The Kanyike Update December 2024

“That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.”

1 John 1:3-4

Dear Friends and Family,

Merry Christmas!

I know that by the time this newsletter reaches you, you most likely will have already celebrated Christmas and I pray that it was a wonderful time with family and friends celebrating of our Savior’s birth. 

As for us, Brian began his Sunday morning Christmas series and taught on the significance of the characters in the Christmas story.  Each week focused on specific characters and on Christmas he shared specifically on Jesus.  My women’s study went though the names of God and for our Christmas message we looked at the prophecy of Jesus in Isaiah 9:6, “For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” I was excited to prepare for this because I have seen how studying the names of God has already impacted the ladies significantly.  The children’s ministry also prepared so many activities.  We had a kids’ day that focused on the gifts God has given us. The older youth had a conference in Northern Uganda with the youth from South Sudan.  The children also put on a Christmas play.

I also wanted to mention that after the Thanksgiving season, I was reminded of what a gift people’s testimonies are to us and how they help others know them and God better. I thought what better way to enter this season of Christmas and New Year then sharing some of these testimonies and the blessing they have been to us. 

The first one I want to share is from Wes Bently. He recently shared at our church.  Everyone knows him and knows he is the director of Far Reaching Ministries and that he and his wife minister in many countries.  When Wes shared at the church, he shared about how he came to where he is now.  The beginning of the ministry was a step of faith, leaving the security of secular employment.  He shared how daily he had to trust in the Lord not only for direction but for provision of simple everyday needs.  It took time, obedience and much prayer for the ministry to develop and become what it is today.  It also took knowing that whatever we have is from God and that when we share it with others He will bless us with more to keep sharing. 

This message really impacted the church.  As you know, most of our church comes from the slums and market place but through this message realized that they too can be used by God and it’s not about how much they have but what they are willing to share, even if all they have is the love of Christ!

Recently, we had 2 ladies who work in the FRM office come through the guest house.  They happened to be around during my women’s Bible study.  I asked them if after the study they wanted to share anything with the ladies.  One of the ladies who shared had a testimony that really challenged the ladies as they could relate so well to it.  She shared about how when she first got invited to a Bible study she was a single mother and that she really agreed to go to the Bible study only because she was told they would have donuts and snacks and she was poor so she wanted to eat.  She shared how she would ride her bike there with her baby on her back and she would just stare at the food waiting for when they would say it was time to eat. 

She said that after a while of attending she began becoming more interested in what the teacher was saying than the food.  This resonated with my ladies who are mostly very poor and almost all are single mothers or daughters of single mothers.  I was aware of a couple who come mostly for the food but I have been praying that as they also hear the Word, their lives will be changed and they will hunger and thirst for righteousness as well. A while after that Bible study, one of the ladies asked to give a testimony at church and in her testimony she referenced both Wes’ and these ladies’ testimonies on how she used to have different motives for coming to church and Bible study and even used to be in sin while coming. But after seeing, hearing and experiencing the love of God through the brothers and sisters at church, she realized that Christ loves her and she loves Him. She is so thankful that even through the times of wrong motives, God was calling her to Himself and she is now living for Him.

The last testimony that recently was shared was from Brian.  We were reading through Exodus at home when we came to Exodus 14:13-14, “ But Moses said to the people, “Don’t be afraid. Stand firm and see the Lord’s salvation that he will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians you see today, you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you must be quiet.”  He said the verse brought back memories from when he was around 7 and his family had to flee their home because the fighting of the war came so near. He felt led to teach these verses and to share this testimony with the church.  He shared how they ran and ran and then they saw this little dilapidated mud house and they ran inside.  He said he was with his mom and baby sister and there were others with children as well. He said that in those moments they could hear the guns and fighting and knew that the mud walls couldn’t protect them. But those verses about being still, being quiet, and about God’s salvation spoke to them.  Even the babies did not cry.  God delivered them that day and the fighting moved away from there and they were safe to go the rest of the way to a camp that was set up near the lake for families displaced by the war.  He and the church praise God that his family and so many others were saved and that since then there has been no war in Uganda.

Thank you for praying for our family and for the people of Uganda.

In Him,

    Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana


  • I am so thankful for the many testimonies the Lord has blessed us with ourselves and for those that have been shared with us by others.
  • We are thankful for our church family: for those who come to serve, those who come to hear, and even those who come for the food.  We pray that all will find Jesus and the blessing of knowing Him personally.
  • We are thankful for the visitors who come through and bless us with their teaching, testimonies, and outreach.
  • Pray for Arise Christian Fellowship as they finalize all their plans for the new year.
  • Pray for the Kanyike family as they continue to serve the Lord in Uganda. Pray for their spiritual life as well as their physical needs.
  • Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
  • Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.