Monthly Prayer Requests

Matthew and Noelle Harris – Uganda

Dear friends and family,
Thank you so much for your love and your prayers.  

Please pray that:
– We will grow in our love for each other as a family and for the community in which we have been planted. 
– For us to have wisdom as we help oversee the work of the ministry and the church. 
– For the pastors in our school to remember what God has taught them and apply it well as they near the end of their three years of discipleship.  

Praise God:
– The Ugandan National Council of Higher Education has accepted our application for accreditation and will be coming to inspect our school next month.
– For the tremendous growth He has brought in the lives of the pastors and church leaders who have been studying in our pastoral school for the past 2.5 years. 
– For the growth of the four young men who have been living with my friend Luke for the past year and undergoing life-on-life discipleship.  
In Christ,
Matt, Noelle & Family – Email Blog

Aniku Family – Uganda

– We praise God first for the teams He brought this last month. They were such a blessing. Pray for the fruit that will come from these teams 
– We also praise God for our intern, Anastasia, she has been a huge help already with a true servant’s heart. 
– We pray for our school garden. We are almost finished planting and praying for a good harvest. 
– Pray as we start a new Bible college semester. 
– Pray as Vincent starts his process for dual citizenship. 

Thank you for your prayers!

In Him,  
The Aniku’s – Email Blog

Tim and Jenn Pappas – Yorba Linda, California

Praising the Lord for everyone’s faithful prayer requests: 

Praise reports:
– CSOM 2024 was an amazing work of God, we praise Him for letting us be involved 
– We praise Him for everyone’s safety and security. 
– We praise Him for the way He moved in all of our hearts. 
– We praise him for sustaining us in our physical affirmative.
– Jenn is healed up nicely from her surgery and Tim’s back although not great is definitely not worse than when he left.   

Prayer requests:
– Continued wisdom and healing regarding Tim’s back. 
– The heartbreak of our son Andy still struggling 
– Financial wisdom as the year closes out. 
– Wisdom in our ministry and travel plans.

All for His Glory,
Tim and Jenn – Email Blog

Bond and Heather Gaona – USA, Asia, and Africa

– Pray for the students, staff, and CBI campuses in Nepal, S. Asia and worldwide as the Word goes forth each day. Pray for Bond as he will be teaching at the campuses in S. Asia, Nepal, and Peru this semester and that there would be much fruit as he teaches, equips, and encourages others in the Word and in their callings. 
– Pray for the 4 new church plants in Nepal and for the 3 new church plants in S. Asia. Pray for boldness, protection, and for the Holy Spirit to move in power in these new places. 
– Pray for us as we will both be teaching at the South America missions conference Sept. 19 – 21, 2025 in Peru. We are also bringing others with us, so pray that more people would be stirred up to be sent out to fulfill the great commission. 
– Pray for our marriage as we celebrate 25 years in the month of September. Pray that our marriage would be an example and reflect of God’s faithfulness and that we would be able to minister as an awesome team together for many more years to come. 
– Pray for Breanna as she begins 4th grade this month. Pray that she will continue to grow in the Lord and become the young lady God desires her to be!
Thank you prayer warriors,   Bond, Heather and Breanna Gaona – Email Blog

Jana Sandbulte – Indiana, USA

– Please continue to pray for my parents’ health. Especially pray for healing for my dad, or an accurate diagnosis and treatment. Please pray also for my mom’s health.
– Please pray for the safety of all the workers in South Asia, and that God will strengthen their hearts and faith.
– Please pray that God will use us for His glory.

Thank you so much for your prayers!

God bless you,
Paul, Jana and Sari, Kaylee, and Rose – Email Blog

Joni Houser – Indiana, USA

– Please pray for the Christians in South Asia that are going through persecution.
– Please pray for my father’s health.
– Please continue to pray for my mom’s health and complete recovery. 

God bless you!

Joni – Email Blog

Joel and Amy Garcia – Yorba Linda, California

– Please pray for Joel as he will be traveling to Japan and Thailand for 3 weeks this month.
– This is one of the longest trips he has taken, so please pray that the Lord would use him as he teaches, helps lead a vision tour for aspiring missionaries, and does missionary care on this trip; and please pray for Amy and the kids, that the Lord would protect and sustain them in Joel’s absence.    

Thank you!  
Love in Christ, 
Joel, Amy, Maggie, Harrison, Jude, & Clara Garcia – Email Blog

Mike and Sarah Vincent – Rosarito, Mexico  

These are the prayer requests for Mike and Sarah Vincent and CC Rosarito!   

Prayer Requests:
– An online job for our daughter Grace!  
– Strength for Sarah as she starts her new school year as a teacher!  
– Blessings upon our 39 church planting students this semester!   

