Fresh Start

The past month and a half have flown by! My Christmas and New Year were a success in every way. I got to spend Christmas surrounded by friends and family and I went to bed at 8:45 pm on December 31st. It was dreamy.

For most of December, we were working hard to help our missionaries host Christmas outreaches in their various villages and communities. We sent over $2,000 to South Asia and the Gospel was preached to over 1,000 unbelievers! It was such a privilege to see some of the pictures that came back to us.

I got to be a part of a Christmas outreach to Muslims right here in sunny Southern California and we shared the story of Jesus’ birth with those who attended. I was also a part of the youth Christmas parties at my church and feel so privileged to be a part of the students’ lives. The high schoolers had Chick-Fil-A and we played some games and then I headed to the junior high party where we went on a Christmas decorations scavenger hunt through the neighborhood-boys against girls, of course! And you guessed it, the girls won!

Now we are gearing up for the new year and I have been busy creating and ordering bookmarks for all of our missionaries to restock our supply and send them out to their donors with their end of year tax statements. On top of all the “normal” business stuff, I have helped plan a few trips that are coming up at the end of this month.

We have a team heading to Jordan on a vision tour to see what God might have for SGWM and each of them there. We are so excited to hear about what God does and how He speaks and directs each person, please keep the team in your prayers! They will be in Jordan from February 3rd to February 10th but they leave on January 26th for Israel where they will tour Israel for 7 days!

The new year for me personally has been a really sweet fresh start; a year to press into the Lord, a year to honor Him more completely, a year to pursue greater holiness and sanctification. I woke up on January first (after getting a full 12 hours of sleep because I went to bed before 9. Yes, I’m so proud of that) with Psalm 37:4 running through my mind.

“Delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart.”

I felt that the Lord was really calling me out and calling me to delight in Him first and foremost and come back to my first love in Him. Often times our Christianity can become routine and even boring and that’s how I felt. I was reading my Bible but not to meet with God, I was reading to check it off of my to-do list. I hadn’t been delighting in Him but He invited me to do just that this year and it has made a huge difference.

This year, in the midst of all of the business and busyness, my goal is to delight in my King, the lover of my soul, and do all things unto Him.

It is such a privilege to facilitate and be part of the work God is doing all over the world and I couldn’t do it without your prayers and financial support! Thank you to all of you who have prayed for me and supported me financially as well. This year the majority of my financial backing, which was a very generous one-time donation, will be ending as the donation is used up. I love what I do and it is a ministry unto the Lord for the salvation of the lost but I need more financial partners if I’m going to be able to remain in this position after May of this year. If the Lord puts it on your heart to be a monthly donor and partner with me in the work of the ministry that goes on here at Saving Grace World Missions, please click the button below.

Prayer Requests
  • That I would be diligent and intentional in delighting in the Lord.
  • That God would be magnified through the office work I get to be a part of.
  • That God would shape me more into His image through prayer, His Word, life circumstances, and my relationships.
  • Pray for more financial supporters to share the ministry with.