were encouraged, blessed and convicted. Everyone finished the week, challenged to return to their churches, ministries, schools and programs with a greater desire to be more like Jesus and lead others to do the same.

Challenging The Youth

While we love to invest in the current leaders, we also know the importance of raising up the next generation. Through our partnership with Promise Child, we are seeing the children who were once YouthConfyoung kids grow up and go on to high school now because of faithful supporters who provide for school fees and basic needs. With it being our fourth year serving in India, it was the first time that we knew all of the 9th – 12th grade students on a deeper level. During our youth conference we decided to do something different and talk about what is truth, creation vs. evolution, why we believe what we believe and how to prove it using the Scriptures. It was the most interactive time we have had with them as many of the youth asked questions, wrestled with difficult to understand concepts and were challenged to evaluate what they are taught in high school and what the bible has to say in these areas. By nature, most youth in India do not speak out in a group of their peers, but we were really excited to see them engaged in conversation and wrestle with why they believe what they believe. At the end of the day, they were given the opportunity to respond and many young people professed their faith in Christ.

There were also 5 students, who during their interviews shared that they had lost a parent in the last two years. Heather was able to comfort these young people through tears, with the same comfort she has received just as 1Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.” Pray for these young people who come from very poor families in rural areas. Pray that they would cling to the truth that there is a living God who desires to give them a future and a hope despite there challenging circumstances.

Bond + Heather + Breanna = Team Gaona

The baby carrier and teamwork between us has become crucial to being able to continue the ministry in the villages with Breanna. We were able to strap her on and take her with us, which was so fun to PCInterviewserve together as a family. Heather was able to follow-up with each one of the children in Sanji and Jordi villages to assess each child and their progress over the last year, follow-up on health and family issues, hear the verses they have learned recently and pray for these precious children. We were able to see the newly completed hostel in Jordi village that will house 10 boys that will live on the school site starting next month made possible through funding provided by Promise Child. Last year, this was a pressing need since there are children that were walking 2.5 hours each way to school, missing because of extreme weather conditions and situations where a parent was lost or had left and they were not being taken care of at home. We are excited for this building project to be completed and for these young boys to be schooled, cared for and shown the love of Jesus with a home to call their own.

Moving From One Location To The Next

After several weeks in the mountains, we have moved down the hill to the city where Bond is Hikingteaching at the School of Ministry for several weeks. We will head to Nepal on October 19th where we plan to spend the remainder of the year assisting at the CC Bible College, church that was planted last year and with several earthquake relief teams that will be coming to Nepal to provide medical outreach, construction, and prepare for an orphanage that Promise Child is looking to launch for children who have lost parents as a result of the earthquake.

Thank you for your financial support that makes it possible for us to be your missionaries and serve in Asia this year. We are grateful for your love and prayers as that is what propels us forward to go and train, invest, equip, pour into, raise up, love on and comfort others in Christ in this part of the world.
With Love From India,
Bond, Heather and Breanna Gaona