The Pavel Family – May 2019 Update


“Webster argues that the Protestant church itself is in need of evangelization, since it has been heavily influenced by radical pluralism, individualism and relativism.”Christian Apologetics in the Postmodern World – Phillips, Timothy & Okholm, Dennis (1995)

1 Timothy 1:5-6 read, Now the goal of our instruction is love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. Some have deviated from these and turned aside to fruitless discussion. (HCSB)

This April I have had the privilege to share about the importance of God having a plan to save me and the youth listening to me. This generation especially children of trauma have a hard time believing the Gospel of Christ’s death and resurrection. While none of them would go so far as to say the event did not occur, but when asked if they would repent and commit their lives to Christ, learn His teaching, and obey his commands, they shrug and have responded by saying when they see the church doing so then they will too.

Some of you may know young people like this. Some of you may have encountered or taught young people and responded in various ways but hearing a young person say this still stings with truth. I can’t ignore their proposition but what I have been able to demonstrate is what 1 Timothy 1:5-6 shares. As a teacher, mentor, pastor, and disciple maker, my technique must be in love because that’s the way Jesus responded and spoke to people in His ministry. I’ve noticed that all the power and testimony found in the resurrection account misses its mark in another person if I don’t use the love from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith.

These virtues have been so difficult for me to achieve. I can not maintain consistency in my own power and I have had to simply cry out to the Lord to demonstrate His power in my weakness. It’s in this moment precisely that the Gospel of the Resurrection of Christ comes alive because I realize this is the tangible object of my belief in God. I can not teach, mentor, preach or make disciples for God without this object of faith.

So, this is my encouragement to the faithful brothers and sisters who are among a generation that is saturated in pluralism, individualism, and relativism. Let the Gospel message be the singular truth, be communal, and be dependent on God to get a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith in God’s goodness.

Pray for this generation because they desperately need it. They must be prepared if they are to survive the traps set for them throughout their lives.

Thank you for your love and prayers,
The Pavel Family – Serving in Oradea, Romania