We Are Weak, But He Is Strong – Pastor 15 update February 2025

Happy New Year!

May this New Year be filled with joy, peace and God’s abundant blessings! This new year is going to be a year of hope and harvest.

The last month of 2024 did not go well with us (humanly speaking). Five people whom we knew went to be with the Lord. My wife’s uncle was one of them. He died early in the morning on December 24th.

We could not do as much outreach during the Christmas season as we did in previous years. We needed permission from the government officials of the town to be allowed do any Christian activity. We had planned to do prison ministry and school evangelism, but we were not given permission. Nevertheless, we were able to invite non-Christian children to our church on December 21st and do a program for them. The Gospel message was shared with them through songs, skits, and a short message.

We had a Christmas rally on December 15. Thousands of Christians from all of the churches of the town gathered together and marched through the streets of the town singing carols and Gospel songs and preaching Gospel messages. Since it was organised by all of the churches through an association, permission for the rally was granted.

Each evening, from December 16-19, we, along with members from our church, went to different locations in the town to sing carols and visit Christian families. In front of Christians’ houses we sang carols and Gospel songs. We shared short Gospel messages that their neighbors could hear. We didn’t need permission from the government to do this.

The Lord has opened up a Hindu family for us to share the Gospel with. The man in the family was previously in an accident. He had a problem in his backbone, but had recovered after being treated. A few months ago he was sitting on a chair and fell down. No one knows how he fell down. He hurt his neck and was paralyzed. He got surgery, but it did not help. We have been visiting his family for the last two months. We read God’s Word, give a short exhortation and pray for him. Please pray for God’s miraculous healing for him. His wife has been attending our Sunday services.

Praise the Lord that we could do something for His glory during this Christmas season. We know that we are weak, but He is strong.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support throughout 2024.

Co-workers in Christ,

Pastor 15* Family

*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.