Vincent Family April 2020 Missions Update

Greetings from Mexico,

What a shocker this has been for us all living through the dangerous days of the Corona Virus. Please know that I am SO SORRY that you and your family are having to live through this. I am praying for you, and believing that God is going to get you and your loved ones through these difficult days.

In this missions update, I wanted to update you in regards to how our church and family are responding to the tragedy of the Corona Virus. Just like up in the USA, the Corona Virus is alive and kicking down here in Rosarito Mexico as well! Our Government and leaders have been basically following California in the wise restrictions they have put in place to limit the spread of the virus through social distancing.

Following the Local laws, three weeks ago we were asked to close down our live church services and forced to go to an online only platform. Now the timing of this announcement for our church was very interesting. Our church has never done live streaming before, BUT just 3  months ago we purchased a camera and the needed equipment, and we had been doing test runs live with our equipment before the corona virus ever hit. So when we were forced to go to an online platform, God had prepared us and we were ready!

For three weeks now we have streamed our services live on the internet. Our main service times are Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm and Sunday mornings at 9am. If you would like to join us, you can stream our sermons live on our church’s facebook page (search “Calvary Chapel Rosarito” ) or our church’s YOUTUBE channel! (again, search “Calvary Chapel Rosarito) Both of these platforms save our content so our audience can tune in and watch at their own convenience!

When the corona virus hit, I decided to change up my teaching format from our usual verse by verse teaching to a special topical series I have called “HEROES”! In each service,  I pick a Bible hero and we attempt to apply the lessons and principals from that hero’s life,  to our lives as Christians facing the Corona Virus today!

To our surprise,  God has given us a large online audience. My recent Sunday sermon on David vs. Goliath, has generated over 11,000 views already. Best of all, we had three first time professions of faith ONLINE, after I presented the message of salvation and gave an invitation!

Additional studies at our church include a daily devotion for our congregation in Spanish that we stream live each weekday at 10am! Our children’s ministry, youth ministry, and young adult’s ministry have also transitioned to weekly online meetings! Please keep our church and ministry in your prayers during this difficult time!

As bad as things are, there is still a lot of GOOD NEWS available for you today as a Christian! And as I finish up this update, I want to remind you of FIVE GOOD THINGS that God is doing in the world right now!

#1- God is still seated on His throne in heaven! #2- God has promised that He will never leave you or forsake you! (Hebrews 13:5) #3- The battle (of the Corona Virus) belongs to the Lord! (1st Samuel 17:47) #4- God has promised to work all things out for good in the lives of His children! (Romans 8:28) And #5- I know that God is going to use this corona virus to bring a great revival of souls into His Kingdom! (perhaps the final great revival of them all, wouldn’t that be awesome! )

Precious friends, you don’t know how much your prayers and financial support mean to our family, especially in these desperate days of the corona virus. Thank you once again for partnering with us and standing firm with us to reach Mexico and beyond for Jesus Christ!

Con mucho amor de Mexico,  (with much love from Mexico)

Mike, Sarah, Grace, and Daniel

Prayer Requests!

#1-  That God would keep our family, church, city, nation, and world safe in this corona virus!

#2-  That God would bring forth a great revival of souls through this corona virus!

Praise Reports!

#1- Praise God for our newest church plant that we will be sending out in April, Calvary Chapel La Gloria! (20 minutes east of our church)  

#2- Praise God that our church’s online services are reaching many people with uplifting content, passionate worship,  Bible teaching, and the message of salvation!   

For our personal support, checks should be made out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Vincent support” in the memo section.  For special projects, checks should also be made out to Saving Grace World Missions or SGWM, with the project name in the comments section. Use the enclosed envelope or mail directly to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873

For your convenience, you may consider giving through electronic funds transfer or direct deposit. Simply click on this link to directly support our family as your missionaries.

Or, you can  go to our mission’s website, click on the “become a financial partner” button and fill out the information. Please remember to type in  “Vincent” in the “purpose of gift” section.

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