Greetings family!!! Well, most of you know that Acapulco has struggled with corruption and cartels. This has always been “normal” but recently there has been a surge of violence throughout the whole city. There is a current fight for power and everyone suffers because of it. Just a few days ago our next-door neighbors had a home invasion. They were taken at gun point by three men and they stole my neighbor’s whole life savings. We were next door when it happened but didn’t see or hear anything at the time. We ask that you please continue to pray for our safety as well as the safety for the church. We also ask that you please pray the Lord opens a door to minister to these cartels. They need Jesus just as much as the next guy.
Praise the Lord
The Lord continues to bring more and more brothers and sisters to His feet and we get the great honor of receiving them and baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. We have had the privilege of doing baptisms at the beach and in a pool. This was the first time we were able to do it in the sanctuary so that everyone could be a part of it. It was beautiful!

Childrens Ministry
We love the children’s ministry!! Our good friend and pastor Stef Mitrano taught us that they (the children) are not the church of the future, like so many teach, they are the church of today!! We have a desire to build up this ministry for the little ones. If the Lord allows, we would like to build extra rooms on the top floor. This will be a big job, so we ask for your prayers.

Time for a little break

This past month has been a real challenge for us. I (Hassan) suffered my third seizure and have had heart issues and the doctors still don’t know why. I will be heading to the states for more studies to determine the cause. I will also take advantage of this trip for a little break. The work here is nonstop and my body is asking for a little relief. But more importantly it’s a good time for me to sit at the Lord’s feet and receive His word with Stacy by my side. We have had many tribulations and now is a good time to take a break and hear from Him. We want to come back stronger and healthier than before. We are in it for the long haul.
It’s a blessing to know we can leave the church in good hands, for the time being. Both P. Mike and Josemi have been faithful servants and great teachers. We also have so many amazing leaders that will be stepping up in our absence. We are excited to see everyone do their part. “Unless the LORD builds a house, They who build it labor in vain;” Psalm 127:1