Monthly Prayer Requests

Brian and Jill Kanyike – Kampala, Uganda

– Pray for Jill and Evelyn as they were in a car accident. They are okay but sore and bruised. The taxi they were in was very damaged. 
– Pray for Jill and her women’s study as they plan a VBS for the 1st week of December.  
– Pray for Luke as he just joined a basketball team and is getting used to the difficult practices. 
– Pray for Brian and Arise as they plan for the Christmas season. 

Thank you for praying for the Kanyike Family and the people of Uganda. 

In Him,
Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana – Email Blog

Matthew and Noelle Harris – Uganda

May God bless you for your continued love, prayers, and support of His work.  

This month please pray for:

– The adoption process of our daughter Apiyo Cynthia. In two weeks we will sit before the International Alternative Care Panel who will determine whether or not our case is eligible to be brought before court. Please pray that God would grant us their favor. 
– The 35 pastors who are training with us at Terebinth Bible College as they finish their 3-year journey through the entirety of God’s Word next month. Please pray that they will continue to fear God and His Word and that they will lead their churches to boldly represent the truth of the Gospel. 
– The lost of Gulu city as we have been experiencing an influx of Muslims, Mormons, and mad-people.  

This month please praise God with us that:

– We are currently in Kampala getting a psych evaluation for Apiyo that will help us better provide for her unique needs in the future. 
– Our college was inspected by the Ugandan National Council of Higher Education on the 7th of November. Praise God that the experts who inspected us were very impressed with the school and were very thankful for what we are doing in the community. 
– Our teammates, Luke and Hannah Buescher successfully gave birth to their first child, a healthy baby girl! 
God Bless You, 
The Harris Family – Email Blog

Paul and Claudia Boubion – Rosarito, Mexico

– For our Thursday night men’s discipleship group— that we would have vision for 2025.
– For Claudia’s Bilingual Women’s study— for new leaders and that we would have unity & love for the women God sends. 
– For the property we own— for protection against wicked men & theft + God’s peace!

In Him,
Paul, Claudia, Lydia, Poiema and Cristian – Email Blog

Deanna Jevas – Tijuana, Mexico

Blessings to all and thank you for praying for me! Here are my prayer requests for this month:  

– For my mom; specifically her left leg is giving her extreme pain. She has deep vein thrombosis, arthritis in her back, and other things! We have to make some decisions soon, so pray for wisdom and provision. 
– For two events coming up on Dec. 6th and 7th with CC Saving Grace! That God would touch hearts and transform lives through His Word that will be shared.  
– For more servants who are called to work with children, specifically in our afterschool program, and a teacher for the 8-11 year old class on Sunday. 
– For God’s wisdom in all of it! 

– Deanna Jevas – Email Blog
South America

Craig and Daisy Tippie – Huacho, Peru

Hello SGWM family, thank you all for faithfully praying for us. Please continue to pray for Daisy’s and my health.

– Daisy’s carpal tunnel is getting worse in both wrists, combined with something called trigger finger. She had already been operated on a few years back, but now it has come back. Pray for Daisy’s torn rotator cuff, which is painful in the mornings and when the day is winding down. 
– Craig is still experiencing pancreas issues and is taking medicine three times a day. Craig is also having severe pain in his hip, and it is limiting his physical activities.  
– Pray for the school of ministry which is in a slow season.  
– Pray for us as we are evaluating many tough decisions.

Thank you from our hearts, 
Craig and Daisy – Email Blog

Andrew Weakland – Peru

– Prayer that God can raise up a worship leader. 
– Prayer for our 3 outreaches in November and December. That many are saved in Moyobamba when we preach Christ. 
– Thankfulness to God for the church family and growth in friendships and quality time.  

Thanks for praying!

– Andrew Weakland – Email Blog
10/40 Window

The 10/40 Window

The 10/40 Window is a rectangular geographic area stretching from North Africa through the Middle East to Asia, covering 68 countries. Two-thirds of the world’s population live within the 10/40 Window.

Three out of every five people in the 10/40 Window have no access to the gospel. According to the Joshua Project, 68.6% of the 10/40 Window’s ethnic groups (5,984) are considered unreached, with a total population of 3.09 billion.(Some names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.)

Darryl and Kayo Record – Cambodia

Thank you for your faithful prayer cover!  God continues to bless and open doors in Cambodia.  

– Please pray for our Cambodia visa renewal process. We’ve had challenges in the past and are praying for a smooth process this year. 
– Please pray for Light Association/Light Times Magazine. We keep hitting what look like dead-end streets but we know that God has a way of turning dead-end streets into runways. 
– Please pray for me as I have started the process of researching for a new apologetics/evangelistic book for Cambodia, Japan, and possibly other countries. 
– Please pray for health, strength, wisdom, and favor for us both in our current ministries and as we look forward to the coming year and beyond.

In Christ’s Hands, 
Darryl, Kayo, and Benjamin – Email Blog