My name is Caleb Sanchez. I am 20 years old. My goal in life is to reach the people around me for Jesus. I seek to know Him more and let Him conform me to be more and more like Him. I recently got saved 2 years ago. I was a drug abuser and porn addict but the Lord has delivered me from both and I have been sober for 2 years. After I got saved I began to share about Jesus to those at my job and at my school. I then wanted to grow more in the Lord and attended Calvary Bible Institute (CBI). During my time at CBI, I learned more and more about the Bible and my calling in ministry. It was during my time at CBI that I took the Purpose of the Church class taught by Trent Douglas that the Lord had put a desire on my heart to reach the lost in the 1040 window which is a region of the world where the gospel has not been spread. Now it is my aim to go where the Lord would call me to serve and reach the people He desires me to serve and reach.
“How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”
Romans 10:15