Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19-20
Dear Friends and Family,
Happy Anniversary!
You might be wondering, “happy Anniversary to who?” I have just celebrated my 25th anniversary in Uganda. I can not believe how time flies. I am overwhelmed with emotions of thankfulness and awe as I reflect on all the Lord has done in those years. While I doubt I can fit the multitude of God’s work in this one newsletter. I do want to share some of what has taken place in those years.
I felt called to Africa pretty much from the time I was saved. It was in 1996 while finishing my Bible College at the Campus in Austria that God spoke to me specifically about ministering to South Sudanese. It would be 3 more years before I landed in Africa to serve amongst Sudanese refugees in Uganda.
I arrived in Uganda with just a backpack, a sleeping bag and a knife. This has really become a laughing point amongst the team I was a part of. I really imagined I was going to have to get off the plane and hike though the jungle. In actuality I landed in a pretty big city. The refugee camp was 4-5 hours north of us and while the roads were not good we were able to drive there. In the refugee camp my team and I did many things. We taught many Bible studies. I taught women and children, as well as helping teach a women’s school of discipleship. We taught English as a second language. Most of the women we ministered to knew little if no English. It was eye opening to see how women were treated and how much work they did for their families, and also how common polygamy was.
One of the hardest things in sharing the gospel with them was eliminating some of the harmful traditional practices. I still want weep at some of the deaths that were the result of such practices. One of my favorite memories was the first time I taught the women about Christmas. As I was teaching one of the ladies interrupted and was quite surprised that Jesus “happened” to be born on Christmas. Some of the ladies never had known that the reason we celebrate Christmas is Jesus.

We had a feeding center for malnourished children. This was a very tough part of the ministry, to see starving babies and children and the sickness and death related to that. The blessings and miracles we saw God do for these children outweighed the difficulty of the situation. To see a child’s life and body transformed through prayer and good nutrition was a wonderful experience to be a part of.

We had a child sponsorship program for over 500 children. I would make sure they stayed in communication with their sponsors and do home visits. I also got called into the principal’s office for bad behaviors and to the clinic when someone was sick. I was single back then and people would always ask me, “don’t you want to get married and have children?” I would respond I already have 500. I do not know where all of those children have ended up but I do know 1 is now a doctor, a couple are teachers and quite a few have resettled to Australia where they were able to finish school and attend university.

When the war was over and the refugees began to return to Sudan I wanted to go with them. At that time my team had returned to the States. A missionary pastor who also worked with Far Reaching Ministries asked me to come to Kampala to help establish their women’s ministry. I was torn because I really had been trying but unsuccessfully to go to an unreached people group in South Sudan. In my devotions God spoke to me from Galatians about doing good to all, especially the household of faith. I knew then I was supposed to move to Kampala. Little did I know God had my husband and future children planned through that obedience. As I taught the women at the church, I also taught at the Bible College. Lo and behold God brought me Kudamuch, a Sudanese man from the very tribe I wanted to reach. He eventually graduated and returned to his people to share the gospel with them and plant a church. He has since passed away but the ministry there continues.

Almost 10 years ago my husband, Brian, was called to minister to the market people, people from the slums, people who are poor and suffered addictions. That out reach turned into Arise Christian Fellowship where we currently serve.
It has not all been easy, there has been much sickness, betrayal, robberies, terrorist attacks and sometimes fear/doubt but more than that there was/is God. I know Him better and trust Him more because of all the experiences good and bad.

I am amazed He has allowed me to be a part of His ministry here for this long and I still look to each day with wonder of what He is going to do or call me to do next.
I am thankful for all of you whose prayer and support has enabled me to serve these 25 years. While God has done so much, the work is not done. Let us continue to run this race together knowing we will receive the prize.
In Him,
Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana

- I am so thankful for the many ways the Lord has blessed me in serving Him and for everyone who supports me and the ministry in Uganda.
- We are still praising God for our safe return to Uganda and for finding the ministry well taken care of and thriving.
- Pray for the many different ministries taking place in Uganda and South Sudan.
- Pray for the Kanyike family as they continue to serve the Lord in Uganda. Pray for their spiritual life as well as their physical needs.
- Pray for Jill as her women’s bible study resumes and the children as they get back to a normal homeschool schedule.
- Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
- Pray for the Kanyikes as they prepare for a large team coming next month.
- Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.