Dear Pastors, Leaders, and Supporters,
The passion of my heart is to reach the places where the name of Jesus has not reached.
We did a 5-day outreach by motorbike in two different states to 5 new villages that are about 400 km (250 miles) from my home.

As we know, this is the end times. Billions of people are leaving the earth without hearing the Good News. I thank God that He gave me the opportunity to go to such an area where no one has heard the name of Jesus Christ before. It is far from my home.
I began praying for a this village area about 3 months ago. Because of the floods, I could not go right away. As soon as the floods subsided, I planned to go there and spread the Good News in two villages.

As soon as I reached there and saw the love of the people and their hospitality and hunger and thirst for God’s Word, I decided to stay for 3 more days. I showed the Jesus film to them. I also read the Word of Jesus Christ to them, distributed New Testaments and 4 page Gospel tracts, and gave chocolates to the children.

While I was on the trip, I entered another state where I met tribal people. I talked to them and told them about Jesus Christ. They invited us to come and show the film of Jesus Christ on our screen. After talking to them, I felt that they were very hungry and thirsty to hear the Word of God. All of the men, women and children were roaming around only half-clothed. I did not take their photo because they might have gotten angry, since it was the first time I went.
On the way back, I had to ride my motorbike for about 400 kilometers (250 miles), which should usually take about 12 hours. A boy from my church came back with me on my bike. I drove the bike for 6-7 hours, then I let him drive the bike for a while. He drove the bike into a drain, and I got a slight injury on my right hand. By the grace of God, the swelling is going down now. The pain has also gone away.
May God bless you all!
Pastor & Mrs. 11*
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.