Dear Ministry Partners,
Greetings to you all in the matchless name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

We had a massive amount of rainfall, in our state. Four people, including a child, were swept away in the flood waters in different parts of our state. Bodies of two people have been recovered. The road routes between our state and the neighboring states have been disrupted. More than 100 villages have turned into islands (become surrounded with water). A truck full of grain was also washed away in water. A CoBRA (Commando Battalion for Resolute Action) army was also swept away while crossing a rivulet. This news was published in ‘The Times” of our country. In addition many other places, of our town was affected by the flood.

We deeply express our heartfelt gratitude to the almighty God for His grace and mercy upon my family. At the same time, we appreciate each one of you for your valuable prayers and financial support. Because of your financial help, we are able to move forward with the Gospel of Christ Jesus to the unreached without any worry. As a family we have been praying for you, for your family, ministry, job and businesses. May the good God bless you with all resources and good health.

I would like to share the story of one of our new students at Calvary Bible Institute. His name is SD*. He is from another state. He was born and brought up in a Hindu family. His father was demon possessed. Because of that, many times he used to go unconscious. The family members took him to the temple and to many sorceresses, but he did not get any relief.
One day, a Hindu man came to his home and told his family, “Some of my relatives went to a church for prayer and they are okay now.” The man suggested that they should also try going.
So listening to Hindu man’s words, they took their demon-possessed father and went to a church. They met the pastor and the pastor shared the Gospel of Jesus with them and prayed. By God’s grace his father was delivered completely! He was set a free from the evil bondage after having the problem for 4-years. Through this, the whole family accepted the Lord as their personal Savior. Since then they are believers. Now brother SD* has committed his life to God’s ministry.

In the month of July we started our new semester of CBI. By God’s grace, all the classes are going very well. This semester I am teaching the book of Exodus. Every week we take our students to do practical ministry where they are able to lead and share from Bible.

My daughter’s new school year has started. This year she is in 11th grade.
Prayer Requests:
- Kindly pray for area that is affected by the flood. May God help them recover all that they have lost.
- Please pray for brother SD* and his family to continue to grow in the Lord. As he studies at CBI, May God give him the wisdom to understand and learn.
- Please pray for the new semester at CBI. May God help all the teachers and may they teach well. May God open the minds of students to understand the Bible.
- Continue to pray for my daughter’s education to go well.
- Continue to pray for the growth and needs of our local church
- Kindly pray for me and my family. May the Lord use us for the expansion of His kingdom.
Thank you very much for your prayers and support!!
In Him,
Pastor 3* and Family
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.