
Growing in Grace…

October and November 2024

There comes a point in our walks with the Lord where He begins to test our trust in Him and in His Word more and more. I know the Lord has been working on this in me and it’s been stretching. I know that if He puts His chisel on me it’s because there’s an area of my life where I have not yet brought an emotion or action under His authority and light. Thank God, by His grace, He wants to grow us heavenward. I love what Chuck used to say, he might’ve got it from someone, but in response to some saying, “Don’t be so heavenly minded you’re of no earthly good,” he shared, “Be so heavenly minded you’re of every earthly good.” It’s easy to think, get your head out of the clouds, but I don’t think you can be too focused on Jesus. I think if your heart and mind are really and truly wrapped up in Him then you will be busy about the business He’s given you to do here on this earth. We have a purpose and a mission to make disciples during our time here (no matter where He sends us). Our time is short, let’s not let anything keep us from that goal—that aim. Jesus is the prize (Phil. 3:7-15). I think one of the enemy’s greatest tactics is to shame the people of God (it could be over something that happened yesterday or 10 years ago). Why do we keep bringing up things that Jesus has put away, with His blood, once and for all. It’s a tactic that, if we allow it, can debilitate the people of God. We have to remember how we’ve been redeemed. We must preach the Gospel to ourselves daily and remember His all sufficient sacrifice. The enemy wants to defeat the saints of God with shame, but the Lord wants to pick you up, dust you off, and help you keep moving forward; and all for the glory of His name. Nothing is greater than our God and King.

“For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things.” -1 John 3:20

I pray that we all grow in His grace together. To radically deal with sin, to walk in holiness, to know greater the depths of His love, and to live more fully in His grace. His grace is His enablement for us to walk in holiness! Lord, give us more grace!

It’s been a blessing getting to work alongside Shilo at the campus.

Life in the Southern Hemisphere…


Man oh man, how do I sum up two months concisely? It’s been a blessing, it’s been really busy, it’s been really fruitful, and God is doing so much. Our conference had finished up right before October hit, and so it was nice to get some good rest afterward. Battled some sickness for a while, but by the grace of God was able to keep up with everything I needed to. The Thursday prayer group for Argentina, and our Casa a Casa kept on each Friday as we dove into the Word together. I was still preparing for both Tuesday night Church Planting Class, and for Fridays at our home group. It was such a blessing to see how the Lord was bringing us closer together as a group each week. The Lord has blessed me with some wonderful friends and family here in Trujillo. In October I was asked to go and teach the book of Genesis at CBI Brazil and so when I could I was trying to prepare for that as well. Classes continued and we began to get things ready for graduation and the coming semester. Construction continued and is continuing—there is a lot to do. At the end of the month all the students and a few staff went to Lima for a big outreach. It was crazy to experience the campus so quiet in between services at the church. In a lot of ways it was a good break, but I missed them a lot. They’ve all become like family and it’s hard to see them go at the end of the semester. I’m so thankful for them and what the Lord is doing in their lives. It’s amazing to see the growth that’s taking place in their hearts and minds and seeing lives transformed by the power of His Word. It’s so cool to see the discipleship that’s taking place and I’m blessed to be able to be a part of it.

Seeing the students off as they left for their mission trip to Lima
Breakfast with a bunch of students celebrating some birthdays.
Getting seen off by everyone before heading to Brazil.


November was a little crazy, but the Lord saw me through it. I got to go teach the book of Genesis at CBI Brazil and was super blessed by my time there. During the busyness of everything I actually ended up missing my flight to Brazil, but by the grace of God He worked it out and I was able to get a new flight out later that night and arrived the next afternoon. Right before I left all the students got back from their mission trip in Lima so there was a lot going on. I was in Brazil for two weeks in Sao Paolo in a city called Sao Vicente and was super blessed by everyone at the campus and church there. I had a great opportunity to teach a Sunday service while I was there and it was a blessing It was a busy and full two weeks, and outside of class preparation, teaching, and hanging out with the students we still got to go have some fun, and praise the Lord it was on their free day and what turned out to be the only sunny one while I was there. I got back early the morning of the 17th and it was back to business as usual at CBI Peru and Calvary Trujillo. It was almost a weird feeling because things were slowing down immensely—not having to study for a class on top of everything else and with our Casa a Casa’s coming to an end, the semester had one more week, and we also had our final prayer meeting for Argentina over the semester (excited for what God is doing). It was strange celebrating Thanksgiving in Peru, but it was much more than I expected. Our pastor’s wife knows how to make gluten free food and she absolutely blessed me by bringing gluten free pie, stuffing, gravy—the works! Thanksgiving food is my favorite and it was a blessing to get to spend it with good friends on the southern part of the planet. Our final Casa a Casa was on Nov. 29th, it was a great time just fellowshipping, eating good food (Pollo a la Brasa), and getting to encourage them one last time before the break.

My first day there, a couple of guys took me to Santos to check out the area–including the beach!
A little free day hike down to one of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever seen.
Getting to participate in the church planting class they’re doing there on Tuesday nights!
Back in Trujillo, our final semester chapel with the students.
Final Church Planting sermon teaching of the semester.
Final Argentina prayer group meeting of the semester.
Final home fellowship group of the year!
I’ve been giving making peanut butter a go.
These two graduated, and I’m gonna miss them a ton!
One of the guys I’ve been discipling: pray for Daniel as he is off to CBI Brazil next semester!
Gonna miss this guy, the Lord’s got big plans!
Graduation fun with the guys!

What’s on the Horizon

I will arrive back in the States on Dec. 23rd. I’m looking forward to seeing you all, and catching up after almost a year here in Peru. I’ll be back for about a month and head back on the 20th of January. Prayers would be appreciated as I need to renew my passport, drivers license, and some other things while I’m back. If you’d like to get together please shoot me a text or an email and I’d love to try to make some time to see you (I’ll also be down in Southern California for a bit too).

After I get back we’ll be within a week of our Spring Semester and we’ll be hitting the ground running. As for anything Argentina related I will keep you guys in the loop as it is there are some moving parts—I’m hoping to go again soon. As for now the plan will be to keep on with construction and administrative tasks at CBI Peru.

Prayer Requests

  • Travels.
  • Time with family.
  • Passport and license renewals.
  • Getting everything set up for next semester.
  • Continuing to grow in managing my schedule in a way that allows for more productivity between admissions, service hours scheduling, and construction and anything else that’s needed.
  • To continue to grow closer to the Lord, and walk in His will and calling on my life.
  • Wisdom, discernment, His strength, leading, and provision for all that He has in store.
  • Visiting a couple churches while I’m back (I’ll be sharing at my home church on Jan. 12th).
  • That my time back would be restful, and productive and fruitful to catch up on all the necessities since I’ve been gone.

Ciao Familia, los amo mucho,


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