Did Someone Say “South Asia”?

Did you know that there are approximately 3 billion unreached people in the world? That means that 3 billion people have never heard the Gospel and have no opportunity to hear it. This can be due to several reasons; they may live in an area where there aren’t any Christians (like persecuted countries), where Christianity, the Bible, and even saying the word “God” is illegal (like North Korea), or where they simply don’t have access to Gospel materials (like remote headhunting tribes).

I have the opportunity to visit a country that is home to approximately 1.3 billion of those unreached peoples. That’s right, almost half of all unreached people live in South Asia.

Our group including pastors, pastors’ wives, and missions-minded believers

At the end of October, I will accompany a group of pastors to some South Asian countries where we will be gathering the Calvary workers for conferences in order to better equip the national Christians to persevere in the face of rising persecution and to better reach their unsaved neighbors. Right now, my daily office tasks revolve largely around the planning of this trip. I am booking hotels, coordinating rides to and from airports, and facilitating approximately eight pastors in their preparations for our travels. While in South Asia, my job is simple, keep track of all of our finances and receipts, take notes in all important meetings, fellowship with and encourage the nationals, especially the ladies, and then boast about God’s mighty works.

We will be traveling into some remote villages where the name of Jesus has never been spoken until now, where the people have lived and died for generations under the sway of demons, and where God is doing a new work. Not only will we be able to edify and build up His church in these areas, but we will be part of establishing new churches and Bible Colleges in these areas so that those who are getting saved can receive training in the Word of God to then return to their own villages and start Bible studies which will grow into churches.

My request is that you would join me in prayer for this trip.

We, as the Kingdom of Light, are knocking down the gates of hell by advancing into these countries held for so long under Satan’s grasp and the spiritual warfare is intense.

Please pray for our safety, health, and smooth entry, travels, and exit from these countries. The conferences are under a lot of attack right now and the security risk is high for all those involved so please wrap us and the teachings in prayer.

Join with us in interceding for the safety, health, and perseverance of our brothers and sisters. There are many young believers who have been rescued out of false religions but the demonic influence of their homes is great. Pray for their faith to grow and be strengthened in the face of great opposition.

Let’s bow our knees before the Throne of Grace to beg for victory in winning the lives of the lost, that more might come to know Him through the witness of the believers in these unreached lands!

Our God is Great and Mighty and He is doing amazing things in dark places! Thank you for your continued prayer and support!