Better Late Than Never

I know I’m late on this update, but better late than never! (Plus I have good reasons…sort of)

The Sunday I missed was April 16th, otherwise known as Resurrection Sunday. It was my second Easter away from home in my short 19 years of life, but it was oh so sweet. I awoke to a beautiful morning with blue skies and fluffy clouds, so for a day whose forecast promised rain, we were off to a great start. My roommate, Brooke, and I got up earlier than usual to spend time with the Lord and then go for a run before church. I am reading through the One Year Bible and when I finished my reading for the day, I decided to read through the resurrection accounts in all of the Gospels. It was so beautiful to see again all that Jesus went through on my behalf and yours, to read of His victory over sin and death, and His glorious ascension to heaven.

When Jesus was hanging on the cross, the Pharisees mocked Him and said, “If you are the Son of God, save yourself!” and then they snickered among themselves saying, “others He saved, but Himself He cannot save.” (Matt 27:42, Mark 15:31, Luke 23:35).

 This struck me that beautiful Sunday morning.

Jesus COULD have saved Himself; He had the power to, but He CHOSE not to so that He could save you and me. He remained on that cross, endured the shame, and bore the sins of the world so that we could all have an open way to the Father. If He would have saved Himself from the cross, then our sins would not have been atoned for and we would still be guilty before God the Father because of those sins. Instead He humbled Himself and remained on the cross so that my sins and yours would no longer stand between us and God. The punishment for all of our wrongdoing was poured out upon Jesus on the cross and now we are free to approach God through His blood. If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, the invitation is open! Today, if you recognize that you are separated from God by the wrong things you have done, you can come to Jesus and accept the free gift of salvation which He died to purchase for you. All you have to do is confess that you are a sinner, believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and rose again on the third day, and trust that His blood covers all of your sins. He offers you life! He offers you freedom! All because He loves you and wants to spend eternity with you.

Anyway, it was a wonderful reminder and the amazing thing was that Brooke had done the same thing in her morning reading! She had read the resurrection account in all of the Gospels as well and I thought it was so cool that the Holy Spirit had led both of us to review it without even consulting the other.

The rest of the day was spent in children’s ministry consoling crying babies, baking delicious cakes for Easter potlucks, and spending time with all of my friends here in Italy. All of the students and staff from the Bible College got together for lunch and we spent the whole day fellowshipping and playing games. With all of the fun and fellowship to be had “in the moment,” you can hardly blame me for skipping my regular update. I chose rather to be present in the moment and just enjoy the blessings of this season. Thank you for your patience in waiting for this update and for your continued prayers.

This past week was busy with school assignments and preparation for our Footsteps of Paul trip to Greece next week. I still have many assignments I want to finish before the trip, so prayers for diligence would be appreciated!

This Sunday I missed my update because I was, once again, enjoying the fellowship of my brothers and sisters here in Italy. A friend of mine from my previous semester at this campus (Spring 2016) is now a missionary in Austria where he serves at the Castle. We became good friends last spring, but hadn’t really kept in touch while I was at home and I wasn’t expecting to see him this semester because of his work, so when I found out that he was in town to surprise Daniela, who is his cousin, I was excited to be able to catch up with him and hear more about all that the Lord is doing in his life and ministry. On Sunday I was able to spend time with him, so in lieu of updating all of you, I spent the afternoon catching up with him and just talking about the Lord. It was such a blessing to see how much he has grown and to hear all of the things the Lord has done and taught him in this past year. I am so grateful for friendships where you can just sit and reflect on the Lord’s character together and praise Him for the wonderful things He has done and is doing. It was a special blessing to see him in person and I wanted to soak up every minute that I could.  

In other news, I got an update from Israel!
This past Sunday I received an email from the registrar, who I spoke with originally, after two weeks of silence. I have been praying every day for the semester and the students and when I saw the email I was excited until I noticed that it was in response to a previous email I had sent about the internship length. When I read the email, my heart dropped into my stomach. Currently, the student applications are below the number necessary for interns which means that as of now, I am NOT going to Israel after all. Initially, I was disappointed, but the Holy Spirit ministered so powerfully at that moment and reminded me that He still has a plan. Whether or not that plan includes Israel this fall, I know that it is a good plan for my benefit and His glory so I am not stressed or worried about what I am going to be doing after Bible College. I am simply continuing to pray and seek as I look to Him and wait for Him to show me the door He has opened. I ask that you join me in praying for this next season as He leads me into whatever He has in store. It is an exciting time and I am excited to see what He is going to do!

A verse He gave me that night was Psalm 71:14, “but I will hope continually and I will praise You yet more and more.” I was so comforted because no matter how hectic or transitory this life becomes, no matter how many disappointments come and go, He is worthy of praise and He is steadfast. My hope is in Him and I know that He is faithful.

Perhaps you are going through some kind of roller coaster right now and you’re tempted to become frustrated or disappointed or doubtful. Don’t give in! Look to the Lord and ask Him to restore your faith and strengthen your heart because He is our anchor in the storm.

He is the solid Rock on which we stand when all else is sinking sand. (those are song lyrics, I just don’t know what song…)

Prayer Requests:

*diligence in studies
*safety in Greece
*provision for my Mom’s trip here
*guidance and direction for the “next season” 
*strength and wisdom for my friend in his ministry in Austria

Thank you so much for your prayers. I know that this semester would not be as blessed as it has been if it was not for the prayer coverage I have received from all of you. (And of course the Lord’s unfailing faithfulness and mercy). I pray that you are all blessed by this very, very late update! I am so blessed by all that the Lord is doing and hope that you are as well.

All my love,