The Greatest Gift of All! – Pappas Update December 2024

And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.

– Matthew 1:21

Merry Christmas Everyone!

At Thanksgiving, I (Tim) was asked the question, “if you could pick one word that would describe the last year. What would it be and why?” I picked the word “wow.”  Why would I use the one word “wow” to describe the last year? It’s because as I look back at all that God has let us put our hands to this year, all I could think to say was wow. Many of you have received and read our updates throughout the year and I’m sure you would agree with me. If you haven’t, then please visit our blog and catch up on all that happened this year!

Looking back at the last couple of months is a big WOW. June through October was an incredible season, starting with six weeks in Mexico at the Calvary School of Missions. CSOM is where I (Tim) get to direct the school, assisted by my beautiful wife and an incredible team of past graduates, who are in training, learning skills that will assist them on the mission field (please read last month‘s update for further information on that). At the end of the six weeks in Mexico, we came back to the states for two weeks in order to regroup and wrap up the admin portion of CSOM. Early September, we launched out to Thailand and South Asia for six more weeks to lead a few students on a vision tour, visit the church plants, and workers there, and host in Thailand one of the most incredible conferences that I’ve ever been to. We had close to 50 SGWM “Workers” gathered,  many of them serve in countries where it is illegal to preach the gospel or share the Bible with the intent to convert someone to christianity.

After Thailand, we went to South Asia where we had opportunity to teach at some of the Bible colleges and churches. We were able to help strengthen, encourage, and counsel senior pastors and their wives who are in the church plants within restricted country. They serve where Christians are highly persecuted and where the gospel is not welcomed. Pastor Gary and myself also had the privilege of teaching systematic theology and the book of Colossians at two of the Bible colleges there. It is such an incredible privilege to be able to train up future church planters and pastors in a country where over 1 billion people have never heard the name of Jesus and are completely deceived and lost in Hinduism. 

The photo below is CBI Kauai singing the Goodness of God with hand motions. It truly was really beautiful.

The theme verse of the conference is our life verse.
It truly was a blessing to see all the workers from SGWM come together in one place (a rare occasion) Greeting each and everyone as they arrived to the resort. Seeing how happy they were to see everyone was a true gift.

I’ll pitch it over to my wife Jenn for some of her highlights of our time.

Meeting the pastor’s wife from Pakistan for the 1st time, spending time with her, and hearing her heart for women of Pakistan blessed me (Jenn) a lot. She has the same desires as I do with biblical counseling and encouraging the broken women. I look forward to continuing to support and encourage her through the next season of her ministry. Her older son gave his life to Jesus at the conference. Hallelujah!!

I also spent time with another pastor’s wife from South Asia who has been serving on the field for many many years. I loved hearing her heart and challenges on the field and praying for her. She was encouraged by the conference to get more involved with her ministry and with the students at the Bible school in South Asia. Tim and I also spent time as a couple with the other couples, listening to them, praying with them, and encouraging them.

We also had a new MTS student and a returning MTS student with us in South Asia on a vision tour. One of the students stayed in south Asia for 6 months on a vision tour. It was her second time in south Asia and she feels led to this country.

Spending time at each church plant in South Asia with the workers on the ground was very fruitful. We got to see one of the relocated new churches and see how their ministry has grown. I was able to share my testimony at 2 locations and teach at a women’s conference at another church. The women even had a sleepover which I hadn’t done in many years. It was fun to see the women’s home and learn their culture. We were able to stay at one of the worker’s home for 1 week and spend intimate time with them and their new baby.

I was amazed at how quickly one of the MTS students who just completed CSOM, threw himself in the midst of all the Lord has been doing in South Asia at one of the church plants. He was passionate about learning a song to sing and successfully DID!! 

Then after some days Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us now go back and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord, and see how they are doing.”

Acts 15:37

We really love this verse, it motivates us to do what we do. 

Coming back into the country in mid-October felt like we were busier than ever. MTS (missions training school) was launching in one week and there was so much work to do. By God’s grace we completed enrollments, scheduling, census, curriculum, and syllabus. It is off to a great start and we are looking forward to what the Lord will do with this year’s 19 students. 

As we close out 2024 we are beyond grateful to our great God and King for the most incredible gift ever given… forgiveness of our sins and reconciliation with Him through the shed blood of His son Jesus Christ. We deeply desire the whole world to hear this good news. We are also grateful for each and everyone of you who are in our corner financially, emotionally, and prayerfully. If the Lord leads you to join us financially, or increase your already generous support, you can do so by clicking here to become a financial partner or mailing your support check to:
Saving Grace World Missions

17451 Bastanchury Rd., Ste.203 Yorba Linda, CA 62886

*Note Pappas support in memo

All for His Glory, 

Tim and Jenn Pappas