And So It Begins

Time moves slowly until it’s gone.

It seems that I took a step of faith to follow Jesus into Italy so long ago and that the day would never arrive, but it has arrived and I hardly feel prepared. In three short days I leave for three months of studying God’s Word in the beautiful land of pizza and pasta. There will be adventure, joy, discomfort, and growth as I pursue all that God has for me in these upcoming three months, and I invite you to come along.

I am not entirely sure what the semester will hold, but I am confident that Jesus Christ will be my constant companion and stronghold. He will stretch me and reveal Himself to me in ways that are fresh, alive, and vibrant. The vision of this blog is to share that growth with you and to keep you updated on all of my adventures as well as prayer requests. I pray that the Lord would use it to encourage you and speak to your heart as well as keep me focused on His movement through it all.

As I look ahead to the day I depart, I can’t help feeling as though I am walking into something that is much bigger than I am. I feel small, insufficient, and inadequate to rise up to all that awaits me, to take full advantage of all the opportunity I have been graciously given, and to overcome all of the challenges that accompany it. I imagine that is somewhat how the Israelites felt as they transitioned from wandering in the wilderness for forty years to entering into the Promised Land. They faced insurmountable odds when they looked at their enemies from man’s perspective, but God has a God’s-eye-view and He helped put it back in perspective for them. The same words He spoke to Joshua all those thousands of years ago as His people pursued Him into the Promised Land speak to me today as I seek comfort in His Word.

He said, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

Joshua 1:9

So though I am in truth small, insufficient, and inadequate, the LORD my God is my courage and my strength. He has called me and He is leading me so what do I have to fear? He is with me wherever I go which means He is with me on this journey of faith.
Besides, who ever said that walking by faith was easy?
Stick around if you want to read about a girl who is completely powerless following the all-powerful God.

Today’s prayer requests:
-smooth preparations
-safe flight
-peace of heart and mind