Praise Reports:
– A fantastic church planting conference partnering with CC Saving Grace!  
– The blessing of sending out our 40th church plant, Calvary Del Lago in Patzcuaro, Michoacan!  

Thanks for your prayers,  
Mike and Sarah Vincent – Email Blog

Deanna Jevas – Tijuana, Mexico

“I will bless the Lord at all times his praise will be continually on my lips!”  
I can stay with Joy that the 33 kids in our afterschool program have memorized Psalm 34:1- 12! We are hoping to memorize the entire chapter. I am so blessed with these kids and by serving them in the afterschool program three days per week and ask that you would continue to pray for their families. Each one has a story, some worse than others, but we pray that the seeds that are planted in their hearts will grow.  

– Please pray for much-needed wisdom! I am not good with words and I have difficulty speaking in difficult situations. There is a difficult situation that we need to deal with as a staff so I ask for wisdom. 
– For the parents of the kids in the afterschool program to be won over for Christ through their children. 
– For a ministry that is starting soon with Junior High girls. That this discipleship will take off and reach these young girls for Christ. They age out of the afterschool program at 12 and many times just stop coming to church. 
– For continued good health for my 83-year-old mom who lives alone and has Parkinson’s.  

– Deanna Jevas – Email Blog
South America

Shilo and Racquell Stratton – Peru

Prayer Requests:

– HEALTHY churches in Trujillo, Buenos Aires neighborhood, and Moyobamba 
– HUMILITY to work with our young team 
– WISDOM to train up Amalia in the way she should go 
– BALANCING time well with family, friends, and the ministry’s responsibilities 

– Also: Divine appointments with evangelism and discipleship, in and outside of CBI Divine appointments for car shopping 
– Wisdom for planning furlough  
– Children’s rescue home here in Trujillo  

THANK YOU SO MUCH for praying these things with us and interceding for us.

– Shilo, Racquell, and Amas – Email Blog

Andrew Weakland – Peru

Thank you all for taking time to pray!  

– Pray that I as a pastor and we as a team in Calvary Moyobamba improve on organization.   
– Pray that the price of a piece of a property we want to buy right next to the church will reduce. We want to use it to build a patio, a kitchen, and dorms for visiting teams.  
– Pray that the Lord continues to purify us as a church.  
– Pray that someone can be raised up or come to disciple the women at the church.

– Andrew Weakland – Email Blog
10/40 Window

The 10/40 Window

The 10/40 Window is a rectangular geographic area stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia, covering 68 countries. Two-thirds of the world’s population live within the 10/40 Window.Three out of every five people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the gospel. According to the Joshua Project, 68.6% of the 10/40 Window’s ethnic groups (5,984) are considered unreached, with a total population of 3.09 billion.(Some names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.)

Worker 11 – 10/40 Window

Praise Reports:
– I thank God that He helped me to arrive to my area of ministry safely.
– I thank God that He allowed my wife to have a safe gallbladder operation, and that she is absolutely fine now.
– I thank God that my sister gave birth to a son, and that after such a bad illness, he is safe now.
– I thank God that my mother’s health has improved some.

Prayer Requests:
– Please pray for our safety.
– There is flooding in our area this month. Please pray that God will keep the unemployed and the people living where there are no roads safe.
– There is 2 feet of water on the road in front of our house. Because of this, it is very difficult to commute. Pray that God will open the heart of our village leader to drain the water.
– Due to the rain, the roads become muddy; while going to the ministry, my motorcycle tires slip and sometimes I am injured. Pray that God will protect us.
– During the last week of September and the first week of October, my friends and I are planning to preach the Gospel in about 4 villages. The villages are about 250 miles from my village. We would like to go to the villages, show the Jesus Film on the projector, and distribute New Testaments. Pray that God will fulfill our needs and that the plan will be successful.
– Please pray that the faith of our church will become stronger, and that they will understand the depth of God’s Word and be able to stand in all kinds of persecution.

Thank you. God is doing amazing work through your prayers, and new people are listening to the Gospel.

May God bless you all.  
Worker 11

Prakash and Muna – Nepal

– Pray for those who heard the Word at the conferences.
– Please pray for safety from persecution.

Prakash, Muna and Eutychus  – Email Blog

Darryl and Kayo Record – Cambodia

We had a blessed time in Japan visiting churches, friends, and Kayo’s family. 

– Please pray for wisdom as we set our priorities and commitments for this season. There are so many needs and opportunities/open doors that we need God’s guidance to know how they all should fit together.

In Christ’s Hands, 
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin – Email Blog