
“His Grace Is Sufficient”

September 2024

Our Post Conference—Student and Staff Sign Photo…

In many ways I’ve found the Lord to be growing and stretching me much in this season. It’s easy to keep moving and maintain in the midst of busyness, but going deep, pressing in closer, and preparing for things to come adds a different twist. I know He’s growing me in this season to not just get by, but flourish and prepare for what’s next. It takes preparation, and much more of His grace. Such a season produces an understanding of my utter inadequacies, and my great need for more of Him and less of me. Paul exhorts us in his own struggle where the Lord encourages Him in his weakness, “And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me,” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NKJV). He is a good God, and no matter where I find myself. If I am feeling stretched and pressed on every side, if I feel my strength dwindling—surely He desires to show Himself strong in my life. He’s not setting us up for failure. He desires our purity, our pursuit of holiness, and our life to be lived for Him more than we do. I need His help to recognize where I’m not properly relying on Him to accomplish His will. Paul had strong words for the Galatians who sought to complete the work of God, in themselves, in their own strength. Lord, please give us the grace to understand, to see, to trust and see You glorified!

Life Lately—

Seeing off one of the pastor’s and his wife after the Mark class.

The month of September… It came with a lot of work, all worthy things, and it’s amazing to see how much growth is taking place here at Calvary Trujillo and CBI Perú. There’s been a lot of progress not just physically, but spiritually. Many peripheral projects have been getting accomplished as we have many more construction minded people here now—what a blessing! Spiritually, the classes have been a blessing for the students and the discipleship that’s been taking place is always soul-searching, and pruning. I’m thankful for it all. God has been blessing me with the ability to think and relate how I need to to accomplish tasks more quickly on the administrative end. I’ve been able to help implement transcripts for all of our students and am continuing to refine and update them as the semester progresses; helping students make sure they are on track to graduate as well. God is good! 

Finally got the girl’s bathroom vanity done.
Saying goodbye to the construction team from SoCal.

At the beginning of the month we were blessed to have multiple pastors here to teach the book of Mark and they were a blast to hang out with! Lot’s of cooking good food, fellowship, hard work, and fun. The guys bathroom upstairs in the new dorm has been able to get a lot more attention—praise the Lord we’re getting closer! I got to help teach the book of Isaiah which was a huge honor and blessing (if any of you would like to watch the class I can get you a link). We got to have a construction team out only for a few days, but they helped us progress quite a bit—they were a blessing to hang out and work with for sure! I finally got the girls bathroom vanity completed as well! Leading the home fellowship group has been a blessing as well. A lot of the work was needed as well as we got ready for our annual South American Missions Conference—what a blast! I even got to build some planter boxes and plant some trees! An even bigger blessing I got to see some family from back home when Pastor Bond and his wife came out to speak at the conference! I got to see old friends, help drive around a lot of guests and pastors. It was a blessing! I also got to see a lot of the people who are excited, prayerful, and heading up ministry in Argentina right now! We’ve even got a fruit budding on one of our trees we planting this past summer! It’s amazing to see what God is doing here, there’s been a lot of growth in a very short time—but in that the attacks of the enemy have not been lacking—praise the Lord He is greater!

Putting in the new waste tie-in for the guys dorm upstairs.
Some of the students and I during the conference “Firmes y Constantes”
Family from one of our online groups who came for the conference!
Our new trees out front!

What’s Next—

I was asked to go to the CBI in Brazil early in November to teach the book of Genesis and I am honored and blessed by the opportunity to get into the Word with hearts that are hungry for Jesus. Please pray for me and my preparation. That nothing would be held back. That I would be filled with the Spirit and enabled the grace to share His Word contextually, and in a way that will draw their hearts closer to Jesus! Please pray for safe travels as well! I’m also needing to renew my passport and I may do it as I pass through Lima at the American Embassy there. Other than that, it’s business as usual. We’re progressing more and more on finishing the other rooms in the new guys dorm. We’re getting little projects done. The Lord is providing for other big works in our ministry. It’s a blessing to be a part of what the Lord is doing here at CBI Perú and Calvary Trujillo. Our semester ends November 22nd so please be praying for the students and ourselves as we get ready for graduation and want to finish well. 

Other exciting news, I already booked my flights and am going to be heading back to the states just before Christmas and will be in California for about a month. There’s much more on the horizon, and I will keep you posted as new information about the property in Argentina comes in. Currently we’re awaiting a signature to keep the ball rolling to buy the property. 

Prayer Requests—

  • Teaching Genesis at CBI Brazil 
  • Travel mercies
  • Passport renewal
  • Continued wisdom for scheduling with students and other admin tasks
  • Continued unity—no opportunity for the enemy
  • Continued focus and progress on construction things 
  • That the Lord would give me wisdom on all the specifics for my trip to the States
  • Refreshment and renewal
  • For my lungs with my asthma (it’s been acting up quite a bit lately) and I may be fighting some kind of bacterial bug
  • For my family back in the States
  • Continued opportunities to share the Gospel
  • Continued wisdom and grace to better my leadership with being a dorm steward, leading construction (alongside some of the other staff), leading administratively, teaching with Church Planting class, and for our home fellowship groups
  • To learn quickly anything else related to running a campus
  • That my mind would be thinking ahead enough to not only be present, but not overwhelmed in what’s to come
  • The purchase of the property in Argentina for the new CBI there

Thank you all so much for all of your love and support. Thank you for reading and keeping up with these updates. I couldn’t be here doing what I’m doing without your love, prayers, and support. You are having a far greater affect than you know and I pray the Lord blesses you and the part you’ve taken. I pray that He would encourage you in all He has for you in this season and for you to walk in where He has you. I’m excited to see what He has in store for your lives!

The Lord bless you and keep you,


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