This is a question that I’ve asked myself multiple times while being in the Middle East. I had so many emotions, thoughts, and adjustments that made me feel weak, stuck, and left with no joy. Amidst the challenges I faced, I felt like the Lord wasn’t with me. I knew He was, but I didn’t feel it. I wanted to run away to the place that I know, which is home. Where I was comfortable. But the Lord was my help in this time of sadness. This newsletter is off to a good start haha! Nevertheless, God showed me things I’ve overlooked in the past. I needed to go through the thick of it, to know my Father better.
Before I talk more about my time there… hi! I am blessed to know you all. The messages and encouragement I’ve received from you while I’ve been on the field has made me feel so loved. It’s crazy how long I’ve been away. I’m grateful to the Lord for putting people in my life who love and care for me in this way. Truly, it has helped me through my highs and lows. I am praying for you all and hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family!

While it took me some time, eventually I realized that the joy of the Lord is my strength. When I am weak, He is strong. I have the joy of His salvation. He has given me my personality and gifts for a reason. He had been sanctifying me and working on me prior to that moment. He showed me that He had set me apart and called me to be a light in the midst of darkness. That means that even in the Middle East, I was to be the same light in the midst of a very dark land.
Then he said to them, “Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
My days consisted of language school, walking around the city, and spending time with the team and learning from them. I got to see what it’s like to live in the Middle East and see how the team shares the love of our Savior in another cultural context. My friends and I took language class together and had such a good teacher! We had many spiritual conversations with her and built a good relationship.
One night as I was praying, I asked the Lord to show me why I was there specifically in the ME. The next day He answered. This is when we had our first spiritual conversation with our teacher. She is very dedicated to her religion but she says she has read the Bible before, so she knows some stuff. We talked about the Holy Spirit and how Jesus left His Holy Spirit when He ascended to heaven. She also shared some things about her religion. It was good conversation. One thing she said, stuck with me. She shared how she thinks it’s good that we share with her because she likes to learn about what we believe. She said most of her friends are believers and they’re really good people. So, when people have their opinions about Christians, she is able to defend them. Many people think Christians to be liars. They say they love God but they still drink and party and live a worldly lifestyle. I wouldn’t blame them. They only see those who confess Christianity, but are not actually followers of our Lord. Our teacher said, “it’s good that you are here so that they know that you are really good people and that the bad stuff isn’t true.” It’s important that people see the love of Christ in us. In order for them to see this, we must BE there!
On to the Next
Now, I am in South Asia. I have been here for a month now. As soon as I got here, I was going through a stomach virus, which took about a week to recover. It really took me out. I am fully healed now and have been adjusting to the culture, the people, and the schedule here. I can’t wait to share more with you all in my next newsletter!
I thank you for your continued support in my calling through your prayers, finances, love, and time. Please send me your prayer requests so I know how to be praying for you too. If you are interested in partnering with me in the work of the Gospel for the first time or in new ways, I invite you to prayerfully consider one or more of the following:
Prayer: As I spend some time in different countries, there can be a lot of fear of the unknown. Not only from me, but my family as well. Please pray for my safety as I come and go from different places. Please pray for peace for my family. Also, as I go, that I would seek Him first and be a blessing to the workers I will be staying with. Please pray that my time on these vision tours are fruitful and that He would be glorified.
Financially: My heart is that you would be a part of what God is going to do in taking the gospel to the Unreached. If you feel led to give a one-time donation or monthly support, that would be a blessing to me. As of now, this financial support will cover the cost of flights, on-the-ground stay, language school, food, etc.
Encouragement: If you are not already signed up for my newsletter, I encourage you to sign up! This is where I give monthly updates and prayer requests, so you know what’s going on. I have started a group chat on an app called Signal. This is where I will be giving day-to-day updates about what I am doing and how you can keep praying. Please download the app Signal first and let me know if you would like to be in this group chat.
I love and appreciate you all!
In His Love,