Our Worship Service

Praise the Lord! I hope you are having a very good day!

I convey my sweet greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. By the mercy of the Lord, we are doing well, and we are being used much in the ministry through your prayers. Our ministry in both places is going well, and all of the believers are doing well.

When I talk about Jesus and the Good News with the people, they hear and accept that Jesus is Lord, but they are afraid of their community. One day while I was praying, God put it on my heart to conduct a home prayer meeting in my rented house. So, we started having a prayer meeting every Thursday. The servant of God, Pastor 15*, came to encourage us. Please pray for me because I want to spend more time with God. I thank God for His goodness and protection thus far!

Prayer requests:

  1. Please pray for Terra*, who beats his wife because of her faith in Jesus. May God change his heart.
  2. Please pray for the place called Gunarita* because it is the main market place here, and I am continuing to pray that God will open doors there for His glory.
  3. Please pray for the village Nangurati* because I have started a new fellowship with a family there just this last week. Pray that the fellowship will be used to lead people to the Lord.
  4. Please pray for a bicycle for me. I want to visit every village nearby with a bicycle, so this is my need for the ministry. God will provide for me!
  5. Please pray for my family and my two children.Pray for our finances, good health, and all of our needs.
  6. Please pray for me, that I will be faithful in ministry.
  7. Praise the Lord, last week a new family came to our church from my village!

God bless you,

Pastor 8 and Family

*Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.