“…Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature…”(Mark 16:15 NKJV)
In my last update, I shared that God has been opening new doors of ministry for us here in Cambodia. One of the open doors is increased partnership with Bethel Mission Organization https://www.bethelgraceministry.org. BMO/BGM evangelizes and educates children who live on top of the tombs in a graveyard (and their families/communites) and has expanded to minister to those living in the garbage dump, other urban poor communities, and prisons.

Kayo singing for the children in Khmer, Japanese and English at the chapel service/6th Anniversary of BMO/BGM.

We have known and partnered with this family and organization for several years but now we have the resources and strength to become more active. I have shared various aspects of the Gospel with the students at the monthly chapel services in May, August, and September in the main office and the graveyard location. Rather than risk false-conversions and other misunderstandings, I always help connect the children with Bro. Sirvith for follow up and discipleship.
Kayo was able to join and sing in September and is facilitating future projects with BMO/BGM with churches and individual Christians in Japan. In September, BMO/BGM celebrated their sixth anniversary. We were blessed that a Christian retired judge and current attorney and law school professor from Japan was able to visit the celebration and encourage the staff with his testimony about never giving up on God’s plans and playing and singing in Japanese. He came to Cambodia for six days to train Cambodian judges as a Japanese government foreign-aid program. We met him at one of the churches we visited this past summer during our trip to Japan.
And Beyond…
I have been attending an international Christian fellowship (400+ from arond 40 nations) in Cambodia much of the time since I first arrived in Cambodia in 2000. I continue to help evangelize and disciple Chinese in partnership with the Chinese ministry. In August, more than a dozen people made professions of faith through the ministry of a visiting pastor. That spurred me on to connect and equip the new believers, non-belivers who want to more about how to become Christians, and believers who struggle with doubts and questions through their faith at a “Knowing Jesus More” circle/flyers/QR Google form after the meetings. So far I’ve made connections with a Sri Lankan (and I could share my Christianity: Reasons for Faith book) a Cambodian via email/text messages only (and I could share my Cambodian language evangelistic/apologetics YouTube videos) along with other oportunities to pray, encourage, and provide counsel. I also continue to speak around once month to encourage other missionaries, expat workers, and Cambodians. I also lead the men’s ministry. Kayo leads the women’s ministry, assists with keeping everyone organized, helps lead worship in the prayer meetings and more. In partnership with this fellowship and the Light Association (Light Times) organization, Kayo and I have been encouraging a Cambodian man and a Filipino woman in the area of mental health, more doors are opening in this area as well… There are many other related opportunities to serve and bless others from Apologetics, English curriculum development, to helping people find jobs…
Lifestyle Change Journey: Phase 1 Completed (Major Weight Loss) PTL!

I have struggled with my weight and fitness my whole life, especially during the past 20 years. I tried and failed to control or lose weight but I kept gaining until I reached 315 lbs. I started having knee pain on stairs and getting up from chairs, difficulty putting on socks and shoes and so on… To make a long testimony short, around October 19, 2023, I felt led to start wearing and using a fitnes watch a friend had given our family during our summer visit to the USA. Then, on October 21, Benjamin asked me to buy a scale for him and then “tricked” me into weighing myself. I was shocke that I was 315.4lbs. Benjamin then showed me how to count and control my calories using an app. and so my lifestyle change journey-phase 1 began. Now I am in Phase 2 (Weight Maintenance-195-205 lbs). Lord willing, Phase 3 (Strength and Fitness) will begin in October.
During the past 10 months, I have had wonderful times worshiping and praying while walking and exercising and this has strengthened and refreshed me spiritually. My long term depression and lethargy have ended and I have more joy and strength for family and ministry etc. My health (heartrate, blood pressure, sleep apnea symptoms have all gone in a healthy direction). Many people here have been asking for advice to the point that Benjamin wisely recommended that I make a 5 page PDF of my testimony and recommendations. If you would like to recieve this document please contact me by email or social media. I am so thankful to God for His blessings on this breakthrough and I hope to be a blessing and encouragement to others.
Well this is getting long. Much more could be written. Feel free to contact me directly. Our family is doing well. Benjamin’s gearing up for some major tests but is really growing up rapidly in many wonderful ways. Please keep him in your prayers!
In Christ’s Love,
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin