Time is flying by! So much has happened in the last two months that it can be hard to place it all, but God is doing some amazing things! God is doing much in my heart as well. My strength is never enough and I constantly need more of His grace and the empowerment of His Spirit. As the Gospel of John tells us, we can do no good thing apart from Him (John 15:4). I’ve been seeing that power again and again in my life here on the field. Thank you so much for partnering with me, thank you for praying, and thank you for your faithfulness in the role’s you’re walking out in the kingdom of God.
What’s been going on?
We had a very busy vacation in between semesters. Many students stayed on campus which was a blessing for us. We were able to accomplish more with construction and outreach here in Trujillo. They spend a lot of time working on their Chuck Tracks and other work to help free up some time over their semesters as they finish sooner.

I’ve been working on construction and admin, getting things ready for our current semester. It’s been a lot of work, but it’s been really awesome to see the Lord give me the wisdom I need to accomplish tasks much faster than I would normally imagine. Running service hours for the students has been a growing task and has been growing me as well. It’s forced me to get ahead schedule wise and plan ahead not only for the students but for myself as I have tasks I still need to accomplish. I’m thankful for the opportunity to grow and I’m thankful to see how the Lord is providing strength for it all. I love problem solving and am loving the Lord’s help in growing in those abilities as well.

We had 3 or 4 weddings over the summer and I even got asked to be in one (I’ll cover that in my next newsletter). We got to celebrate the 4th of July here in Peru and a bunch of people from the church and institute were there to celebrate with us—their Dia de Independencia was just around the corner and it was a great time! In my free time I’ve been training at the gym near by learning catch wrestling and taking some classes—health-wise I feel great and am loving challenging my body. As for construction a lot has gotten done as well. We’ve had a good “spring cleaning” on a few different occasions and we are now up in our new mens dorm. We are still finishing up the new guys bathroom but the living area is all good to go. In the old one, we were able to knock out a couple of rooms for married couples who want to attend on campus.

There’s also been a good amount of outreach. We’ve done some open street evangelism, but also when we had a team come out we did a couple different outreaches, a huge one for kids and then a VBS at the church! The outreach turned out far bigger than we expected. Our students and staff put a lot of work into it and so did the visiting team. Some of our students and staff went out to invite people in the days leading up to the event, and when it began we were blown away! We believe there were over 500 kids (maybe closer to 750) in attendance with their families! They heard the Gospel, played games, got invited to church, and received free prizes and food! God is doing a work here in Trujillo and we can’t thank you enough for being a part of it and for praying for what God is doing and wants to do here.

We had another baptism which was combined with one of our church plants—Calvary Buenos Aires and, in total, over 30 people got baptized! That’s including 2 people from our deaf ministry at Calvary Trujillo! It was such a blessing to see and I’m looking forward to what the Lord is going to do next! Already more newcomers are giving their lives to the Lord!

What’s next?
If you could please pray for my friends Julian and Hope, they just got married recently and are now running the new CBI in Brazil for the semester. They are preparing to go plant a new Calvary in Concepción, Chile. After the semester they will go back to the states for a time, but are planning to go in the new year! If you could please be praying for me, Gospel South America (the organization based out of Calvary Trujillo) is in the process of purchasing the new property in Mendoza, Argentina for our new CBI campus there. The plan is to have it closely tied to Calvary La Vid—Maipu in Mendoza, Argentina. Please pray for the process to go smoothly and for the Lord’s leading and wisdom. We will also need help getting the property ready for it’s first semester shortly after. I also need your prayers for this semester. I am running a Casá á Casá that is bilingual through the church. It’s a privilege to be able to teach and lead one of the churches Bible studies and I want to do it well and in an honoring way. I will also be leading one of the new prayer groups for Argentina as we are getting ready to expand the ministry there. Please pray for wisdom there and for me as I will be teaching 2 days of our Isaiah class that’s coming up in about a week. I’ll be teaching through Isaiah 14-19, and the final day of class on chapters 55-66. Thank you so much for praying and partnering with me here. The Lord has used all of you so much—I can’t wait to see what He’s going to do!
Please pray for:
-continued faithfulness
-drawing close to Jesus—complete reliance upon Him
-being empowered by His Spirit
-the classes
-the new church plants
-things in Argentina
-the Lord’s wisdom, leading, provision, and guidance
I’m so glad to have you guys in my corner. Love you all!
If you would like to get involved or even help support the school with scholarships for South American students please let me know! Please let me know how I can be praying for you!