Exciting news! Last time I wrote you all I was planning on going to India and Thailand and now it’s official! I leave for Thailand on September 13 with a brother from Calvary School of Missions and arrive Thailand. Once the group gets there we will be attending a conference and having a little SGWM Conference with our missionaries from all over the world. Then after the conference I will be flying to India for a short trip to visit some brothers and sisters in Christ out there. During that time I will be praying about what the Lord has for me out there. Some might wonder why go to these places? Well, India alone has over 1 billion people who have not heard the Gospel or have a Christian they can ask or a church they could go to. Thailand certainly isn’t much better having 60 million people who also desperately need the gospel. The reason I want to go on these trips is not just some vacation but to seriously prayerfully consider going and being apart of the work going on to reach these hard to reach people. Part of that requires going and seeing and hearing of what God is doing through our brothers and sisters in those parts of the world. Please be praying for the trip that the Lord would speak to me and show me His will. If you would like to support this trip financially there will be a link below labeled partner financially where you can make a donation. All the money will go directly towards funding the airfare and on the ground costs.
Trip To Ecuador
Some of you know that I had the privilege of going to Ecuador last month for about a week. During that trip me and my family got to visit our dear family friend and missionary Pastor Carlos. Pastor Carlos has spent a number of years in Ecuador now raising up men to lead the church he has been pastoring. I got to visit 2 years ago and back then I wasn’t very good at Spanish and I didn’t have the vision of going beyond my local area with the gospel. This time I still wasn’t good at Spanish but this time I was able to understand and really glean so much more from Pastor Carlos and his missionary experiences. I really felt like a Timothy watching Paul and gleaning from such a faithful servant. I got to see Pastor Carlos raising and discipling men to lead the church for the glory of God. As of right now the church he has been pastoring is looking to buy a property to fit their congregation which has drastically grown in the past two years not just in size but in love. I ask that you please join me in praying for Carlos and the church he pastors for provision for a property and that the gospel would expand it’s reach in Ecuador.
Praise Reports/ Prayer Requests
- Pray for the church and for Pastor Carlos and the rehab ministry the church is apart of and for the discipleship going on
- Pray for provision for the church in Ecuador for a building
- Pray for me and my upcoming vision tour that God would speak to me powerfully
- Please pray for this upcoming evangelism outreaches at Cal State Fullerton and Fullerton College that God would open the door so we can become a club on campus (more on that next time
Thank you all for your prayers and support. If you would like to support the financial aspect of the trip you can do so by clicking the “become a financial partner” link and make a donation of your choice. If you would like to help support the church in Ecuador financially please let me know so I can get you in touch with Pastor Carlos. Nonetheless please pray for the upcoming trip. I can’t wait to tell you all about it. God Bless