“I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me should not abide in darkness.”
John 12:46
Saving Grace World Missions missionaries are serving in the darkest places of the world. The more workers we send into His harvest field, the more we are made aware of the stronghold the enemy has in these areas. He has shackled these people into hopelessness and darkness. But we have learned that His light shines the brightest in the darkest of places. He is at work and calling many out of darkness into His marvelous light. We are grateful for the many who have counted the cost and gone to where Jesus’ name has never been heard! Please continue to pray for our precious sent ones who are fulfilling the Great Commission by taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Missionary Care
Our Dream Come True
We at SGWM have for years envisioned a time where we could gather all our workers in one place. We dreamed of the day we could come from every corner of the earth to a place in the region where we could find refreshment and connection. And that day finally came. In September, 50 workers from America and around the world, gathered together in Thailand for the Calvary Chapel Asia Missions Conference. Watching each group arrive and be received with excitement and love was a sight to behold. We only wish we could have taken all of you with us. The faces shone with smiles and hearts were filled with the comfort of knowing they were with family who loved them and prayed for them. People who were just faces on a refrigerator or a name on a prayer list are now living, breathing personalities. It was a sweet time of fellowship and teaching. We joined with the regional conference for the first few days and heard from missionaries from all over the region. After that, SGWM workers remained at the conference center for 4 days of teaching and connection with just our SGWM family. We heard from many missionaries and were able to pray over each team from every country represented. Please keep all our workers in prayer as they have now settled back in their regions and are gearing up for a busy holiday season of Christmas outreaches.
Calvary School of Missions 2025
Please pray for us as we seek God’s heart for CSOM 2025. We are already assembling a team of seasoned missionaries and pastors to be a part of training this next group of students. Please also pray that God would continue to show us ways to let the Calvary Chapel churches know what we are doing at SGWM and we’d find more and more churches who desire to partner with us to send missionaries to share Jesus with the world.
Missionary Care and Visions Tours in the Middle East
Pastor Trent and his wife Debbie were blessed with the opportunity to lead a team to the Middle East as they pray about if this is the region God would have them serve long term. Part of their time there was spent with the team on the ground. They were able to visit them in their homes, connect with each family, and encourage the team. This is a season of foundation building which includes language and culture learning. Every team member is doing well and enjoying the learning process.
National Missionaries
October afforded us with the opportunity to send a team of pastors and support people to travel to South Asia in order to bring encouragement to some of our national workers. The report we received when they arrived home was mind blowing. God is providing for our workers as they seek to reach the most unreached peoples of the world. God, by the power of His Spirit, is giving our workers strength and boldness to go out and share in hostile environments. We are seeing many saved and make public proclamations of faith through baptism. Please continue to pray for our national workers as they boldly preach the gospel.
Thank you for partnering with us as we seek to fulfill the Great Commission by raising up and sending out! |
We ask that you would prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner with SGWM. Financial partners are crucial to help operating costs at the SGWM home base, allowing us to serve missionaries worldwide. Donate to SGWM | SGWM.com | 714-993-4801 To read more about the Calvary School of Missions please visit our website at https://sgwm.com/csom/ |