The Miracle of Multiplication

Preparing and Multiplying Missionaries

We closed out the summer as a family by traveling to Mexico to teach at the Calvary School of Missions. While the flight was much shorter than our usual, we were welcomed by an energetic group of young adults that continued to preserve even during shut downs! Although most things were canceled, it was a huge blessing to be a part of the school that prepared future missionaries for when the world opens up again.

We were able to teach on the importance of the Word of God, the adventure of faith, trails and spiritual warfare, practical aspects of communication, vision, partnership and the stuff no one tells you about before moving overseas. We wish we had in-depth training before we launched out, but we are grateful to now have opportunity to impart scripture, learning lessons and testify of God’s faithfulness to help prepare others as they answer Gods call to GO!

When you are two, you have only a limited impact. But, by discipling others to do the same to seek and save the lost and make disciples amongst the unreached…. the multiplication factor dramatically increases by tens, hundreds and thousands having a miraculous effect world-wide.

Technology Multiplies Our Impact

Whoever dreamt that schools would be shut down and distance learning would be a thing around the world! While the nations remain on lockdown, airports remain closed internationally in Asia and Africa, and the world is still reeling from the effects…we praise God for technology that has allowed us to be connected for such a time as this. While it is not the same as teaching a class in-person, online has given us a means to meet regularly with all the pastors, host director’s meetings with those leading the bible colleges, pray together, hear updates, assess needs and strategically plan building projects, outreaches and food relief around the globe. While we are thankful for the online impact, we are itching for when airports open up and we are keeping a close eye for when God makes a way for us to travel internationally again soon.

God Multiplies the Food

This past month, we were blessed by a woman in our church who brought groceries and literally filled our fridge, freezer and pantry to overflowing. The timely gesture was such a picture of how God lavishes His love on us in tangible ways. We have experienced this over and over again in this season. As we stood in front of the cupboard, Heather broke into tears seeing the abundance and yet knowing there are many precious people in other parts of the world that are going to bed hungry as a result of the world-wide lockdowns. As we prayed, the Lord ministered sweetly “keep praying, keep coordinating, keep sharing, keep sending funds, keep your eyes on me for I care for you and for those you are shedding tears for.”

In that moment, Matthew 6:26 came to mind, Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?” With brokenness but resolve, we have been pressing forward and trusting God and His promises. It was only a few days later when we received an update from East Nepal where we visited last year. The village where Pastor M.B. is ministering had a double whammy of closure from covid and then a flood during monsoon that recently wiped out the remaining crops. The Lord in the timely way that He works, showed His miraculous provision for a woman and her family in Nepal and it wasn’t a small amount…..just like our pantry it was a HUGE bag and her smile says it all! Thank you for making it possible for us to keep coordinating, sharing and sending funds as it is truly a team effort as we fulfill the Great Commission together. Continue to pray for those who are struggling both here and abroad as the lockdowns are severe overseas and the daily desperation is growing as it continues.

God Multiples In the Here and Now

We survived an international evacuation, pandemic and now fire season where emergencies warnings and evacuations are common place in our neck of the woods. The skies have cleared after what seems like a lengthy season of smoke and ash. Many of you checked on us and we wanted to let you know thankfully we are ok and none of our friends lost homes.

Breanna had her 1st day of kindergarten and is loving it, has made friends and is home sick (it took us a few weeks to learn…..she is just sick of being at home). We are adjusting and truly blessed that God knows our hearts and allowed us to launch a weekly bible study for young adults here. Last weekend several young adults got baptized and it was a great day! Bond is discipling men on Wednesdays and teaching through the book of Daniel on Thursdays which has been a huge blessing to be busy about the Father’s business in these crazy times we are living in. Pray that God would open the doors for our return internationally as we know there continues to be much work to be done, but of course we trust in His perfect timing. 

With Love,

Bond, Heather and Breanna