Japan is a nation of being shiny and put together. The mess and grime is cleaned, covered, or hidden. Like any place in the world, entropy happens. In Japan, however, the break down and disorder are fought against as much as possible. The upkeep of possessions is done compulsively, especially items that other people will see. So it came as quite a surprise when several times we would hear loud squeaks coming from the brakes of the bicycles that passed by us each day. Why don’t Japanese people oil their brakes. When they meticulously take care of almost everything in their lives, why not their bikes? It wasn’t just old looking bicycles or random people, it was nearly every bike including the policemen.

One day we asked one of our friends if she knew the reason why this was the case. She told us that people want their brakes to squeak. Bicycles are rode exclusively on the sidewalk. When you come up behind someone you don’t want them to move into your path. If your brakes are squeaky, you can use them to let people know you’re coming up behind them. The other option would be to have to interact with people on the street, they want a system that allows them to do their communal responsibility without having to actually talk or interact with people. Even with something as non-direct or small as letting them know you’re coming up in their blind spot. As Christians who desire to connect with the Japanese and show them the love of Christ and share the gospel with them, how do you overcome a culture that avoids interaction at that level? We need the Spirit to lead us to right people every single day. If He doesn’t go before us, we won’t be able to have any impact in this country. Please be praying for us to talk to the people who are lonely and looking for an interaction with a strange foreigner.

We have a lot of stuff going on right now, both Alishia and I have been giving teaching opportunities this month. I taught a Sunday morning at Calvary Chapel Iwakuni at the end of July. I will be teaching a Sunday and midweek service at Abide in August, and Alishia will be teaching the women’s bible study for two weeks in August as well. There is also our normal young adults bible study and the opportunity to possibly teach at a homeless church this month as well.

We have a team coming from the US in early September that we are hosting, then we will head to Thailand with them for the CCA Asia Conference. Then a few people will be coming to Japan for three month stays later this fall. As we have more opportunities and are doing more traveling to conferences we have some financial one time needs. If you’re interested in supporting us monthly or with a one time gift, please click the link below.

Prayer requests:
- Alishia’s health as we head to Thailand. We are trusting the Lord in stepping out to have her go to this and so we would ask that you cover her greatly in prayer.
- With some single female missionaries coming for medium to long term stays here in Osaka, we are praying about moving to a larger apartment so that we can house them and other visitors that may come spend time with us.
- For the Lord to meet all our needs, spiritual and financial alike.