Some Statistics

I have been going through Rob Douglass’ missions class as part of my training for my position at SGWM and my heart has been so stirred for what we are doing here that I needed to write something down.

Rob is the founder and President of Ends of the Earth Ministries which goes into unreached countries and raises up nationals to go further in, where white people cannot go, and bring the hope of the Gospel through planting churches, providing education, and offering safe medical care. They work largely in South Sudan and other unreached areas.

Some of the statistics Rob shared in his class left me in tears and with my hands raised to heaven asking God where I can go to share Him with people who have never heard of Him. Some of you may have heard of the 10/40 Window, and for those of you who have not, it refers to a window of coordinates on the globe where half of the world’s population resides and where the people have never heard the Gospel.

The 10/40 Window (graphic taken from the web and originally put out by Calvary Chapel St. George)

Half the world’s population.

That’s 3 billion people.

3,000,000,000 people who are currently on their way to hell unless they put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

But how can they? How can they believe on Him of whom they have never been told?

It is estimated that approximately 124,000 people die every 24 hours within the 10/40 window, people who did not have the opportunity to know Christ. That is the same rate as the average person’s heart beats per day. What does that mean? It means that when you put your finger to your pulse and feel that ever so gentle and reassuring thrust of blood being pushed through your veins, approximately one unsaved person, for every pulse, has just slipped into eternity without Christ. For every pulse.

It’s heart wrenching but it doesn’t leave us twiddling our thumbs.

Jesus commanded us to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.”

Matthew 28:19-20

So that’s what we’re doing. Here at Saving Grace World Missions we are going and making disciples. We’re raising up national believers to be pastors and leaders in their unsaved and unreached communities. We are supporting missionaries to pioneer the spread of the Gospel into some of the most hostile nations on the planet.

We are doing something because every heartbeat is precious. Every Lub dub represents another lost soul reaching the end of their allotted time on this earth.

What are you doing with your allotted time? What are you doing with every beat of your heart? Are you wasting your life in front of a television or phone screen?

I refuse.

That’s why I am so blessed to be part of SGWM because we are doing something about the 3 billion people who have yet to hear of the hope of the Gospel, Jesus Christ.

Please pray about what exactly your role is in reaching the unreached. The Great Commission isn’t just to some, it is to the whole body of Christ, every one of us. So what can you do?

If you want to know more about SGWM or Ends of the Earth Ministries feel free to contact me and I would love to share more and help you find ways to be active in this great privilege we have all been called to.