Monthly Prayer Requests
Brian and Jill Kanyike – Kampala, Uganda
-Please pray for families at Arise Christian Fellowship. They have had multiple deaths in the church since the year started. 4 to be exact.

-Pray especially for the Sunday school director and her husband as they lost their middle baby who was 1 .5 years. They have another son who is 3 and a newborn.

-Pray for the Youth as Arise has launched an new youth/ young adult ministry called RES. Standing for rooted, equipped , serve.

-Pray for Jill as she has been dealing with some women hormone issues and it is causing some small but uncomfortable health issues.

-Pray for the Kanyike children as they begin this new school year.

-Pray for provision as school is more expensive this year with Luke entering high-school courses.

-Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise.

Thank you for praying for the Kanyike Family and for the people of Uganda.
In Him,Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana – Email Blog
Matthew and Noelle Harris – Uganda
Dear friends and family, Thank you so much for your continued love and care. This month, please be praying with us: 

-That God would bless the work of our church, Calvary Chapel Gulu, as we start a new year and plan new things.

-Please pray that many will be saved and baptized through the church body and that the body will grow in their love for, knowledge of, and commitment to Jesus. 

-Please pray for the other Calvary Chapels that have been planted through our church and our sister churches. We currently have nearly 30 churches that need to be further established with permanent buildings that would cost about $5,000 each. 

-Please pray for Yalwak Manyen Football Academy, the soccer ministry we have running in the village of Adak. We are currently discipling and training around 60 children multiple times a week, but the program is currently lacking a lot of gear and development (we need new balls, uniforms, cones, etc…).

-Please pray with us for our pastoral school, Terebinth Bible College, as we are graduating our current students this Spring and are starting the new intake process.

-Please pray that we will get the right students who are hungry to learn God’s Word and passionate about Jesus.

-Lastly, please pray for Acholi-Land as a whole. That people would turn away from cults and false gospels and toward an understanding of Jesus through God’s Word. 

May Christ richly bless you, Matt & Noelle & family – Email Blog
Aniku Family – Uganda
-Please pray for our first Graduation, February 22, as an affiliate of CC Golden Spring Bible College. We are praying over the details and who will officiate. 

-Our soccer team, Calvary FC has finished first phase in 3rd place of Big League. If it is God’s plan we will go to premier with more open doors to share the gospel beyond Uganda. 

-Pray for the teams planning to come visit us. Teams are extremely important! They help encourage the weary warriors, used by God in ways sometimes the locals can’t be used, it keeps accountability, and much more.

-Please pray for the details, needs, unity, all needed for them to fulfill Gods plan for them here in Midigo, Uganda. 

-Pray for our nursery and primary school as we start a new school year with many changes. 

In Him,  The Aniku’s – Email Blog
Bond and Heather Gaona – USA, Asia, and Africa
-Pray for this time of recruitment for new students in Nepal and S. Asia as the new semester for CBI starts in February.

-Pray the Lord brings the students He desires to study His Word.  

-Pray for all those who heard the Gospel at the Christmas Outreaches in Nepal, S. Asia, Pakistan to allow the seed to take root and to come to church and put their faith in Jesus as their Savior.

-Pray the seed would take root and grow.  

-Pray for the completion of the building project for CBI S. Asia.

-Pray for the move into the new campus to go smoothly and protection from anyone who may try to come against.  

-Pray for wives that love Jesus and feel called into ministry for our single brothers who are pastoring in Nepal and S. Asia. 

 Thank you for your prayers! Bond, Heather and Breanna Gaona – Email Blog
Jana Sandbulte – Indiana, USA
-Please pray for the salvation of attendees in our nursing home ministry, for those who are not trusting in Jesus for salvation.

-Please continue to pray for my parents’ health.

-Please pray for the safety of all the workers in South Asia, and that God will strengthen their hearts and faith.

-Please pray that God will continually strengthen our faith and service for Him. 

Thank you so much for your prayers!

God bless you,Paul, Jana and Sari, Kaylee, and Rose – Email Blog
Joni Houser – Indiana, USA
-Please pray for the Christians in South Asia that are going through persecution.

-Please pray for both of my parents’ health.

-Please pray for our after-school children’s ministry, that many children would come to know Jesus personally.

God bless you! Joni – Email Blog
Mike and Sarah Vincent – Rosarito, Mexico  
Prayer Requests:
-For God’s favor in the court case, so we get our property and the sports center back!

-God’s provision as we prepare an offer to purchase our building!

