Summer 2024 SGWM Newsletter

“As the Father has sent Me, I also send you”

John 20:21

God is moving all over the world, and He has given us at Saving Grace World Missions a front row seat to see His work accomplished amongst the nations! Thank you for your partnership and prayers as we together seek to fulfill Jesus’ final words, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”

Missionary Care

Whether they are from Calvary Chapel Saving Grace, or a sister church, whether they are American, Mexican, or Asian, all our missionaries need love and care. We at SGWM know that these precious brothers and sisters have left all to GO and follow the call to see the nations won for Christ, therefore we make it our aim to be available to them and find ways to minister to them. We often remind ourselves and our staff that these workers have left what is familiar and comfortable, to what is foreign and sometimes extremely challenging. So we just want to make sure that they know they are not forgotten and that we are here for them. Please continue to pray for all those who have been sent, that they would feel encouraged and receive the care they need so they can be effective where Christ has called them to be.

Calvary School of Missions 2024

We just completed our 6th year of the Calvary School of Missions and God has radically met the students and is transforming hearts and minds. Each student came to Mexico for this six-week training program to learn and grow in their calling to fulfill the Great Commission in their life. Every class and every outreach are strategically designed to help these students learn what it means to be a long term, cross cultural missionary. This training is exposing these students to the great needs of the nations, both physically and spiritually. They get to see first hand how true biblical missions is church planting. We are called to GO and make disciples of all nations, and God has set up His church to do that very thing, and the gates of hades will not prevail against His church!
Some people have asked…why all the training?
Saving Grace World Missions has been involved for over 25 years in missions. We primarily focus on long-term cross cultural church planting within the 10/40 window. This area of the world is the most unreached area of the world, and it is unreached for a reason, it is difficult to reach. In this context, the need for deeper training and longer preparation has proven to be the difference between long- term success or short-term failure. Also, having been in close contact with a plethora of missionaries from different countries, different churches and different organizations, we have seen first hand the terrible effect that untrained missionaries have had on those they have been sent to help. Not to mention the many who have gone out untrained and have returned from the field burnt out, discouraged, and disillusioned. Many times those coming home from the field because of infighting, cross-cultural stress, or spiritual warfare, come home and crash and burn. We’ve seen divorces, families separating, depression and even some have left the faith altogether. Time and time again we have seen that good training in cross cultural ministry, navigating spiritual warfare, as well as healthy team building and team dynamics, has insured the success of those that are sent out to live long-term overseas. That’s why our Calvary School of Missions, as well as our Missions Training School is so encouraged for anyone planning on going to the field full time. This year we have had 12 students from CSOM show interest in continuing their training through our MTS program. Please pray for each of these students as they seek the Lord on what He has for their next steps.

Church Planting in the Jungles of Peru

Andrew Weakland

We love to see God leading His people and putting them right where He wants them. In 2019, Andrew traveled to Peru to do a short term trip. He ended up staying in country and serving under Pastor Cory Kilgus at Calvary Trujillo. Last year he was sent out to plant a church in the jungle area of Peru called Moyobamba. God is moving and people are being saved and baptized. Please pray for Pastor Andrew that God would raise up leaders to assist him in the work and that God would be glorified.

National Missionaries

Did you know that SGWM has over 35 national full-time church planters and 3 Calvary Bible Institutes in South Asia? These men and women live under extreme cultural pressure and persecution is quite normal in these areas of the world. Yet these faithful Pastors and their wives work hard to make the name of Jesus known. Many of them are involved with outreach weekly, sharing the gospel at the risk of their own lives. They are passionate about the word of God and seek to find ways to equip their people in God’s truth. One of those ways is through the CBI. There have been well over 100 graduates from our CBI’s and many of those graduates are church planting and seeing a harvest of souls. Please pray with us for these brothers and sisters, for boldness to proclaim the word of God and wisdom on how to most effectively do that.

Thank you for partnering with us as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission by raising up and sending out!

We ask that you would prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner with SGWM. Financial partners are crucial to help operating costs at the SGWM home base, allowing us to serve missionaries worldwide.
Donate to SGWM | 714-993-4801
To read more about the Calvary School of Missions please read the Calvary Chapel Magazine Spring 2023 edition, pages 16-22.