Though I’ve never been to Kansas, I did go to India and Thailand recently. Many of you may have heard some funny stories or perhaps know a little bit about the trip. In this newsletter, I would love to share a full breakdown. However, to protect workers from sensitive countries it will have to be vague in regards to names and places. If you’d like more detail, please feel free to reach out to me—I’d be glad to share everything with you. Before I even begin I would love to thank all of you for your financial support and most importantly your partnership in prayer. Only heaven will reveal all the rewards and all the results of your earnest intercession.
On the 13th of September, my roommate and I left for our long trip to Thailand. After a few days of travel, we arrived in Thailand. From there, we attended the CCA Conference. The likes of 8+ countries were represented, many of which were believers from the 1040 window and missionaries serving in these challenging countries. During the conference we would start our days with morning prayer. This part impacted me the most. It just amazed me how much the saints from some of these persecuted countries pray. They aren’t much different than us in nature however their fervency in prayer left me in awe. On top of that I was able to listen to one of my favorite teachers expound on the life of Joseph. To top it all off day in and day out we fellowshiped with believers and missionaries over lunch and dinner constantly. I met missionaries from all over and even got to see some old friends. It was such a sweet time. The on Wednesday of that week I started to feel a sore throat coming on. That morning I thought to myself “Uh oh.” Nonetheless, I powered through the day but as they day kept going on it got worse and worse. Soon it was body aches until I was in my bed at the end of the day sick. I’ll spare you the gory details of all the sickness entailed. I remember feeling totally discouraged and utterly down in the dumps. For the next few days I was in my room in a strange country, missing home and my parents especially. I specifically remember reading the story of the woman coming to Jesus with the issue of the flow of blood and thinking what she says in scripture “For she said to herself, “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.”” Though I didn’t get a instant miracle. I slowly recovered in time for the SGWM conference. During that conference I got to meet many of the workers from Asia. I got to hear about the work going on in all the various countries that need the greatest efforts to reach.

A few flights later we traveled to India to visit some workers. We arrived late at night to our hotel and instantly fell asleep. That morning we met with the workers who we would spend the most time with. We went out to breakfast and got to experience traveling in India. Driving in India reminded me of a game we used to play in school called chicken. It’s a game where you run at each other and swerve out of the way at the last minute. I wasn’t super concerned since everyone else wasn’t worried but I found it fascinating. Then, we took a train which reminded me so much of Israel and taking the rail there. Then from there we took a Tuk Tuk. Truly an iconic vehicle of India. A sort of staple form of transportation. After a few days of being in India we had eaten plenty of Dosa (sort of like a crepe but with curry inside) and all sorts of other Indian specialties. Not only did we eat and fellowship with the workers there, more importantly we got to meet the church. This was truly a awesome experience. Our first meeting with them was for a church worship practice. I absolutely love other cultures takes on worship and theirs was just as good. I can’t comment on the spiritual aspects to the song as I can’t speak the language but as far as musically went, it was stunning. There was one brother who had a set of bamboo flutes that sounded heavenly. After spending some time with them we had a boys day. Our day began early and we started the day as any Indian does with some Chai. Then we ventured throughout the city stopping along strategic points and praying over them. It was a wonderful time to get to see the work needing to be done. Another eye opening experience was getting to spend time with them during church. The church is very young. The median age was probably around 25-30. The interesting thing about the city is that it’s a sort of hub for work and education. This naturally attracts plenty of young people who come for school and work. However, the challenge when ministering here means that people come and go often. Through my time in India I got to see some of the spiritual difficulties there. The most prevalent problem there is idolatry. Certainly, idolatry is a issue worldwide. However in India it is blatant and totally normal. Throughout India anti proselytization laws mean evangelism is difficult and even dangerous. All this goes to say that the work for the church is great. This can tend to seem overwhelming but the work of God is going on and God is still not done with India.
Prayer Requests/Praise Reports
- Thank God I made a full recovery while in Thailand and didn’t have to go to the doctor
- Praise God for the time I got to spend with in India and Thailand
- Please pray for the work going on at Cal State Fullerton
- Pray for India and the workers there
- Pray that the Lord would direct me
Again thank you so much for your support and prayers. Currently, I am still waiting and praying for God’s direction in my life. I don’t currently believe that God is calling me to India. However it wasn’t a wasted trip. I was able to learn so much from the brothers and sisters from that part of the world and understand more of their world. I am grateful for the opportunity I was given to go and be apart of what the Lord is doing in Asia. Please continue to pray God would direct me. Thank you all so much again. God bless.