-God’s blessing on our 42nd church plant in March! (This one will be in a prison)

Praise Reports:
-Jobs in San Diego for both of our young-adult children Grace and Daniel! 
Thanks for your prayers!  Mike and Sarah Vincent – Email Blog
Jenna Pepin – Culiacán, Sinaloa Mexico 

-Pray that the Sinaloa Cartel drug war would end soon. The Lord has miraculously kept us safe, but we are all tired of having to schedule ministry activities around the Cartel’s activities… and I nearly lost a good friend 2 weeks ago.

-Pray for Ruby’s continued health. She has been temporarily diagnosed with diastolic hypertension, but her doctors honestly have no idea what is causing her high blood pressure and heart rate. In fact, they still believe she is smoking. 🤦🏼‍♀️

-Pray for Sammy as he continues to navigate the difficult waters of adolescence. May God shape him into a Godly man full of integrity and purpose.

-Pray for our ongoing ministry of Calvary Misiones in Nayarit, specifically that God would raise up long-term missionaries and eventually local pastors to continue the work. On our most recent trip to San Gregorio, Nicolás and Miguel Ángel (2 locals and new believers) expressed a desire to receive further training toward that end.

-Pray for the ministry “Transformadas” in the women’s rehab center. In December alone, we had 47 first time professions of faith.

-Pray that the Lord helps us and our discipleship of these new believers so that they could be transformed by God’s love and not return to their addictions. 

-Pray for my continued healing process. I will be starting a new rehab program next weekend, hoping to reverse the degenerative disc disease and restore the herniated discs in my neck.

-Pray for all of our church planting students. Our second and longest semester started this week. Jenna Pepin – Email Blog
Deanna Jevas – Tijuana, Mexico

-Continued prayers for my mom’s well-being and good health. She is doing so well at this time, and I’m so grateful to God for his answered prayers! 

-A teacher for the 8 to 11 year olds on Wednesday nights. 

– Funds to finish various projects one being our library. We need beanbag chairs, and large pillows to make it inviting and cozy. 

-For continued good health, and strength to take care of my mom and run the afterschool program here en Tijuana, and wisdom from God in all of it.
Deanna Jevas – Email Blog
South America
Andrew Weakland – Peru
-That God can raise up a worship leader. My friend Jesus has been with us for a year and 3 months. He has been leading worship in Calvary Moyobamba, but is returning to Trujillo in 2 weeks. Learning and blessing for our new believers class that will start Saturday Jan 18 Thankfulness to God because He has helped me make a lot of decisions through precise words from the Bible. And now I see the wonderful benefits.

Andrew Weakland – Email Blog
10/40 Window
The 10/40 WindowThe 10/40 Window is a rectangular geographic area stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia, covering 68 countries. Two-thirds of the world’s population live within the 10/40 Window.Three out of every five people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the gospel. According to the Joshua Project, 68.6% of the 10/40 Window’s ethnic groups (5,984) are considered unreached, with a total population of 3.09 billion.(Some names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.)
Worker 3 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
-Kindly pray that God may open the eyes of Hindu fanatic groups to see God’s love and come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

-Please pray that God will stop such great persecutions.

-Kindly pray for the growth of our church.

-Pray for suitable land for our church.

-Kindly pray for me and my family, that the Lord will use us for the expansion of His kingdom.

-Please also pray for my daughter’s schoolwork.

Thank you very much for your prayers and support!In Him,Worker 3
Worker 6 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests :
-As we are celebrating the New Year, we are praying for the year ahead in our ministry plans. We are fervently praying and planning to increase our outreach efforts in the city.

-Pray for C*, who is diligently serving in M* and sharing the Gospel with the villagers. He began Bible studies and eventually led the establishment of Sunday worship services.

-Pray for A*, who is currently serving in three locations. We request your prayers for raising up pastors who can assume leadership roles in the churches and for the construction of a new church.

-Pray for A*, who is serving in K* village.

-We pray for P*, who is serving in the most challenging areas and ministering to two different villages.

-We are also praying for the staff at the CBI campus in the city and for all of their needs. 
Thank you!

God bless you, Worker 6
Worker 9 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
-Pray that I will continue to grow in the Lord.Pray that God will continue to use me for His glory as I teach and disciple these students.

-Pray that I would be a blessing to the young adults and the youth whom I disciple.

-Pray for the people who heard the Gospel preached to them and for those who decided to follow Jesus, that they may continue to grow in Him and that they may stand firm in tough times.

-Pray for God’s protection upon us as persecution is increasing in our place.

Thank you so much for your prayers. God bless you all!
Worker 9
Worker 11 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests: 
-Please pray those who heard the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time during Christmas outreaches.

-Please pray for the salvation of all who heard the Gospel during Christmas outreaches.

Thanks for your prayers, Christian love, partnership and participation in spreading the Gospel!  God bless you all! Worker 11
Worker 12 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests:
-Pray for those who fully committed their life to Christ, that they may strongly build their life with God and keep learning the Word of God.

-There are some more families ready to follow Jesus publicly; pray for God’s timing and also protection from evil things.

-Pray for a family who is being prosecuted by the anti-Christian groups.

-Our church is growing day by day; we don’t have a good place where we can meet and have freedom for church activities.

-Please pray that God will help us have a place where we can have more freedom for meeting and activities. 

-Please pray for our renting situation.  

Thank you so much for lifting us up in your prayers!
Worker 15 and Family – 10/40 Window
Please pray for:

-Those who heard the Gospel during the Christmas season.

-The paralyzed man in a Hindu family we are sharing the Gospel with.

-Please pray for God’s miraculous healing for him. His wife has been attending our Sunday Service. Thank you so much for your continued prayers and partnership throughout 2024! God bless,Worker 15
Worker 16 – 10/40 Window
Prayer Requests
-Please pray for my children to grow in the Lord’s fear and knowledge.

-Please pray that the Lord will intervene in the problems the world is facing.

-Please pray for the village ministry in our local area. May the villagers grow in Lord’s Word.Please pray M* (the niece of one of our students). She is suffering from Chickenpox.

-Please pray for our state believers, as they are facing persecution. 
Worker 16
Anand and Usha – Nepal
Prayer Requests:
-Please pray for those who heard the Gospel during Christmas outreaches.

-Please keep the young people who are considering joining CBI in your prayers.

-Pray that they will continue to seek God and grow in their spiritual journeys.

-Please pray for those who graduated from CBI this year, that God will guide them and use them mightily in spreading His Word. 

 Thank you for your prayers and support,Anand, Usha, Asher and Amos – Email Blog
Prakash and Muna – Nepal
-Please pray for those who graduated from CBI Nepal in 2024.

Blessings!Prakash, Muna and Eutychus  – Email Blog
Rabi and Mahima – Nepal
Prayer Requests:
-Our Bible Institute’s new semester will be starting soon. Pray that God will bring more young people to learn the Word of God.

-Pray that God will provide for the needs of our church. 

-Pray that God will bring more unreached people to hear the Gospel in our church.

-Pray that God will bring more children to our church. 

-Please pray that Mahima will have normal blood sugar (with her diabetes) and that her blood pressure will be normal.

-Pray that our child will be in good health. 

Thank you so much for helping us and lifting us up through prayer and partnership. 
Grace and Peace,Rabi and Mahima – Email Blog
Abhishek and Lacey – 10/40 Window

-Please pray for us. That we would grow more as a family and personally – closer to Jesus. 

-Praise God we moved into a new house 15 minutes away from the new construction of the CBI.It’s been one month and we are still not able to get WiFi at our house.

-Please pray we would get WiFi soon. 
-Abhi has been asked to take on a new role. For the next 6 months, Abhi will be looking after most responsibilities of the church. Teaching thrice monthly, (currently started the Book of Exodus) etc. Please pray for Him.

-The CBI will start soon.

-Please pray for us to find Lacey a Telugu teacher in our new Community.

-Please pray for women’s bible study every Wednesday, Lacey and the Pastors wife are almost done with book of James.

-Please pray for the salvation of our unsaved family members.

-Please pray for Lacey and El sali to have all the financial provision to visit the States in the summer 2025.

-Please pray for wisdom and favor as Abhi applies for tourist visa to the States.

We thank you for your labor of love and partnership in the Gospel!
Love Abhishek and Lacey 
Darryl and Kayo Record – Cambodia
Dear Prayer Warriors, Thanks for your prayers! In the middle of December, I (Darryl) was diagnosed a rare and serious autoimmune disease called Guillain Barre Syndrome, which has greatly weakened/temporarily paralyzed parts of my legs and feet and caused great pain. I’m recovering rapidly and regaining strength and confidence still, a long journey remains. I’m thankful that God has provided all the resources (physical therapy etc.) that I need here in Cambodia.  

-Please pray for wisdom for me as I have started returning to regular ministry and life activities (as I am able). 

-Please pray for wisdom as we must start from scratch as we reconsider our plans and commitments for 2025 etc. (with my frequently changing physical capacity etc. in mind).

-Please pray for wisdom, health, and strength for Kayo and Benjamin as well as they must bear more burdens during this season.

In Christ’s Hands, Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin – Email Blog